Monday, January 13, 2025, 7:00 to 7:40 PM ET: Zoom planning meeting: addressing the Pinellas County Commission to stop water fluoridation:
Zoom meeting: • password: water
Whether you're e-mailing and/or speaking to the Commission on Tuesday, let's teach each other and avoid redundancy to maximize our informational impact.
Zoom meeting: • password: water
Whether you're e-mailing and/or speaking to the Commission on Tuesday, let's teach each other and avoid redundancy to maximize our informational impact.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, 9:30 AM, Clearwater, Florida
Tell the Pinellas County Commission to stop adding fluorides to our water
RSVP and join in conversation in the Facebook event at and the Meetup event at
Join in-person, by Zoom, or by phone:
► In-person (no pre-registration required): 333 Chestnut Street, ░▒▓► Palm Room ◄▓▒░, Clearwater, Florida 33756 • map: Each person is allowed three minutes to speak; four people can delegate their time to a fifth person (e.g. dentists, pro's, experts), to be allowed 10 minutes to speak.
► Register to address the commission via Zoom, phone, or in-person at Once you sign up to join via Zoom or phone, the following info. will be given:
"To offer public comments virtually via Zoom (preferred) or by phone, visit or call the Zoom webinar at one of the following numbers: 1-646-558-8656; or 1-312-626-6799; or 1-301-715-8592; or 1-346-248-7799; or 1-720-707-2699; or 1-253-215-8782. The Webinar ID number is 238 247 671.
If you log in using Zoom, make sure the name displayed is your actual name so you can be recognized and unmuted. To rename yourself in Zoom, hover over your name in the participants list and choose Rename.
You will be called by name to speak when it is your turn. You will need to unmute yourself. Give your name and where you live, and you will have three minutes to address the Board. If you have registered to speak at a public hearing on behalf of a group and all of your group members are virtually present, you will have ten minutes to speak."
Learn more and organize:
► Tampa Bay Water Freedom group:
► Pinellas Fluoride Ends Now group:
► Fluoride Free Tampa Bay group:
► Fluoride Free Florida group:
► •
► Links in the category "Safer Water; Anti-Water Fluoridation; Environmental, Natural, Fluoride-Free and Mercury-Free Dentistry" at
► My Water Fluoridation Blog at
► Stand for Health Freedom's guide to ending water fluoridation: - thanks to the power couple, Jill and Scott Kiley, whose e-mail addresses are posted on this page.
► 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation:
► Government Report: Multiple Studies Show Fluoridation Can Lower Child IQ | Fluoride Action Network, January 6, 2025:
► NIH/NTP Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ + Exclusive Interviews With Ryan ole, M.D. | Children's Health Defense, January 8, 2025:
► Fluoride and the Phosphate Connection by George C. Glasser:
► Phosphate Fluorides: Toxic Torts by Gary O. Pittman:
► Water Break by Skip Miller, The Health Journal, February 24, 2011:
Join in-person, by Zoom, or by phone:
► In-person (no pre-registration required): 333 Chestnut Street, ░▒▓► Palm Room ◄▓▒░, Clearwater, Florida 33756 • map: Each person is allowed three minutes to speak; four people can delegate their time to a fifth person (e.g. dentists, pro's, experts), to be allowed 10 minutes to speak.
► Register to address the commission via Zoom, phone, or in-person at Once you sign up to join via Zoom or phone, the following info. will be given:
"To offer public comments virtually via Zoom (preferred) or by phone, visit or call the Zoom webinar at one of the following numbers: 1-646-558-8656; or 1-312-626-6799; or 1-301-715-8592; or 1-346-248-7799; or 1-720-707-2699; or 1-253-215-8782. The Webinar ID number is 238 247 671.
If you log in using Zoom, make sure the name displayed is your actual name so you can be recognized and unmuted. To rename yourself in Zoom, hover over your name in the participants list and choose Rename.
You will be called by name to speak when it is your turn. You will need to unmute yourself. Give your name and where you live, and you will have three minutes to address the Board. If you have registered to speak at a public hearing on behalf of a group and all of your group members are virtually present, you will have ten minutes to speak."
Learn more and organize:
► Tampa Bay Water Freedom group:
► Pinellas Fluoride Ends Now group:
► Fluoride Free Tampa Bay group:
► Fluoride Free Florida group:
► •
► Links in the category "Safer Water; Anti-Water Fluoridation; Environmental, Natural, Fluoride-Free and Mercury-Free Dentistry" at
► My Water Fluoridation Blog at
► Stand for Health Freedom's guide to ending water fluoridation: - thanks to the power couple, Jill and Scott Kiley, whose e-mail addresses are posted on this page.
► 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation:
► Government Report: Multiple Studies Show Fluoridation Can Lower Child IQ | Fluoride Action Network, January 6, 2025:
► NIH/NTP Study Finds Fluoride Lowers IQ + Exclusive Interviews With Ryan ole, M.D. | Children's Health Defense, January 8, 2025:
► Fluoride and the Phosphate Connection by George C. Glasser:
► Phosphate Fluorides: Toxic Torts by Gary O. Pittman:
► Water Break by Skip Miller, The Health Journal, February 24, 2011:
░▒▓► Federal Court Rules That Water Fluoridation Poses an “Unreasonable Risk” to Children | By Stuart Cooper, Fluoride Action Network, September 26, 2024:
Thanks to this astounding development, it's time to go back to the Pinellas County Commission to state the case against water fluoridation. 13 years ago in 2011 we became the largest municipality in the southeastern US to end water fluoridation, thanks to the County Commission: The reprieve lasted for the year of 2012, as in November 2012, despite a super-majority opposing water fluoridation, it was reinstated, effective January 1, 2013, as a result of the needed votes of two new commissioners, Charlie Justice and Janet Long, whose central plank of their campaigns was to bring water fluoridation back to a vote. For getting the massive supermajority opposing water fluoridation that was able to fill the meeting room at least five times over -- with each batch who had addressed the Commission having to leave the room to make room for the next, who had been watching the meeting downstairs -- I give the most credit to Dennis Pavluk, reporter at 970 AM WFLA. As he was on my e-mail list that also included local news outlets when I wrote to encourage folks to address the County Commission, he interviewed me by phone the day before the vote at which water fluoridation was later restarted. The day of the vote, at every half-hour news break the station played a different, very fairly-edited clip from our interview, announcing the Commission meeting and vote was taking place. Despite the Commission meeting having been in the middle of a week day and the announcement on 970 AM WFLA having been made the same day of the vote, for the first time we had not just a majority opposing water fluoridation, but the super-majority, indicating most folks are both educated and motivated to take action.
Other than persuading a municipality (city council or county commission) to end water fluoridation, PACs (political action committees) are the way to go. Only a PAC can (1) circulate petitions and, if successful at gaining enough qualified signatures, (2) place the petition initiative on the next ballot and, if successful, (3) amend a city charter, county charter, or even state constitution, absent action by the Florida Constitution Revision Commission. Through a PAC, petition circulators are compensated for their hard work. An initiative could be phrased to specifically prevent any and all forms of forced medication, not just water fluoridation and so-called, "vaccinations." Bev Harris (,, featured in the popular HBO documentary, "Hacking Democracy," helped in the effort for San Marcos, Texas, to end water fluoridation in 2015 via PAC, bypassing the city council. In 2013 Portland, Oregon ended water fluoridation by the same process. On her April 21, 2016, appearance on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley (, she told me that to discourage election-rigging by documenting attempts at it, not only would poll watchers be needed, but also central tabulator watchers. The amendment process is rigorous, but if successful, can overcome the control of city councils, county commissions, and state legislatures. Plus the same rigorous process -- and not the whims of said legislators -- is required for such an amendment to be repealed. Pointing this out to legislators might motivate them to vote in accordance with the will of the people, lest their legislative power be made moot via PAC.
In addition to the aforesaid federal court ruling (, another good reason to stop water fluoridation is to fund repairing from damage caused by Hurricanes Helene and especially Milton and reinforcing the water works, $185,000 (per, last time I checked 12 years ago) or more per year can be saved by stopping water fluoridation in Pinellas County. We must do with so much less so that big phosphate can have more?
We also need to demand the water fluoridation equipment be removed and hopefully auctioned or otherwise sold for scrap. In 2011 the commissioners who were persuaded to end water fluoridation surprisingly wouldn't vote to remove the equipment. We need to also let the commissioners know that once water fluoridation is ended, whether by their vote or by PAC, we'll be independently monitoring for changes in levels of toxins, like fluoride, which should all go down once phosphate mining's "industrial discharge" ( is no longer added to the water. More:
► Fluoride and the Phosphate Connection by George C. Glasser, Earth Island Journal, Volume 13, Number N3, Summer 1998: (pioneering work)
► Phosphate Fluorides Toxic Torts by Gary O. Pittman: (Mosaic Phosphate Mining Company former employee and whistleblower)
► The Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: An Environmental Overview | Fluoride Action Network, June 11, 2012:
► Fluoride: Disposing of Mining Waste Through Your Body:
► For more articles, search Fluoride Action Network's website for "phosphate:"
Although no license exists for mass-medication, pro-water fluoridation commissioners would be practicing medicine without a license if the additive were FDA-regulated, though they're acting as terrorists by adding to our water admitted "industrial discharge" containing hundreds of toxins, like metals and radioactive isotopes (alpha- and beta-photon emitters shown in the Reports). Per the aforesaid Report (, the "likely source of contamination" for many other contaminants is "discharge from refineries and factories" and the like. Calling WMNF years ago on the topic I was likely to be dismissed with arguments often invoking Dr. Strangelove. In recent years and weeks calling other hosts on WMNF, like Dr. Fred Harvey on Mondays at 10 AM, I haven't been dismissed. I think a key to catching the attention of progressives on the water fluoridation issue is to educate on the "industrial discharge" sold by phosphate companies at a profit, rather than having to pay to dispose of it as safely as possible. Especially because phosphate mining is notorious for environmental devastation, progressives are more likely to get onboard ending water fluoridation.
E-mail all the commissioners (copy and paste this e-mail list):
Pinellas County Commissioner Chris Scherer <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner Brian Scott <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner Vince Nowicki <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner Dave Eggers <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner Chris Latvala <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner Kathleen Peters <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner René Flowers <[email protected]>
At large (countywide) districts 1-3:
District 1: Chris Scherer: [email protected]
District 2: Brian Scott: [email protected]
District 3: Vince Nowicki: [email protected]
Single member commission districts:
District 4: Dave Eggers: [email protected]
District 5: Chris Latvala: [email protected]
District 6: Kathleen Peters: [email protected]
District 7: René Flowers: [email protected]
Recent Florida victories ending water fluoridation:
Perry, FL: Aug 2023
Starke, FL: Aug 2023
Collier County, FL : Feb 2024
Brooksville, FL: April 2024
Sebring, FL: Sep 2024
Live Oak, FL: Oct 2024
Winter Haven, FL: Nov 2024
Stuart, FL: Nov 2024
Naples, FL: Dec 2024
Tavares, FL: Dec 2024
Port St. Lucie, FL: Dec 2024
Lake Alfred, FL: Dec 2024
Palm Bay, FL: Jan 2025
Niceville, FL: Jan 2025
Melbourne, FL: Jan 2025
Imokalee, FL: Jan 2025
Ormond Beach, FL: Jan 2025
Fort Pierce, FL: Jan 2025
Lee County, FL; Feb 2025
Presently, Florida has 13 out of the 37 nationwide:
Communities That Have Ended Fluoridation Since The Fluoride Ruling | Fluoride Action Network, January 2, 2025 [and updated often]:
Thanks to this astounding development, it's time to go back to the Pinellas County Commission to state the case against water fluoridation. 13 years ago in 2011 we became the largest municipality in the southeastern US to end water fluoridation, thanks to the County Commission: The reprieve lasted for the year of 2012, as in November 2012, despite a super-majority opposing water fluoridation, it was reinstated, effective January 1, 2013, as a result of the needed votes of two new commissioners, Charlie Justice and Janet Long, whose central plank of their campaigns was to bring water fluoridation back to a vote. For getting the massive supermajority opposing water fluoridation that was able to fill the meeting room at least five times over -- with each batch who had addressed the Commission having to leave the room to make room for the next, who had been watching the meeting downstairs -- I give the most credit to Dennis Pavluk, reporter at 970 AM WFLA. As he was on my e-mail list that also included local news outlets when I wrote to encourage folks to address the County Commission, he interviewed me by phone the day before the vote at which water fluoridation was later restarted. The day of the vote, at every half-hour news break the station played a different, very fairly-edited clip from our interview, announcing the Commission meeting and vote was taking place. Despite the Commission meeting having been in the middle of a week day and the announcement on 970 AM WFLA having been made the same day of the vote, for the first time we had not just a majority opposing water fluoridation, but the super-majority, indicating most folks are both educated and motivated to take action.
Other than persuading a municipality (city council or county commission) to end water fluoridation, PACs (political action committees) are the way to go. Only a PAC can (1) circulate petitions and, if successful at gaining enough qualified signatures, (2) place the petition initiative on the next ballot and, if successful, (3) amend a city charter, county charter, or even state constitution, absent action by the Florida Constitution Revision Commission. Through a PAC, petition circulators are compensated for their hard work. An initiative could be phrased to specifically prevent any and all forms of forced medication, not just water fluoridation and so-called, "vaccinations." Bev Harris (,, featured in the popular HBO documentary, "Hacking Democracy," helped in the effort for San Marcos, Texas, to end water fluoridation in 2015 via PAC, bypassing the city council. In 2013 Portland, Oregon ended water fluoridation by the same process. On her April 21, 2016, appearance on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley (, she told me that to discourage election-rigging by documenting attempts at it, not only would poll watchers be needed, but also central tabulator watchers. The amendment process is rigorous, but if successful, can overcome the control of city councils, county commissions, and state legislatures. Plus the same rigorous process -- and not the whims of said legislators -- is required for such an amendment to be repealed. Pointing this out to legislators might motivate them to vote in accordance with the will of the people, lest their legislative power be made moot via PAC.
In addition to the aforesaid federal court ruling (, another good reason to stop water fluoridation is to fund repairing from damage caused by Hurricanes Helene and especially Milton and reinforcing the water works, $185,000 (per, last time I checked 12 years ago) or more per year can be saved by stopping water fluoridation in Pinellas County. We must do with so much less so that big phosphate can have more?
We also need to demand the water fluoridation equipment be removed and hopefully auctioned or otherwise sold for scrap. In 2011 the commissioners who were persuaded to end water fluoridation surprisingly wouldn't vote to remove the equipment. We need to also let the commissioners know that once water fluoridation is ended, whether by their vote or by PAC, we'll be independently monitoring for changes in levels of toxins, like fluoride, which should all go down once phosphate mining's "industrial discharge" ( is no longer added to the water. More:
► Fluoride and the Phosphate Connection by George C. Glasser, Earth Island Journal, Volume 13, Number N3, Summer 1998: (pioneering work)
► Phosphate Fluorides Toxic Torts by Gary O. Pittman: (Mosaic Phosphate Mining Company former employee and whistleblower)
► The Phosphate Fertilizer Industry: An Environmental Overview | Fluoride Action Network, June 11, 2012:
► Fluoride: Disposing of Mining Waste Through Your Body:
► For more articles, search Fluoride Action Network's website for "phosphate:"
Although no license exists for mass-medication, pro-water fluoridation commissioners would be practicing medicine without a license if the additive were FDA-regulated, though they're acting as terrorists by adding to our water admitted "industrial discharge" containing hundreds of toxins, like metals and radioactive isotopes (alpha- and beta-photon emitters shown in the Reports). Per the aforesaid Report (, the "likely source of contamination" for many other contaminants is "discharge from refineries and factories" and the like. Calling WMNF years ago on the topic I was likely to be dismissed with arguments often invoking Dr. Strangelove. In recent years and weeks calling other hosts on WMNF, like Dr. Fred Harvey on Mondays at 10 AM, I haven't been dismissed. I think a key to catching the attention of progressives on the water fluoridation issue is to educate on the "industrial discharge" sold by phosphate companies at a profit, rather than having to pay to dispose of it as safely as possible. Especially because phosphate mining is notorious for environmental devastation, progressives are more likely to get onboard ending water fluoridation.
E-mail all the commissioners (copy and paste this e-mail list):
Pinellas County Commissioner Chris Scherer <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner Brian Scott <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner Vince Nowicki <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner Dave Eggers <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner Chris Latvala <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner Kathleen Peters <[email protected]>, Pinellas County Commissioner René Flowers <[email protected]>
At large (countywide) districts 1-3:
District 1: Chris Scherer: [email protected]
District 2: Brian Scott: [email protected]
District 3: Vince Nowicki: [email protected]
Single member commission districts:
District 4: Dave Eggers: [email protected]
District 5: Chris Latvala: [email protected]
District 6: Kathleen Peters: [email protected]
District 7: René Flowers: [email protected]
Recent Florida victories ending water fluoridation:
Perry, FL: Aug 2023
Starke, FL: Aug 2023
Collier County, FL : Feb 2024
Brooksville, FL: April 2024
Sebring, FL: Sep 2024
Live Oak, FL: Oct 2024
Winter Haven, FL: Nov 2024
Stuart, FL: Nov 2024
Naples, FL: Dec 2024
Tavares, FL: Dec 2024
Port St. Lucie, FL: Dec 2024
Lake Alfred, FL: Dec 2024
Palm Bay, FL: Jan 2025
Niceville, FL: Jan 2025
Melbourne, FL: Jan 2025
Imokalee, FL: Jan 2025
Ormond Beach, FL: Jan 2025
Fort Pierce, FL: Jan 2025
Lee County, FL; Feb 2025
Presently, Florida has 13 out of the 37 nationwide:
Communities That Have Ended Fluoridation Since The Fluoride Ruling | Fluoride Action Network, January 2, 2025 [and updated often]: