Facebook Activity Log for Chris Steiner (www.facebook.com/chris.steiner1)
January 1, 2013 - June 6, 2013
Because Facebook omits many posts as shown by one's own activity log, I must manually post my activity log as proof.
- Today [June 6, 2013]
- Chris likes Phytomins.Phytomins Health/Medical/Pharmacy
- Chris commented on a link.Rick Scott Arrests Sheriff for Protecting 2nd Amendment www.wyllieforgovernor.comSee also http://wyllieforgovernor.com/challenger-attacks-gov-scott-on-sheriffs-arrest
Adrian, at last night's meeting I named Florida Statute 790.25 as I'm familiar with it, having been falsely charged four times in two separate incidents for purportedly carrying a concealed weapon in contravention of it. This may not be relevant to Sheriff Finch's arrest, but I cite it and the supporting Florida ...See More - Chris likes a link.School district apologizes after students' irises scanned www.myfoxatlanta.com"...but the ball was dropped."
"..opprotunity to opt out."
Same old shit for your child's SAFETY...why not an opprotunity to "opt in"...??? Why is enrollment always automatic. Oh, one of them is taking "full responsibility"
for this....how nice...Mika's school tried to make her palm scan, she knew better and didn't do it...
http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/story/22466200/school-district-apologizes-after-students-irises-scanned-polk-county-florida - Chris likes a photo.Profile Pictures
- Chris likes a link.Malissa Myers My wife Malissa and her new band, PANCO, lightin' up the Pepper Fest...
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos More from this past Sunday's Pepper Fest...
- Chris commented on a post.DISCO PLAYLIST - ORIGINAL RHAPSODY 1972 STYLE When I click on the video Youtube says, "This video does not exist." But when I click on the link below, it brings up a playlist. So it's a playlist, right?
- Chris likes Jonathan Livingston Seagull.Jonathan Livingston Seagull Book
- Yesterday
- Chris shared John C Junstrom's link.John C Junstrom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Rk-cB8f0I4&feature=share
- Chris likes a post.Close to 100 people protest outside the IRS building in Tampa concerned over government overreach Video from ABC28 Tampa....BIG MOUTH AT IT AGAIN WITH HIS 35 WATT THUNDERPOWER MEGAHORN....I can be seen in the opening scene..."Obama knew"....surprisingly I was the only one there with a megahorn.
- Chris posted a link to Timothy J Rodocker's timeline.True Side Effects of LASIK Eye Surgery Revealed - Dean Kantis #N3
- Chris shared Adrian Wyllie's status update.Adrian Wyllie
- Chris likes a status.Adrian Wyllie I've had the chance to speak Sheriff Finch's attorney, Jimmy Judkins, and get some more details in the Liberty County case. After speaking with Mr. Judkins, it has become even more apparent that the Sheriff's arrest and removal was politically motivated, and the charges against him are at minimum exaggerated, possibly even fabricated.
It appears that Sheriff Finch was removed from office and a...See More - Chris likes a status.Karena Bowers Morrison The generosity of people whom I've yet to meet in person is really touching. A bed that will help my back recover has been donated to my family from a supporter of Adrian Wyllie for FL Governor in 2014. Thanks so much to Adrian Wyllie & his team for your support of my family!!
- Chris shared Adrian Wyllie's status update.Adrian Wyllie Source thread: www.facebook.com/awyllie/posts/10200479445963501
- Chris shared a link.Liberty County Sheriff Arrested [ARREST WARRANT ATTACHED] www.wctv.tvSource thread: www.facebook.com/awyllie/posts/10200479351921150
- Chris shared Breitbart - One Voice Silenced, Millions Awakened's photo.Timeline Photos Florida Governor Scott Arrests Liberty County Sheriff for Standing for the Secon...See MoreSource thread: www.facebook.com/jessica.roman.524/posts/449498401812727
- Chris and John Eaton are now friends.
- Chris likes a link.Untitled Album DTRH LISTEN LIVE AND CHAT PAGE: http://www.federaljack.com/radio-show-chats/down...See MoreDown The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye 10pm - Midnight EST: Doug Rokke on DU, Veterans Affairs, Gulf War Syndrome & More
LISTEN LIVE AND CHAT: http://www.federaljack.com/radio-show-chats/down-the-rabbit-hole-chat/
LISTEN LIVE AT UNBOUND RADIO: http://unboundradio.com/
LISTEN LIVE ON TUNE IN: http://tunein.com/radio/Unbound-Radio-s194037/ - Chris likes a link.Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (06-04-2013) Doug Rokke on DU, Gulf War Syndrome & Veterans Affairs unboundradio.comOn this edition of DTRH Popeye airs his second interview with Dr. Doug Rokke. They expose they truth about the negative health effects of Depleted Uranium, Gulf War Syndrome, the anthrax vaccines, and exposure to other toxins that people all around the world, both military and civilian, have been exposed to; And the fact that the negative health effects have been known about since at least 1991 by the people in charge, including the current Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki.
- Chris likes Illusions.Illusions Book
- Chris sent John Eaton a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.Heart of Gold - "Love and Liberty" - Tatiana Moroz Hey Chris! Thanks so much for the friend request ;) Here's a tune you may enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sxZnhc2XFw http://www.facebook.com/TatianaMorozMusic
- Tatiana Moroz posted a link to your timeline.Heart of Gold - "Love and Liberty" - Tatiana Moroz Hey Chris! Thanks so much for the friend request ;) Here's a tune you may enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-sxZnhc2XFw http://www.facebook.com/TatianaMorozMusic
- Chris and Tatiana Moroz are now friends.
- Chris commented on a status.Unbound Radio Is there a second call-in number?
- Chris likes a link.From the Founders Desk: Interact With Us and Others unboundradio.comA SPECIAL THANKS GOES OUT TO ALL OF YOU THAT HAVE MADE UNBOUND RADIO A SUCCESS, BUT WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP.
http://unboundradio.com/from-the-founders-desk-interact-with-us-and-others/ - Chris likes a link.Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye (06-04-2013) Doug Rokke on DU, Gulf War Syndrome & Veterans Affairs unboundradio.comOn this edition of DTRH Popeye airs his second interview with Dr. Doug Rokke. They expose they truth about the negative health effects of Depleted Uranium, Gulf War Syndrome, the anthrax vaccines, and exposure to other toxins that people all around the world, both military and civilian, have been exposed to; And the fact that the negative health effects have been known about since at least 1991 by the people in charge, including the current Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki.
- Chris likes a status.Unbound Radio On yesterdays special edition of changedachannel on unboundradio.com was part one of two going over Iraq in 2003. Special guest greaserig and host Kenneth Webb went over their journey to Iraq in February 2003. They talked about the interesting people they traveled with, their route and arriving in Baghdad. Today, Wednesday June 5th, Kenneth and greaserig will go over some experiences there, the ef...See More
- June 4
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos This wasn't a GOP leader that gave that speech and it wasn't a sold out old fart...See MoreIt sure has
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos This is an image sequence containing 70 lightning shots, taken at Ikaria island during a severe thunderstorm.
- Chris likes a link.Time Is Flying
- Chris likes a link.More Pix
- Chris likes a post.Keni Burke - Risin' To The Top HOLY SHIT
- Chris commented on a post.DISCO PLAYLIST - ORIGINAL RHAPSODY 1972 STYLE It vanished.
- Chris likes a link.>---->" height="225" width="150">:: BLACK AMERICAN TRUTH :: Honoring & Remembering Marvin Gaye
April 2, 1939 – April 1, 1984
"War is not th... - Chris likes a post.Boogie wonderland - Earth Wind and Fire OMG WHAT AN AMAZING PERFORMANCE
- Chris likes a photo.Profile Pictures Lyric's 4th Birthday Party
- Chris likes a photo.Cover Photos Lyric's 4th Birthday Party
- Chris likes a status.Rhapsody Autumn Neyland It was a lovely lovely birthday weekend.. Top it off with a Chuck E. Cheese Party and spladow!! You got happy babies.. Thanks for coming out Christina Lopez Ruby Tuesday Brian Bear, my dude I know you guys wanted to be there.. you were in spirit Amen!!
- Chris likes a post.Kathy Faye Chetoka thought you might recognize this one. notice how clean the sky looks.
- Chris shared a link.Free speech protester jailed for distributing flyer at court vows to fight www.wogx.comSee also Fully Informed Jury Association (www.fija.org).
- Chris likes a link.Free speech protester jailed for distributing flyer at court vows to fight www.wogx.comMark Schmidter was released today from his political imprisonment. The Libertarian Party of Florida and the Wyllie For Governor team stand in solidarity with Mark and FIJA, and I urge everyone to join him at the Seminole County Courthouse on June 10th.
- Chris likes a status.Steve Gentile Shortly after 9/11 it was taboo to speak of the criminality of government and the system we live under. It seemed people were isolated and ridiculed for doing so. Fast forward 11+ years later and there is a strong, international alliance of dissent, standing side by side, across the globe. People calling each other sister and brother from across the pond. I think things are changing.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos via Truth NetworkSqueegee on a regular basis.
- Chris commented on their own photo.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Facebook now shows 57 friends like the Dangerous Conversation Page. That's about right.
- Chris wrote on Dangerous Conversation's timeline.Facebook now shows 57 friends like this page. That's about right.
- Chris likes a post.Jimmy Coppolo Great show today with Chris Geo and Sheppard Ambellas. Thanks for mentioning what's going on in Turkey. My wife is over there and it's a total mess. The police are out of control, high up military officers are imprisoned, municipalities are turning off the electricity and that's not even the tip of the iceberg of what's going on over there.
- Chris commented on their own link.We Are CHANGE Tampa - Links www.wearechangetampa.org...plus the new section, "Anonymous Meta Web Search Engines"
- Chris shared a link.We Are CHANGE Tampa - Links www.wearechangetampa.orgAt http://wearechangetampa.org/links.html please enjoy these new sections:
1. Food and farm freedom, Anti-Genetically Modified Organisms (Anti-GMO), Anti-Genetic Engineering (Anti-GE), Preparedness
2. Freedom from Fraudclosure (fraudulent foreclosure)
3. Freedom from Smart Meters
And the new blog at the bottom of the page. cc: Wearechange Tampa - Chris likes Truthstream Media.com.Truthstream Media.com Media/News/Publishing
- Chris and Jimmy Coppolo are now friends.
- Chris commented on a link.Gays with guns: Pink Pistols teaches LGBT community members how to defend themselves www.naturalnews.comfeminine protection
- Chris likes a status.Kris Custer We Are Change Colorado and our new meeting spot. 8646 West Colfax Lakewood Colorado Mondays 7 pm
Be there and be the change - June 3
- Chris likes a link.https://publicintelligence.net/ibragim-todashev-photos/ publicintelligence.netFBI: Conflicting stories How many law enforcement were in the room? So they shoot him how many times? Culminating with the cou de gras? Look at the pictures. A REAL investigation needs to be undertaken by an objective untainted body forthwith! Would you let the FBI in your home? I wouldn't! https://publicintelligence.net/ibragim-todashev-photos/
- Chris likes a post.Hans de Koning 1. A Pfc shouldn't be doing analysis. 2. His superiors are more at fault than he is by giving him access to so many documents. 3. It seems to me that those superiors are aware of this, hence the trial.
- Chris likes Save Bradley Manning.Save Bradley Manning Community
- Chris shared a link.The Koch Bros. just stole PBS. act.watchdog.netFor those of us not on the fallacious left-right plantation there are no estranged bedfellows on it.
David Koch & PBS self-censorship | By Gaius Publius, AmericaBlog, May 30, 2013: http://americablog.com/2013/05/david-koch-self-censorship-at-pbs-we-have-to-be-aware-that-people-with-power-have-power.html - Chris likes a link.Industrial Hemp: A Win-Win For The Economy And The Environment www.forbes.com
- Chris likes a status.Scott Legere Today Shepard Ambellas from Iintellihub and GCN's Chris Geo Sheree Geo join DC for new media Mondays.
- Chris likes a link.New York State Assembly Overwhelmingly Passes Medical Marijuana Bill www.theweedblog.com
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos
- Chris sent Jimmy Coppolo a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.The Koch Bros. just stole PBS. act.watchdog.net
- Chris commented on a link.The Koch Bros. just stole PBS. act.watchdog.netFor those of us not on the fallacious left-right plantation there are no estranged bedfellows on it. More at http://americablog.com/2013/05/david-koch-self-censorship-at-pbs-we-have-to-be-aware-that-people-with-power-have-power.html
- Chris likes a link.Tell the USDA to immediately ban field tests of genetically engineered crops secure3.convio.net
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Please Share
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos ♥
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos Mika getting an award for honor roll all 5 marking periods:)
- Chris likes a link.Rand Paul pushes for legalization of industrialized hemp in new farm bill www.naturalnews.comStates should just do this anyway...
Screw the damn Fed's.... - Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Arm yourself.Better than some funky tar pit.
- Chris shared a link.★ Kamut (Khorasan) wheatgrass ★ tampa.craigslist.orgSuper food for sale
- Chris commented on a post.Lea Dozois Yea, a devious kind of weird.
- Chris likes a link.Untitled Album Ethan, Sassy, Dolly and Fuzzy were each Monsanto refugees. Here they are at the March Against Monsanto-Denver event last Sat. Ethan refused Monsanto inoculations and received fines which eventually were used to foreclose on his farm.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos The Power of Prayer
Jesus said, " I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ...See More - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos New album cover for the fam is getting closer to being a wrap."The Wandering Monks will get you uplifted!"
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Come see Live music, you know, if that's your thing!Wanna hear some amazing music?! Go to one of these shows!
- Chris commented on a link.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page I don't know as I don't have a smart phone.
- Chris commented on a link.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page What do you mean?
- Chris commented on a link.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Dave, in case you missed the dialogue in, "Recent Posts by Others on Dangerous Conversation," in the upper-right corner (click, "See All"):
Lea Dozois: I just "liked" it and it went up to 2,657 after I refreshed the screen :)
Chris Steiner: Lea, for me Fakebook is still showing 2,656 likes, but you were added to the list of my friends who like the page, now showing a total of 3. Thus, the total count of likes is likely wrong, too. - Chris likes a link.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Thanks Chris...typical asshole shenanigans by THE MAN ~ Ledge
- Chris likes a link.Report: Florida Schools Scanned Children’s Eyes Without Permission - CBS Tampa tampa.cbslocal.comWouldn't you be outraged? - Stefen
- Chris likes a status.Dangerous Conversation Today Shepard Ambellas from Iintellihub and GCN's Chris Geo Sheree Geo join DC for new media Mondays.
- Chris commented on a post.Lea Dozois Lea, for me Fakebook is still showing 2,656 likes, but you were added to the list of my friends who like the page, now showing a total of 3. Thus, the total count of likes is likely wrong, too.
- Chris commented on a link.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Dave, I should have been more clear. I'm talking about the false count of one's friends who like the page, but it also calls into question the total count of likes.
- Chris likes a post.Lea Dozois I just "liked" it and it went up to 2,657 after I refreshed the screen :)
- Chris likes a link.Seeds of Death: Unveiling The Lies of GMO's - Full Movie Europe is waking up, will the U.S. ? ~ Ledge
- Chris sent Henry Garman a friend request.
- June 2
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Dean, thanks and likewise. The Great Spirit is the only doer, the only lover, the only maker, the only one. Namasté, all.
- Chris commented on a status.Popeye FederalJack 1. Earlier today I noticed Facebook bans most friends' "likes" for the Dangerous Conversation page so I took screen captures: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.603923652964809.1073741833.100000415386059&
2. A couple weeks ago I started posting, "This I am reposting to the top of my page (until I change my page's banner to reflect this): There are several gaps and posts missing from m...See More - Chris commented on a post.Lea Dozois Lea, I'm talking about the false count of friends who like the page.
- Chris commented on their own photo.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Because I verified that several more friends like the Dangerous Conversation page (www.facebook.com/pages/Dangerous-Conversation/222786881065089) than are being shown by Fakebook, I took these screen captures as proof through both my personal account and the Wearechange Tampa.
- Chris posted an album to Dangerous Conversation's timeline: Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page. Because I verified that several more friends like the Dangerous Conversation page than are being shown by Fakebook, I took these screen captures as proof through both my personal account and the Wearechange Tampa account.
cc: Scott Legere Cynthia Tarana Cone Sean Raspatello - Chris likes a post.Chris Tock Happy birthday brother!
- Chris added a new photo to the album Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Facebook bans "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page - screen capture 7 (via We Are CHANGE Tampa account, showing name of liker, Gregory Funicello)
- Chris added a new photo to the album Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Facebook bans "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page - screen capture 6 (via We Are CHANGE Tampa account, showing name of liker, Amanda Otf Knott)
- Chris added a new photo to the album Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Facebook bans "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page - screen capture 5 (via We Are CHANGE Tampa account, showing name of liker, Tomas Hlavac)
- Chris added a new photo to the album Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Facebook bans "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page - screen capture 4 (via We Are CHANGE Tampa account, showing date & time in lower right corner)
- Chris added a new photo to the album Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Facebook bans "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page - screen capture 3 (via Chris Steiner's account, showing name of liker, N.A. Poe)
- Chris added a new photo to the album Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Facebook bans "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page - screen capture 2 (via Chris Steiner's account, showing name of liker, John Conner)
- Chris added a new photo to the album Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page.Facebook bans most "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page Facebook bans "likes" for Dangerous Conversation page - screen capture 1 (via Chris Steiner's account, showing date & time in lower right corner)
- Chris likes Tampa Bay Bradley Manning Support Network.Tampa Bay Bradley Manning Support Network Community
- Chris likes Dutchsinse.Dutchsinse Producer
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos Sweet Oblique plays at 3 pm
to close out the 7th Annual
Pinellas Pepper Fest...! - Chris likes a status.Timothy J Rodocker Eyes are all better :). I have a clean bill of health and I'm happy to say my eyesight is completely restored (well, to it's former can't seeness).
I was blind in the sun (kind of like when your pupils are dilated and it hurts so bad you can't open your eyes in the sun) and lost a significant amount of sight in my right eye. It was pretty scary ish.
Anywho, I'm wearing my horrible backup, ...See More - June 1
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Thanks, Dean. But wait, there's more. As Frank Hopson and I have found by calling into WMNF because they grant much air time to agent provocateur, Michelle Williams, when an informant's cover is blown or has otherwise outlived their usefulness they are burned by those they serve (she was sentenced two weeks ago pursuant her arrest and charges last year: www.wtsp.com/news/local/article/278677/8/N...See More
- Chris commented on their own link.Informant: NYPD paid me to 'bait' Muslims | By Adam Goldman and Matt Apuzzo, AP, October 24, 2012 m.apnews.comThe old link to the story is gone, but a new one is http://news.yahoo.com/informant-nypd-paid-bait-muslims-134358506.html.
- Chris commented on their own link.Untitled Album Know the Labels !!No H8
- Chris shared WorldTruth.TV's photo.Untitled Album Know the Labels !!
- Chris commented on a link.TIDAL IMAGERY 2013 Student Movement.Support Warren's S 897 / Tierney's HR 1979 as a partial Federal Reserve nationalization, a metapartisan test of power, to force the fed to fund a lowered Stafford student loan interest rate of 0.75%. More at http://tarpley.net/.
- Chris commented on a photo.TIDAL IMAGERY Support Warren's S 897 / Tierney's HR 1979 as a partial Federal Reserve nationalization, a metapartisan test of power, to force the fed to fund a lowered Stafford student loan interest rate of 0.75%. More at http://tarpley.net/.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Delusions of grandeur are compulsively uttered by agents provocateur informants, unfortunately unaware of their own planned obsolescence as useful dupes.
- Chris shared Pinellas Pepper Fest's photo.Timeline Photos The Pinellas Pepper Fest is coming June 1 & 2 to Pinellas Park!
Come on out!!! www.PinellasPepperFest.com - Chris commented on a photo.Без названия Lovely. Please enjoy and let me know what you think of http://theliberationstation.com/sylph.html.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Wheeler's 1979 experiments proved Bohr correct, but so can every human with Yogic techniques alone. Understanding the physics of nonlocality may give one, "intellectual indigestion," (a term coined by Paramhansa Yogananda). But wouldn't it be fascinating to become aware that you are experiencing it? Or might it also seem disconcerting to realize your reality has changed, even if it is for the better? It's important to find reasons to reinforce the unqualified gratitude that God has the best sense of where and when you ought to be. This improves our effectiveness as a observant reality consolidators. Don't wait to do tomorrow the things you can ask God to do yesterday. :-]
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Wheeler's 1979 experiments proved Bohr correct, but so can every human. Understanding the physics of nonlocality may give one, "intellectual indigestion," (a term coined by Paramhansa Yogananda). But wouldn't it be fascinating to become aware that you are experiencing it? Or might it also seem disconcerting to realize your reality has changed, even if it is for the better? It's important to find reasons to reinforce the unqualified gratitude that God has the best sense of where and when you ought to be. This improves our effectiveness as a observant reality consolidators. Don't wait to do tomorrow the things you can ask God to do yesterday. :-]
- Chris and Azad Mamedov are now friends.
- Chris sent Azad Mamedov a friend request.
- Chris commented on a link.Без названия Dieter, I'm glad you appreciate this page. For those who haven't yet, please do enjoy and let me know what you think: http://theliberationstation.com/sylph.html.
- Chris commented on a status.Dieter Braun Be careful to replenish your gut flora because food grade diatomaceous earth slices them, too. While it's the best solution to Morgellons Disease of which I know, a good preventative is to soak all food possible in ionized water to electrostatically draw out toxins and pathogens, most of which are positively charged (oxidative, free radical-inducing). Flow-through water ionizers I don't advise a...See More
- Chris likes a status.Alicia Renee ive really been enjoying the company of my family ♥
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos What of the private shareholders of the genocidal Federal Reserve financial cartel? Non-fed solutions include publicly-accountable community currencies and barter systems (not private monetary systems or private barter systems as they charge a fee for each transaction and report back to the IRS via 1099 form); time banks, and swap shops.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos What of the private shareholders of the genocidal Federal Reserve financial cartel? Non-fed solutions include publicly-accountable community currencies and barter systems (not private monetary systems or private barter systems as they charge a fee for each transaction and report back to the IRS via 1099 form); time banks, and swap shops.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos What of the private shareholders of the genocidal Federal Reserve financial cartel? Non-fed solutions include publicly-accountable community currencies and barter systems (not private monetary systems or private barter systems as they charge a fee for each transaction and report back to the IRS via 1099 form); time banks, and swap shops.
- Chris commented on a link.Genetically Modified Wheat Isn't Supposed to Exist. So What Is It Doing in Oregon? www.businessweek.comwww.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.603472279676613.1073741831.100000415386059
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos * Whee! Got new Keds to break in! * :D
~(gail)~ - Chris likes a link.Photos of Dangerous Conversation second one...Love this, made by Jason KrayzKasper Crump .
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Come see Live music, you know, if that's your thing!
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Please Share :)
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos "The earth recognizes people in whom God flowers. There is a sensuousness, a cen...See More
- Chris likes a photo.iOS Photos Home on the range still.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Awesome story! Scamp saved the life of six kitten stuck inside a box on a mounta...See MoreSMILE
- Chris commented on their own photo.Grazing in the Kamut (Khorasan) grass Like all immature cereal grasses, immature Kamut grass does not contain gluten until the grass blades bifurcate (split apart) as it starts to become a stalk. And a clinical study on the allergic reactivity to the mature, "ancient," grains, Amaranth, Quinoa, Spelt and Kamut, says, "Based on a survey of food allergy patients in our practice, Kamut appeared to cause the least allergenic reactions in...See More
- Chris added a new photo to the album Grazing in the Kamut (Khorasan) grass.Grazing in the Kamut (Khorasan) grass Kamut: An Ancient Food for a Healthy Future by Betty Kamen, Ph.D. (www.amazon.com/Kamut-Ancient-Food-Healthy-Future/dp/0944501095/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1370102766&sr=8-1&keywords=betty+kamen+kamut+healthy+future+ancient), page 8-9
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos The more fully one observes, the more one participates. How gracious God is! See www.upscale.utoronto.ca/GeneralInterest/Harrison/Complementarity/CompCopen.html & http://arxiv.org/ftp/quant-ph/papers/0701/0701039.pdf
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos The more fully one observes, the more one participates. How gracious God is! See www.upscale.utoronto.ca/GeneralInterest/Harrison/Complementarity/CompCopen.html & http://arxiv.org/ftp/quant-ph/papers/0701/0701039.pdf
- Chris posted an album to Wayne Walton's timeline: Grazing in the Kamut (Khorasan) grass.Grazing in the Kamut (Khorasan) grass cc: Robyn Boyce
- Chris added a new photo to the album Grazing in the Kamut (Khorasan) grass.Grazing in the Kamut (Khorasan) grass Kamut: An Ancient Food for a Healthy Future by Betty Kamen, Ph.D. (www.amazon.com/Kamut-Ancient-Food-Healthy-Future/dp/0944501095/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1370102766&sr=8-1&keywords=betty+kamen+kamut+healthy+future+ancient), page 16
- Chris added a new photo to the album Grazing in the Kamut (Khorasan) grass.Grazing in the Kamut (Khorasan) grass Grazing in the Kamut grass
- Chris and Gigi Bowman are now friends.
- Chris and Dana Moxley Cummings are now friends.
- May 31
- Chris and Breadbasket DmtEmp are now friends.
- Chris commented on a link.SEAL Team 6 murders covered up by Obama Administration. www.saveamericafoundation.comUnfortunate operatives' obsolescence
- Chris shared a link.USDA Admits Exterminating Birds, Crops, and Bees | By Eddie L, WorldTruth.TV, April 8, 2012 worldtruth.tv
- Chris shared a link.Splenda and sucralose proven to contribute to development of diabetes www.naturalnews.comIn this article also see the section, "Splenda also linked to causing gastrointestinal upset, migraine headaches and environmental damage." See www.dorway.com for hazards of Aspartame (aka Nutrasweet) and other sweeteners, natural and synthetic.
- Chris sent Tatiana Moroz a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.iPhoto Photos Gerard and Gigi representin' for P-TACC!!Go, Gigi Bowman!
- Chris shared Matthew Smith's photo.Timeline Photos As promised for long time now, this is the official copy of my son, Matthew's, a...See MoreRitalin-caused death documented by Coroner's autopsy.
- Chris sent Gigi Bowman a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos The LPF has grown 1,000% over the last year!! Join us in the fight against corruption and to preserve our social and economic freedoms. www.lpf.org
- Chris sent Dana Moxley Cummings a friend request.
- Chris shared a link.Monsanto infiltration of federal government fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.netFascists vandalizing the genetics of all life on Earth
- Chris likes a link.https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/936279_312352238898071_1286598540_n.png fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.netThe MONSANTO / Government collusion...
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/936279_312352238898071_1286598540_n.png - Chris likes a link.Russia Warns Obama: Monsanto www.saveamericafoundation.comhttp://www.saveamericafoundation.com/2013/05/31/kremlin-warns-obama-your-support-of-monsanto-will-lead-to-a-world-war/
- Fred Brownbill posted a link to your timeline.Russia Warns Obama: Monsanto www.saveamericafoundation.comhttp://www.saveamericafoundation.com/2013/05/31/kremlin-warns-obama-your-support-of-monsanto-will-lead-to-a-world-war/
- Fred Brownbill posted a link to your timeline.SEAL Team 6 murders covered up by Obama Administration. www.saveamericafoundation.comhttp://www.saveamericafoundation.com/2013/05/31/obamas-murder-of-seal-team-6-coverup/
- Chris and Fred Brownbill are now friends.
- Chris and Glenda Chauncy are now friends.
- Chris sent Glenda Chauncy a friend request.
- Chris commented on a link.We’ve Got Some Good News, & Some Bad News : Liberty Underground ow.lyFor your show it might save funds and boost popularity to join an existing network (see the secion, "Radio networks & shows," at the top of www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html and www.wearechangetampa.org/radio-streams.html). Volunteer microtransmitters might also help. Check out Prometheus Radio Project (www.prometheusradio.org): freeing the airwaves from corporate control (promoting community radio micro transmitters protected by FCC Part 15 rules). Or you might try for a TV show at Gary Franchi's Next News Network at www.nextnewsnetwork.com.
- Chris likes a link.Why Common Core is Uncommonly Bad ow.lyWhy Common Core is Uncommonly Bad http://ow.ly/lzSeN
- Chris commented on a link.We’ve Got Some Good News, & Some Bad News : Liberty Underground ow.lyFor your show it might save funds and boost popularity to join an existing network (see the secion, "Radio networks & shows," at the top of www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html and www.wearechangetampa.org/radio-streams.html). Volunteer microtransmitters might also help. Check out Prometheus Radio Project (www.prometheusradio.org): freeing the airwaves from corporate control (promoting community radio micro transmitters protected by FCC Part 15 rules). Or you might try for a TV show at Gary Franchi's Next News Network at www.nextnewsnetwork.com.
- Chris likes a link.Why Common Core is Uncommonly Bad ow.lyWhy Common Core is Uncommonly Bad http://ow.ly/lzSeN
- Chris likes a link.Why Common Core is Uncommonly Bad libertyfirstfl.org"What they call the “four parallel streams of affective sensors” will be employed to effectively “measure” each child. The “facial expression camera,” for instance, “is a device that can be used to detect emotion…. The camera captures facial expressions, and software on the laptop extracts geometric properties on faces.” Other devices, such as the “posture analysis seat,” “pressure mouse,” and “wi...See More
- Chris sent Fred Brownbill a friend request.
- Chris and Josh Robinson are now friends.
- May 30
- Chris and Kenneth Webb are now friends.
- Chris sent Kenneth Webb a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.BNE Radio Show with Guests Ari Kopel and Serena Time is up for the dark forces!!!! Friends, please listen to this Unbound Radio show and if you feel inspired, join us for a worldwide group meditation and visualization on Taking Back Our Planet!!! We will be spending time visualizing the World We Want to Create while simultaneously preventing the dark ones from manifesting their evil agenda by encapsulating their evil intention right on the prop...See More
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Pennsylvania Hempland Security
More info: www.riseearth.com/2013/05/hemp-could-free-us-from-oil-prevent.html - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Many people know that we do not live in a democracy, we live in the illusion of ...See Morehow many of you know this?
if you don't know what GMO's are by now...you may want to take some time and do some research...skip the obnoxious reality shows...just for one night..and watch something educational. - Chris shared Awaken the mind.'s photo.Timeline Photos The Illinois Ag Dept. illegally seized privately owned bees from renowned natura...See MoreKilling the queens kills their genetic memory.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos The Illinois Ag Dept. illegally seized privately owned bees from renowned natura...See MoreKilling the queens kills their genetic memory.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Killing the queens kills their genetic memory.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos JRE#360 – Graham Hancock
Joe and Graham agree that what gives them hope is today...See MoreTake note...
not all children are wacked-out trendoids.... - Chris likes a link. Interesting Amazing World" height="150" width="240">Timeline Photos Amazing Rainbow and Tornado
For More Photos Join-> Interesting Amazing World - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos The Vulcan
- Chris likes a link.Yeha-Noha (Wishes of Happiness and Prosperity) Most people don't know I have some native ancestry, and I hold some of their beliefs to be my own.
A Native American translation for this song:
Let us eclipse the the sun and the moon with our spiritual and emotional being,
and let us transcend these physical barriers and negativity which have made us a nation of one.
...See More - Chris likes a link.Help Karena For those that don't know, Karena Bowers Morrison was in a serious car accident over the weekend and is in the hospital. She is one of the hardest working patriots in Florida and would be the first to show up and help if this happened to someone else. Unfortunately due to economic hardship she does not have health insurance. She could really use the support of her fellow libertarians. Please help out in any way that you can.
- Chris likes a link.Help Karena Many of you know Karena Morrison. She was in a serious car accident on May 26th. As a patriot who has selflessly dedicated thousands of hours to serve her community and her country, Karena's friends now have an opportunity to give back. https://www.facebook.com/HelpKarena
- Chris likes Help Karena.Help Karena Community
- Chris sent Karen Jaroch a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.the realist: Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields cleanyourmindandsoul.blogspot.in
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Vindication. Bam!!!
Occupy 9/11 - Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos This weekend we honor those who have died in ALL wars everywhere. But as an American who still deeply loves this F'd up country, I'd me remiss if I didn't put it ALL in perspective on the DC page... read this and remember ALL of them. Open a cold one for the troops ~ peace ~ Ledge
- Chris likes a link.Protesters In St. Pete And Across The Globe Rally Against Monsanto - CBS Tampa tampa.cbslocal.comAre people finally waking up?
- Chris likes a link.Protesters In St. Pete And Across The Globe Rally Against Monsanto - CBS Tampa tampa.cbslocal.comAre people finally waking up?
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos http://pinterest.com/HumorTrain/Heated Teflon can release enough toxic fluorine gas to kill birds nearby.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos No wars, save money, save energy. Seems legit : http://wewillblowyourmind.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/lets-put-solar-panels-on-every-home.htmlIt's easier to steal the other countries shit. Then, Create 'artificial scarcity' (google it) to control energy markets...thus controlling everything...and we pay for it. What a scam, genius! Hey people the SUN is free.
- Chris posted a link to Alex Jones's timeline.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013 www.eff.org
- Chris posted a link to Aaron Dykes's timeline.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013 www.eff.org
- Chris likes a photo.Profile Pictures
- Chris likes a photo.iOS Photos A natural farmer foreclosed b/c he wouldn't comply with using Monsanto/ConAgra chemicals & animal vaccines. He was making his pymts too. He spoke at march on sat. He needed a place to stay with his 2 llamas, alpaca & goats. We have 40 acres n of Ft. Collins. I immediately blurted out "we can help!" And Tada...they're here! Sassy the llama coos and talks like Kevin from UP. It's been great!
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos
- Chris shared a link.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013 www.eff.orgcc: Wearechange Tampa Cynthia Tarana Cone Sean Raspatello Scott Legere Joe Joseph Ken Hildebrand Sr Bob Tuskin Holland Vandennieuwenhof Robert Scott Bell Clyde Lewis
- Chris posted a link to Liberty Movement Radio's timeline.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013 www.eff.org
- Chris likes Liberty Movement Radio.Liberty Movement Radio Radio Station
- Chris posted a link to Revere Radio Network's timeline.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013 www.eff.org
- Chris posted a link to American Freedom Radio's timeline.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013 www.eff.org
- Chris posted a link to LRN.FM - The Liberty Radio Network's timeline.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013 www.eff.org
- Chris likes LRN.FM - The Liberty Radio Network.LRN.FM - The Liberty Radio Network Product/Service
- Chris posted a link to Orion Talk Radio Network's timeline.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013 www.eff.org
- Chris recommends GCN Radio Network.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013: www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/05/help-save-podcasting
- Chris likes GCN Radio Network.GCN Radio Network Company
- Chris rated Republic Broadcasting Network.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013: www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/05/help-save-podcasting
- Chris rated Republic Broadcasting Network.Republic Broadcasting Network
- Chris posted a link to Unbound Radio's timeline.Help Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013 www.eff.orgHelp Save Podcasting! By Daniel Nazer, EFF, May 30, 2013
- Chris likes a link.Help Save Podcasting! www.eff.orgPlease take the time to read this, and then help in any way you can.
- Chris likes a link.Memorial Day weekend cops block press from recording arrest of 4 black men on Miami Beach Here is my brother, a reporter for the Miami Herald, Demonstrating how to reasonably deal with police When they have a problem with videotaping them.
- Chris shared a link.Facebook Activity Log for Chris Steiner (www.facebook.com/chris.steiner1) www.theliberationstation.comThis I am reposting to the top of my page (until I change my page's banner to reflect this): There are several gaps and posts missing from my timeline as well as those of others'. As proof I have posted my entire Facebook activity log from January 1, 2013 through present [May 30, 2013] at http://www.theliberationstation.com/facebook-activity-log-for-chris-steiner-facebookcomchrissteiner1.html. I have higher priorities than to index all of them, but anyone else is welcome to and post them on the blog at the bottom of the page and/or here on my Facebook page.
- Chris commented on a status.N.a. Poe N.A., I wish you luck so I urge you to not do anything that might impair your critical thinking skills during any spontaneous legalese dialogue. You need an attorney who welcomes frequent interposition as an educational opportunity. From what I've heard, suing for a dollar amount that's not excessive is more conducive to a settlement agreement which would allow you to win while saving legal expenses.
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos R.I.P. Lulu
12/25/1998 - 05/29/2013 - Yesterday
- Chris was tagged in a link.Memorial Day weekend cops block press from recording arrest of 4 black men on Miami Beach Here is my brother, a reporter for the Miami Herald, Demonstrating how to reasonably deal with police When they have a problem with videotaping them.
- Chris likes a link.Attacks on gun rights coming from dubiously self-proclaimed 'gun owners' www.examiner.com
- Chris likes a link.Out Of Control Wannabe Cop Gets OWNED! Respec' her authoriti!
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Dandelion Hunter: Foraging the Urban Wilderness ► http://amzn.to/16cTCtQ
Please...See More - Chris likes a link.Aretha Franklin - Think [1968] (Original Version)
- Chris likes a link.Aretha Franklin - Baby I love you - HQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J82b8YuKbVs
- Chris likes a link.Aretha Franklin - Chain Of Fools (Lyrics) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGAiW5dOnKo
- Chris likes a link.The Temptations - Papa Was A Rolling Stone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJV2pWFyfn4
- Chris likes a link.World Bank Insider Blows Whistle on Corruption, Federal Reserve www.thenewamerican.com
- Chris and Chris Justanother Sovereignhuman are now friends.
- Chris likes a status.Spence Rogers Cicero in 54 BC:
"We are taxed in our bread and our wine, in our incomes and our investments, on our land and on our property not only for base creatures who do not deserve the name of men, but for foreign nations, complaisant nations who will bow to us and accept our largesse and promise us to assist in the keeping of the peace - these mendicant nations who will destroy us when we show a moment o...See More - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos
- Chris sent Chris Justanother Sovereignhuman a friend request.
- Chris likes a post.Billy Livsey Stand with Brad: Stand FOR Peace!
- Chris likes a post.Thomas Lingo Free Bradley Manning: Demonstration and Direct Action
June 1 at 10:00am
MacDill AFB 6801 S Dale Mabry Hwy, Tampa, FL 33621
Free Weekly Films
...See More - Chris likes March Against Monsanto - Tampa.March Against Monsanto - Tampa Community
- Chris likes a post.http://t.co/kupXPio67u Rasradiolive.comReady for some fresh info? Ready to hear two angry people? Ras & Toe Show Starts at 10 pm EST! Tune in http://t.co/kupXPio67u! 941-421-0401
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓█►video◄█▓▒░ Henry Kissinger Confronted While Receiving The Freedom Award www.facebook.comLuke Rudkowski again does a huge favor for the genocidal maniac's soul by holding up a mirror to him, revealing ever more the supremacy of peace. Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOgiZ0PZvvA (see description for more) | Source post: www.facebook.com/LukeRudkowski/posts/10151412523441906
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Henry Kissinger Confronted While Receiving The Freedom Award ░▒▓█►video◄█▓▒░ www.facebook.comHenry Kissinger Confronted While Receiving The Freedom Award ░▒▓█►video◄█▓▒░ Luke Rudkowski again does a huge favor for the genocidal maniac's soul by holding up a mirror to him, revealing ever more the supremacy of peace. See description for more: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOgiZ0PZvvA | Source post: www.facebook.com/LukeRudkowski/posts/10151412523441906
cc: Wearechange Tampa Frank Hopson Malissa Myers John Mayor Curley John C Junstrom Russell Bellucci Scott Legere Sean Raspatello Popeye FederalJack Bob Tuskin - Chris likes a link.Example screenshot of local media. Find out if your local media covered your loc...See More Example screenshot of local media. Find out if your local media covered your loc...See More
- Chris likes a status.Popeye FederalJack Please send love and light to Lulu today. In a few hours I have to bring her to see her vet, to help make her transition a bit easier. We had hoped she would go peacefully in her sleep, but she had a bad night and real bad morning. Her body is slowly shutting down, and we don't want her to suffer or be in anymore pain. Please send as much love her way as you can. She has been the best friend any person could ever have.
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos Are you on the team?
- Chris commented on a photo.Untitled Album United States Civil Flag of Peacetime: http://www.barefootsworld.net/uscivilflag.html
What’s Conservative about the Pledge of Allegiance? By Gene Healy, CATO Institute, November 4, 2003: www.cato.org/publications/commentary/whats-conservative-about-pledge-allegiance - Chris commented on a photo.Untitled Album I'm compelled to pledge allegiance to only The Great Spirit. "Liege," definition: www.thefreedictionary.com/liege
- Chris commented on a link.NASA - Hubble reveals the Ring Nebula’s true shape www.nasa.govPsychadelic! (another word not recognized by fb's spellchucker)
- Chris likes a link.NASA - Hubble reveals the Ring Nebula’s true shape www.nasa.govA ringer....
http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/hubble/science/ring-nebula.html - Chris and Samantha Liberty are now friends.
- Chris and Derek J. Louw are now friends.
- May 28
- Chris shared a link.Marijuana is an Effective Treatment for Crohn's Disease www.naturalblaze.comGMOs is responsible for much Crohn's Disease. Bovine colostrum, New Zealand-sourced preferably, has clinical studies showing it can remedy CD.
- May 27
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓█►video◄█▓▒░ Anastacia featuring Sonny from P.O.D. - I Do (Portuguese subtitles)
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Protesters strolling and chanting in St PeteI would have pointed it out first, but I know how sensitive you can be about your biometrics.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Protesters strolling and chanting in St PeteWhat, did you think I was the counterdemonstration or something?
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Protesters strolling and chanting in St PeteMalissa and I at the March Against MONSANTO on Saturday...
Pix by Chris Steiner... - Chris was tagged in Frank Hopson's link.Timeline Photos Protesters strolling and chanting in St PeteMalissa and I at the March Against MONSANTO on Saturday...
Pix by Chris Steiner... - Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos I'm on the right side of this image, courtesy WMNF. The T-shirt that I wore May 25, 2013, March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg. Thanks to Popeye FederalJack's radio show contest for the shirt. I like to listen to his show, Down The Rabbit Hole, 10-12 PM EST weekdays at www.wearechangetampa.org/unbound-radio-stream.html and chat room at www.federaljack.com/?page_id=11598.
Shirt back: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=601207749903066&set=a.600372929986548.1073741828.100000415386059&&theater
Shirt front: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=601206076569900&set=a.600372929986548.1073741828.100000415386059&&theater - Chris added a new photo to the album March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida.March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida Back of the T-shirt that I wore May 25, 2013, March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg. Thanks to Popeye FederalJack's radio show contest for the shirt. I like to listen to his show, Down The Rabbit Hole, 10-12 PM EST weekdays at www.wearechangetampa.org/unbound-radio-stream.html and chat room at www.federaljack.com/?page_id=11598. I'm on the right side of this image, courtesy WMNF: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151606328507521&set=a.124974592520.96143.123991212520&&theater — at March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL.
- Chris added a new photo to the album March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida.March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida Front of the T-shirt that I wore May 25, 2013, March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg. Thanks to Popeye FederalJack's radio show contest for the shirt. I like to listen to his show, Down The Rabbit Hole, 10-12 PM EST weekdays at www.wearechangetampa.org/unbound-radio-stream.html and chat room at www.federaljack.com/?page_id=11598. I'm on the right side of this image, courtesy WMNF: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151606328507521&set=a.124974592520.96143.123991212520&&theater — at March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL.
- Chris commented on a photo.Cover Photos Nathan, in a crowded theater don't yell, "fire!" If you or anyone who is not an informant even attempted to incite a riot you would probably be arrested and charged. Such agents provocateur do this to divide us, distract us from activism, and as the excuse government would need to rob us all of our rights.
- Chris shared a link.All Wars are Bankers' Wars | By Michael Rivero whatreallyhappened.com
- Chris posted a link to WMNF News's timeline.Franken Farms Labs labels cans as activism to draw awareness to March Against Monsanto and GMOs www.wmnf.orgInterviewed by WMNF last week (www.wmnf.org/news_stories/franken-farms-labs-labels-cans-as-activism-to-draw-awareness-to-march-against-monsanto-and-gmos), Nick Dubyah has posted several incitements to murder on his Facebook page. Thus We Are CHANGE Tampa and I have ended association with him. I encourage others to not associate with him for the sakes of their own reputations, lives, and safety as ...See More
- Chris commented on a photo.Cover Photos Nick Dubyah: agent provocateur / confidential informant? I don't appreciate Dubyah endangering Obama supporters, the mainstream media, cops, nor the reputations, safety, and lives of fellow We Are CHANGE Tampa members. Screen captures: www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.601140196576488.1073741830.100000415386059
- Chris commented on their own link.Franken Farms Labs labels cans as activism to draw awareness to March Against Monsanto and GMOs www.wmnf.orgNick Dubyah: agent provocateur / confidential informant? I don't appreciate Dubyah endangering Obama supporters, the mainstream media, cops, nor the reputations, safety, and lives of fellow We Are CHANGE Tampa members. www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.601140196576488.1073741830.100000415386059
- Chris added a new photo to the album Nick Dubyah: agent provocateur / confidential informant?Nick Dubyah: agent provocateur / confidential informant? Nick Dubyah: agent provocateur / confidential informant? I don't appreciate Dubyah endangering Obama supporters, the mainstream media, cops, nor the reputations, safety, and lives of fellow We Are CHANGE Tampa members.
- Chris added a new photo to the album Nick Dubyah: agent provocateur / confidential informant?Nick Dubyah: agent provocateur / confidential informant? Nick Dubyah: agent provocateur / confidential informant? I don't appreciate Dubyah endangering Obama supporters, the mainstream media, cops, nor the reputations, safety, and lives of fellow We Are CHANGE Tampa members.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Warren's S. 897 & Tierney's HR 1979 are alive. Reports of their deaths were an exaggeration. More at www.tarpley.net.
- Chris likes The Alex Jones Channel.The Alex Jones Channel News Personality
- Chris shared a link.Eat Wild www.eatwild.comwww.eatwild.com : Getting Wild Nutrition From Modern Food; owned and operated by Jo Robinson, an investigative journalist and New York Times bestselling author who specializes in science-based health information. Jo has been investigating the differences between wild plants and game and the foods in our supermarkets for the past 15 years.
- Chris shared a link.TARPLEY.net www.tarpley.netWarren's S. 897 and Tierney's corresponding HR 1979 are more alive than ever. More at www.tarpley.net.
- Chris likes March Against Monsanto.March Against Monsanto Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos
- May 27
- Chris shared March Against Monsanto's event.March Against Monsanto TampaOctober 12 at 1:00pm2050 west swann ave tampa fl 33606Invite Friends · You're goingThe next March Against Monsanto in Tampa is scheduled for October 6, 2013.
cc: Wearechange Tampa - Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Franken Farms Labs labels cans as activism to draw awareness to March Against Monsanto and GMOs www.wmnf.orgInterviewed by WMNF last week (www.wmnf.org/news_stories/franken-farms-labs-labels-cans-as-activism-to-draw-awareness-to-march-against-monsanto-and-gmos), Nick Dubyah has posted several incitements to murder on his Facebook page. Thus We Are CHANGE Tampa and I have ended association with him. I encourage others to not associate with him for the sakes of their own reputations, lives, and safety as ...See More
- Chris commented on a photo.Cover Photos Based on Common Law, Florida Statute 870.01Affrays and riots.--
(1)All persons guilty of an affray shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
(2)All persons guilty of a riot, or of inciting or encouraging a riot, shall be guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. - Chris posted an event to WMNF News's timeline.March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FLMay 25 at 12:30pmYou wentMore photos & videos of March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, are at www.facebook.com/events/143306309177651 and for the Tampa March see www.facebook.com/events/139712262868043.
- Chris commented on a photo.Cover Photos Nick Dubyah has posted several incitements to murder on his Facebook page. Thus We Are CHANGE Tampa and I have ended association with him. I encourage others to not associate with him for the sakes of their own reputations, lives, and safety as well as those of their friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Having not been prosecuted for these incitements to murder, he may very well be an informant...See More
- Chris commented on their own link.Whois.com - Domain Names & Identity for Everyone www.whois.comVicky, for clarification please see www.facebook.com/chris.steiner1/posts/599832250040616 and www.facebook.com/chris.steiner1/posts/599993293357845.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Occupy Monsanto via Food IndependenceIs it time to cancel the cable and satellite TV yet?
- Chris commented on a status.Star Child Jesus You have my deepest sympathy.
- Chris and Swami Shivananda Giri are now friends.
- Chris commented on their own status.Chris Steiner Either way you splice it.
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos Getting ready to march against Minsanto in St Peace.
- Chris sent Swami Shivananda Giri a friend request.
- Chris commented on a post.Nathan Robert Schwartz I'd like to subscribe, please: [email protected]
- Chris and Denise Mannino are now friends.
- Chris sent Denise Mannino a friend request.
- Chris commented on a post.Pepe Slamdunk Is it time to cancel cable and satellite TV yet?
- Chris likes a link.March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL 5.25.13 Photography by: DJWC Photographymore protesters!!! this was at the end of the march!
- Chris likes a link.Photos of March Against Monsanto ♥ from Atlanta!see this was nationwide and worldwide but they bought the media, so you won't see our protesting on any of the so called "real" news!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Chris likes a status.Malissa Myers want to give a shout out to the St. Pete police, really helped during our march stopping traffic and positive vibes. The children that were protesting were truly my inspiration, so cute and what an education they are getting!!!! love not being an armchair participant!!!
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos ♥ Wild Woman Community
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Universe Explorers
EWAO - Chris commented on a post.Pepe Slamdunk KSue Lovastay Drumastay posted yesterday in March Against Monsant, St. Petersburg, Florida (www.facebook.com/events/14330630917765):
Aahaa! My rebelliousness is getting the best of me! WHAT? NO NEWS COVERAGE? Hmmm...Time for a media blitz! Let's share some of this awesome event with them! If you have pix and videos to share here's a few media sites to hit! And this is JUST a suggestion of a commen...See More - Chris posted an event to WMNF Community radio's timeline.March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FLMay 25 at 12:30pmYou wentMore photos & videos of March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, are at www.facebook.com/events/143306309177651 and for the Tampa March see www.facebook.com/events/139712262868043.
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.TARPLEY.net www.tarpley.netWarren's S. 897 & Tierney's HR 1979 are alive. Reports of their deaths were an exaggeration. More at www.tarpley.net.
- Chris updated their status.I've been seeing signs and Facebook postings that read, "Monsato," (with an, "n," missing). "Mon," means, "my," or, "mine." "Sato" sounds like, "sado," which means, "sadistic." "Monsato," does seem more accurate, absolving me of any pedantry. :)
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos I've been seeing signs and Facebook postings that read, "Monsato," (with an, "n," missing). "Mon," means, "my," or, "mine." "Sato" sounds like, "sado," which means, "sadistic." "Monsato," does seem more accurate, absolving me of any pedantry. :)
- Chris added a new photo to the album March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida.March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida My sign ( side B )
- Chris added a new photo to the album March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida.March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida My sign ( side A )
- Chris shared Citizens Action Network's photo.Timeline Photos Like our page - www.facebook.com/Citizens.Action.Network
Also, you can choose y...Is it time to cancel the cable and satellite TV yet? - Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Like our page - www.facebook.com/Citizens.Action.Network
Also, you can choose y...Is it time to cancel the cable and satellite TV yet? - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Like our page - www.facebook.com/Citizens.Action.Network
Also, you can choose y...No mention on Bay News 9... - Chris and Lennie Cloud are now friends.
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Black Activist Writers Guild www.blackactivistwg.orgPersecuted founding member of the Black Panther Party Member, Rev. Larry Pinkney (www.blackactivistwg.org), has been interviewed several times by Alex Jones and his staff: www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&q=larry+pinkney+alex+jones+black+panther&oq=larry+pinkney+alex+jones+black+panther&gs_l=hp.3..33i21l2.30067.31613.2.31728.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47008514,d.eWU&fp=5533d4a9ccf49787&biw=1024&bih=638. Let's benefit from his unique perspective.
- Chris shared a link.The UsuryFree Eye Opener: How To Beat Monsanto - The Poison Peddlers usuryfree.blogspot.ca
- Chris likes a link.The UsuryFree Eye Opener: How To Beat Monsanto - The Poison Peddlers usuryfree.blogspot.caHow To Beat Monsanto - The Poison Peddlers:
http://usuryfree.blogspot.ca/2013/05/how-to-beat-monsanto-poison-peddlers.html - Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos Protesters strolling and chanting in St Pete
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos In Williams park. Maybe 500?
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Head of the IMF Christine Lagarde in court charged with embezzlement and fraud -...Holder's DOJ won't touch Them....
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos YAH!
- Chris shared Citizens Action Network's photo.Timeline Photos Head of the IMF Christine Lagarde in court charged with embezzlement and fraud -...Last night's Coast to Coast AM with Host, John B. Wells, guested whistleblower, Karen Hudes, on this: www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/hudes-karen/62924.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Head of the IMF Christine Lagarde in court charged with embezzlement and fraud -...Last night's Coast to Coast AM with Host, John B. Wells, guested whistleblower, Karen Hudes, on this: www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/hudes-karen/62924.
- Chris commented on a link.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 Especially not with wire hangers!
- Chris updated their status.KSue Lovastay Drumastay posted yesterday in www.facebook.com/events/14330630917765:
Aahaa! My rebelliousness is getting the best of me! ;) WHAT? NO NEWS COVERAGE? Hmmm...Time for a media blitz! Let's share some of this awesome event with them! If you have pix and videos to share here's a few media sites to hit! And this is JUST a suggestion of a comment to attach to what you might like to "share" ...See More - Chris likes a link.March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL 5.25.13 Photography by: DJWC Photography!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Chris likes a link.March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL 5.25.13 Photography by: DJWC Photographymore protesters!!!!!
- Chris likes a photo.Mobile Uploads The other side of my sign...
- Chris likes a photo.Mobile Uploads One side of my sign...
- Chris and Stacie Philips are now friends.
- Chris and Neil Brown are now friends.
- Chris and Nicolas Weathersbee are now friends.
- Chris and Lea Dozois are now friends.
- Chris was tagged in Frank Hopson's link.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 Here's yesterday's March Agianst MONSANTO, with Frank Hopson, Malissa Myers, and Chris Steiner, at the front of the march, which ended at William's Park. There was at least 1000 people there, and we got lots of honks, shouts of approval, and waves. People of all ages were there, and those young children were having fun while doing something very important. At one point. a St. Pete police officer p...See More
- Chris and Dawn McGuirt are now friends.
- Chris and Lou Giocondo are now friends.
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ Former IRS Director Testifies Taxes are Voluntary Under Oath Before Congress www.secretsofthefed.com
- Chris sent Nicolas Weathersbee a friend request.
- Chris sent Baaba Ray Herod a friend request.
- Chris commented on their own photo.March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida Dawn McGuirt wrote that there were, "...an estimated 1,100-1,500 people at the March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL..." in the event, March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg (www.facebook.com/events/143306309177651), and I don't doubt it.
- Chris sent Dawn McGuirt a friend request.
- May 26
- Chris commented on a post.KSue Lovastay Drumastay Thanks and likewise!
- Chris likes a post.KSue Lovastay Drumastay Hi Chris! Nice photo's and videos! What a great MOM we had!
- Chris sent Lea Dozois a friend request.
- KSue Lovastay Drumastay wrote on your timeline.Hi Chris! Nice photo's and videos! What a great MOM we had!
- Chris shared Lea Dozois's video: May 25, 2013 5:44 PM.May 25, 2013 5:44 PM
- Chris likes a post.May 25, 2013 5:44 PM
- Chris and KSue Lovastay Drumastay are now friends.
- Chris posted in March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 Panorama video in Williams Park after the March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, May 25, 2013 (No. 2) #MAMStP
- May 26
- Chris posted a video to March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL's timeline: ░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 Panorama video in Williams Park after the March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, May 25, 2013 (No. 2) #MAMStP
- Chris uploaded a new video ░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 ░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ Panorama video in Williams Park after the March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, May 25, 2013 (No. 2) #MAMStP — at Williams Park.
- Chris posted in March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 Panorama video in Williams Park after the March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, May 25, 2013. #MAMStP
- Chris posted a video to March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL's timeline: ░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 Panorama video in Williams Park after the March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, May 25, 2013. #MAMStP
- Chris uploaded a new video ░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 ░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ Panorama video in Williams Park after the March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, May 25, 2013 #MAMStP — at Williams Park.
- Chris posted a video to Wearechange Tampa's timeline: ░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 Video from near the front of the March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, May 25, 2013
- Chris posted in March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 Video from near the front of the March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, May 25, 2013. #MAMStP cc: Wearechange Tampa
- Chris posted a video to March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL's timeline: ░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 Video from near the front of the March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, May 25, 2013. #MAMStP cc: Wearechange Tampa
- Chris uploaded a new video ░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Fla 5/25/13 ░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ March Against Monsanto, St. Petersburg, Florida, May 25, 2013 #MAMStP — at St. Petersburg, Florida.
- Chris shared Josh Robinson's photo.Mobile Uploads
- Chris sent Josh Robinson a friend request.
- Chris commented on their own photo.March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida My videos of today are uploading, to be posted soon.
- Chris sent Lou Giocondo a friend request.
- Chris likes a photo.Mobile Uploads
- Chris shared DJWC Photography's photo.March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL 5.25.13 Photography by: DJWC Photography#MAMStP
- Chris likes a post.KSue Lovastay Drumastay Aahaa! My rebelliousness is getting the best of me! ;) WHAT? NO NEWS COVERAGE? Hmmm...Time for a media blitz! Let's share some of this awesome event with them! If you have pix and videos to share here's a few media sites to hit! And this is JUST a suggestion of a comment to attach to what you might like to "share" with them: Did you cover the epic and well attended March Against Monsanto St Peters...See More
- Chris commented on their own photo.March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida More at www.facebook.com/events/143306309177651
- Chris likes a link.Mobile Uploads At the Monsanto Protest ....YAY I protested against MONSATAN! I am feeling good and your welcome everyone, i am speaking and representing you too!!!!
- Chris commented on a link.Mobile Uploads At the Monsanto Protest ....Bee-utiful! #MAMStP www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=600372996653208&set=a.600372929986548.1073741828.100000415386059
- Chris posted in March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL.March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida Bee-utiful. March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida #MAMStPBee-utiful! #MAMStP
- Chris posted a photo to March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL's timeline.March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida Bee-utiful. March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida #MAMStPBee-utiful! #MAMStP
- Chris commented on a photo.Mobile Uploads Bee-utiful! www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=600372996653208&set=a.600372929986548.1073741828.100000415386059&
- Chris likes a photo.Mobile Uploads At the Monsanto Protest ....
- Chris added a new photo to the album March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida.March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida Bee-utiful. March Against Monsanto, March 25, 2013, St. Petersburg, Florida #MAMStP
- Chris likes a link.Mobile Uploads At the Monsanto Protest ....
- Chris likes a post.Justin Layman What a great day
- Chris and Troy Burritt are now friends.
- Chris commented on their own link.The N.A. Poe Defense Fund on Fundly fundly.comIn what video did Adam try, "to prevent a guy from being arrested for smoking a joint in a park?" Based on Common Law, incitement to riot is certainly prohibited by statutes and codes. Can you cite a law against incitement to break a law? If such exists, Adam would have been charged with it, right? Are you trying to claim you would never encourage anyone to break a wrong law, even one that vio...See More
- May 25
- Chris commented on their own link.The N.A. Poe Defense Fund on Fundly fundly.comDid Adam break a law? Did N.A. break Natural Law?
- Chris likes a link.May 25, St. Petersburg: March Against Monsanto (www.MonsantoMarch.org) www.meetup.comMarch starts at 2pm in front of City Hall, then goes to Williams Park for a Rally....
Look for my straw hat.... - Chris commented on their own link.The N.A. Poe Defense Fund on Fundly fundly.comJohnny, you asked, "if the charges were dropped why are they collecting money?" If you're really curious about the narrative no one is stopping you from investigating. Now you're changing the subject, but I'll bite. While strategically flawed for the reasons I elaborated, I see no reason to consider dishonest the deeper explanation, once it was given by Ian Cioffi in our conversation, for register...See More
- Chris commented on their own link.The N.A. Poe Defense Fund on Fundly fundly.comHunt down the story.
- Chris commented on their own link.The N.A. Poe Defense Fund on Fundly fundly.comI don't know the chronology. Likely the charges were reduced to citations because of factors like the support Adam received, financial and otherwise, and his resolve to not surrender his 5th Amendment-protected right against self-incrimination.
- Chris shared a link.The N.A. Poe Defense Fund on Fundly fundly.com
- Chris commented on a link.The N.A. Poe Defense Fund on Fundly fundly.comTampa Copwatch activist, William Kilgore of Tarpon Springs, Florida, won a $20,000 settlement after suing for his false arrest January 15, 2011 after not giving camera, "evidence," to police. His Attorney was Michael Maddox (phone 813-253-3363, 888-703-2253) who may be able to refer you to an attorney to represent 42 USC suits. More at www.copblock.org/tag/william-kilgore.
- Chris and Liberty Tree are now friends.
- Chris sent Liberty Tree a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.The N.A. Poe Defense Fund on Fundly fundly.comAdam Kokesh is out of jail and his felony charges were knocked down to citations.
I would appreciate any support in making that my circumstance as well.
I am currently still facing felony charges but am happy to be free.
Lets end the insane drug war now! - Chris shared The Panic Hour's photo.Timeline Photos Reunited and it feels so good!N.A. Poe and Adam Kokesh free at last
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Reunited and it feels so good!
- May 25
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Reunited and it feels so good!So glad these guys are out and safe. Keep doing what you all do! N.a. Poe
- Chris likes a link.Mobile Uploads Released 130524 with felony charges reduced to citations which I refused to sign. Played hardball. Won. Talk to you Monday.Best thing I've heard all week.
Congrats on the winning vs. The Man, Adam Kokesh
Next up we need to get N.a. Poe on the same status!
Glad you're both free and reunited. ♥ - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Reunited and it feels so good!- Two of the baddest assest guys on the East Coast: N.a. Poe & Adam Kokesh. What these guys went through for freedom last week was pretty incredible. The saga continues....
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Reunited and it feels so good!Poe and kokesh!!!! :) Out of their cages!!! :)
- Chris commented on their own link.Free Adam Kokesh.com www.freeadamkokesh.comBen, www.FreeAdamKokesh.com is educational and social (i.e. chat room) and links prominently to www.FreeAdam.net, the official site, as well as to N.A. Poe's official legal defense fund raiser (http://fundly.com/the-n-a-poe-defense-fund) per N.A. Poe (www.facebook.com/nikkiallanpoe/posts/599854203371754).
- Chris likes a post.Emerson Moe We are sovereigns, its time we behaved like it!
Taxes are indeed voluntary to the sovereigns. But they are enforced upon the dead, corporate people, those that have no idea who they are. This is sadly 99% of the population who have fallen asleep. Good news, your not the only one awakening:
https://www.facebook.com/LearnToLiveInPrivate - Chris posted a link to N.a. Poe's timeline.Free Adam Kokesh.com freeadamkokesh.comN.A., it's gratifying to see you safe and free! Is it your official legal defense fund linked through http://freeadamkokesh.com/ at http://fundly.com/the-n-a-poe-defense-fund?
- Chris and N.a. Poe are now friends.
- Chris and Lee Palmer are now friends.
- Chris sent N.a. Poe a friend request.
- Chris posted a link to Adam Kokesh's timeline.Free Adam Kokesh.com www.freeadamkokesh.comIn the dialogue that follows I accept the explanation from the Registrant of www.FreeAdamKokesh.com, Ian Cioffi, and am pleased that we can mobilize together in service of freedom for Adam Kokesh and collectively:
Chris Steiner: Ian Cioffi, per www.whois.com, www.freeadamkokesh.com was registered May 12, 2013, six days before his arrest on May 18. Assuming you are indeed the registrant, for what ...See More - Chris commented on their own link.Whois.com - Domain Names & Identity for Everyone www.whois.comIn the dialogue that follows I accept the explanation from the Registrant of www.FreeAdamKokesh.com, Ian Cioffi, and am pleased that we can mobilize together in service of freedom for Adam Kokesh and collectively:
Chris Steiner: Ian Cioffi, per www.whois.com, www.freeadamkokesh.com was registered May 12, 2013, six days before his arrest on May 18. Assuming you are indeed the registrant, for what ...See More - Chris commented on their own link.Whois.com - Domain Names & Identity for Everyone www.whois.comIn the dialogue that follows I accept the explanation from the Registrant of www.FreeAdamKokesh.com, Ian Cioffi, and am pleased that we can mobilize together in service of freedom for Adam Kokesh and collectively:
Chris Steiner: Ian Cioffi, per www.whois.com, www.freeadamkokesh.com was registered May 12, 2013, six days before his arrest on May 18. Assuming you are indeed the registrant, for what ...See More - Chris shared a link.Free Adam Kokesh.com www.freeadamkokesh.comIn the dialogue that follows I accept the explanation from the Registrant of www.FreeAdamKokesh.com, Ian Cioffi, and am pleased that we can mobilize together in service of freedom for Adam Kokesh and collectively:
Chris Steiner: Ian Cioffi, per www.whois.com, www.freeadamkokesh.com was registered May 12, 2013, six days before his arrest on May 18. Assuming you are indeed the registrant, for what ...See More - Chris and Ian Cioffi are now friends.
- Chris commented on their own link.Whois.com - Domain Names & Identity for Everyone www.whois.comNeil, there's no question or dispute the domain, FreeAdamKokesh.com, was bought May 12, 2013. As to when the site was built or hosted isn't relevant and is open to speculation. In response to the points raised above, Ian Cioffi, the registrant, just wrote me this message in whole, "By not buying it sooner than anyone else, you risk the possibility of a Kokesh hater purchasing the site. Raising funds for themselves rather than the real cause."
- Chris sent Ian Cioffi a friend request.
- Chris posted a link to Free Adam Kokesh.com's timeline.Whois.com - Domain Names & Identity for Everyone www.whois.comIan Cioffi, per www.whois.com, www.freeadamkokesh.com was registered May 12, 2013, six days before his arrest on May 18. Assuming you are indeed the registrant, for what reason would you anticipate his arrest?
- Chris sent Lee Palmer a friend request.
- Chris commented on their own link.░▒▓█►video◄█▓▒░ One Sane Cop Fights Another Psychopathic Cop Over His Brutality Frank, agreed. At least the video survived.
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓█►video◄█▓▒░ One Sane Cop Fights Another Psychopathic Cop Over His Brutality Code of silence no more!
- Chris shared This Page Will Blow Your Mind's photo.Timeline Photos Peru is one of the most recent countries to ban GMOs:
http://www.naturalcuresnotmedicine.com/2013/05/peru-bans-gmo.html - Chris shared Illuminati Exposed (This is the resistance)'s photo.Timeline Photos USAF Environmental Specialist Kristen Meghan Blows Whistle On Air Force Chemtr...
- Chris likes Illuminati Exposed (This is the resistance).Illuminati Exposed (This is the resistance) Political Party
- May 24
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Imagine: no income tax at all. Sound impossible? By just reducing government spe...See More"With two-thirds of everyone's personal income taxes wasted or not collected, 100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt and by Federal Government contributions to transfer payments. In other words, all individual income tax revenues are gone before one nickel is spent on the services which taxpayers expect from their Government." - Grace Commission (http://docs.law.gwu.edu/facweb/jsiegel/Personal/taxes/debt.htm)
- Chris posted a link to Adam Kokesh's timeline.Whois.com - Domain Names & Identity for Everyone www.whois.comPer www.whois.com, www.freeadamkokesh.com was registered May 12, 2013, six days before his arrest on May 18. Is there a good reason? In the chat room on the home page of www.freeadamkokesh.com I posed this question and will be checking back there for any answers.
- Chris shared a link.Whois.com - Domain Names & Identity for Everyone www.whois.comPer www.whois.com, www.freeadamkokesh.com was registered May 12, 2013, six days before his arrest on May 18. Is there a good reason? In the chat room on the home page of www.freeadamkokesh.com I posed this question and will be checking back there for any answers.
cc: Wearechange Tampa - Chris and Tristan Lear are now friends.
- Chris sent Tristan Lear a friend request.
- Chris posted in March Against Monsanto Tampa.Agriculture Defense Coalition www.agriculturedefensecoalition.orgwww.agriculturedefensecoalition.org : Agriculture Defense Coalition
www.farmandranchfreedom.org : Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
www.farmfoodfreedom.org : Farm Food Freedom Coalition
www.farmwars.info : Fighting to Save the Family Farm! - Chris posted a link to March Against Monsanto Tampa's timeline.Agriculture Defense Coalition www.agriculturedefensecoalition.orgwww.agriculturedefensecoalition.org : Agriculture Defense Coalition
www.farmandranchfreedom.org : Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
www.farmfoodfreedom.org : Farm Food Freedom Coalition
www.farmwars.info : Fighting to Save the Family Farm! - Chris posted in March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL.Agriculture Defense Coalition www.agriculturedefensecoalition.orgwww.agriculturedefensecoalition.org : Agriculture Defense Coalition
www.farmandranchfreedom.org : Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
www.farmfoodfreedom.org : Farm Food Freedom Coalition
www.farmwars.info : Fighting to Save the Family Farm! - Chris posted a link to March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL's timeline.Agriculture Defense Coalition www.agriculturedefensecoalition.orgwww.agriculturedefensecoalition.org : Agriculture Defense Coalition
www.farmandranchfreedom.org : Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance
www.farmfoodfreedom.org : Farm Food Freedom Coalition
www.farmwars.info : Fighting to Save the Family Farm! - Chris likes a link.EPA Reverses Itself on Fluoride www.foxnews.comThought this might warm your cockles (whatever the hell those are) a bit.
- Chris posted in Alliance for a Livable Pinellas (ALP).May 25: March Against Monsanto (www.MonsantoMarch.org) www.meetup.comThis Saturday worldwide, in Tampa (www.facebook.com/events/139712262868043) and St. Petersburg (www.facebook.com/events/143306309177651).
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Imagine: no income tax at all. Sound impossible? By just reducing government spe...See MoreIs it time to join in solidarity with peace-loving tax protestors like Cindy Sheehan yet?
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Tyrants have gone wild intimidating even Congress & judges who might rule against them as did Judge James C. Fox in Sullivan v. U.S.A. et al, 2003 (see http://whatreallyhappened.com/content/sullivan-vs-united-states & full transcript at http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/SullivanVUSA.pdf). The first two articles (below) report the IRS is being sued for having seized 60 million medical recor...See More
- Chris and Ken Ball are now friends.
- Chris likes a link.State Libertarians will convene in Naples this weekend www.naplesnews.comI'm excited about the LPF Annual Convention in Naples this weekend. If you are a registered Libertarian, there's still time to register as a delegate. If you're not a registered Libertarian, you are still welcome to come and enjoy all the great speakers, break-out sessions and social events.
- Chris sent Ken Ball a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Imagine: no income tax at all. Sound impossible? By just reducing government spe...See More
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Imagine: no income tax at all. Sound impossible? By just reducing government spe...See MoreTyrants have gone wild intimidating even Congress & judges who might rule against them as did Judge James C. Fox in Sullivan v. U.S.A. et al, 2003 (see http://whatreallyhappened.com/content/sullivan-vs-united-states & full transcript at http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/SullivanVUSA.pdf). The first two articles (below) report the IRS is being sued for having seized 60 million medical recor...See More
- Chris likes a status.Lisa Brumfiel Now is the time for Prayer on my Federal Case. Please pray that Judge Martinez continues to be brave & serve justice by keeping my Federal case going...and judging on the Constitutionality of the corrupt Rule 120 process. Thank you for your Prayers! :)
- Chris likes a photo.Netflix Honors Troops Who Die Protecting Poppy Fields, Literally Netflix promotes the idea that it's honorable to die protecting poppy fields. All the while giving the "entertainment" industry something to pretend to do while you really go out and die. I'm sure they meant no harm, and I know the tradition, but if you think about the history of drugs and wars with the knowledge that the poppy has fueled wars throughout history and been used by the powers that shouldn't be to bring down nations such as china, then you would find this and the act of using poppies to honor dead veterans a bit distasteful as I do.
- Chris likes a photo.Netflix Honors Troops Who Die Protecting Poppy Fields, Literally Netflix promotes the idea that it's honorable to die protecting poppy fields. All the while giving the "entertainment" industry something to pretend to do while you really go out and die. I'm sure they meant no harm, and I know the tradition, but if you think about the history of drugs and wars with the knowledge that the poppy has fueled wars throughout history and been used by the powers that shouldn't be to bring down nations such as china, then you would find this and the act of using poppies to honor dead veterans a bit distasteful as I do.
- Chris and Karena Bowers Morrison are now friends.
- Chris sent Karena Bowers Morrison a friend request.
- Chris commented on their own link.May 25, St. Petersburg: March Against Monsanto (www.MonsantoMarch.org) www.meetup.comTampa March Against Monsanto: www.facebook.com/events/139712262868043
- Chris posted in March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL.Label GMO Florida www.labelgmoflorida.comwww.labelgmoflorida.com : Label GMO Florida: Launching our war on deceptive food labeling
www.labelgmos.org : Label GMOs, Genetically Modified Foods: California Committee For The Right to Know, A Grassroots 2012 Ballot Initiative Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods in California
www.nongmoproject.com : The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building sources of non-GMO products, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices
www.nongmoshoppingguide.com : Non-GMO Shopping Guide (offers a free iPhone application)
www.organicconsumers.org : Organic Consumers Association - Chris posted a link to March Against Monsanto St. Petersburg, FL's timeline.Label GMO Florida www.labelgmoflorida.comwww.labelgmoflorida.com : Label GMO Florida: Launching our war on deceptive food labeling
www.labelgmos.org : Label GMOs, Genetically Modified Foods: California Committee For The Right to Know, A Grassroots 2012 Ballot Initiative Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods in California
www.nongmoproject.com : The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building sources of non-GMO products, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices
www.nongmoshoppingguide.com : Non-GMO Shopping Guide (offers a free iPhone application)
www.organicconsumers.org : Organic Consumers Association - Chris posted in March Against Monsanto Tampa.Label GMO Florida www.labelgmoflorida.comwww.labelgmoflorida.com : Label GMO Florida: Launching our war on deceptive food labeling
www.labelgmos.org : Label GMOs, Genetically Modified Foods: California Committee For The Right to Know, A Grassroots 2012 Ballot Initiative Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods in California
www.nongmoproject.com : The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building sources of non-GMO products, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices
www.nongmoshoppingguide.com : Non-GMO Shopping Guide (offers a free iPhone application)
www.organicconsumers.org : Organic Consumers Association - Chris posted a link to March Against Monsanto Tampa's timeline.Label GMO Florida www.labelgmoflorida.comwww.labelgmoflorida.com : Label GMO Florida: Launching our war on deceptive food labeling
www.labelgmos.org : Label GMOs, Genetically Modified Foods: California Committee For The Right to Know, A Grassroots 2012 Ballot Initiative Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods in California
www.nongmoproject.com : The Non-GMO Project is a non-profit organization committed to preserving and building sources of non-GMO products, educating consumers, and providing verified non-GMO choices
www.nongmoshoppingguide.com : Non-GMO Shopping Guide (offers a free iPhone application)
www.organicconsumers.org : Organic Consumers Association - Chris posted a link to John Mayor Curley's timeline.May 25, St. Petersburg, Fla.: March Against Monsanto (www.MonsantoMarch.org) www.meetup.comcc: Blake Shatto Jeana Barrancotto Josh Steiner Nick Steiner Alex Schlegel Sammy Schlegel Dara Durland Rudy Arnauts D.j. Palumbo Spence Rogers
- Chris likes a status.Bruce Wright Got an "A" on my first test at USF yesterday. Enjoying being back in University!
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.May 25, St. Petersburg: March Against Monsanto (www.MonsantoMarch.org) www.meetup.comMay 25, St. Petersburg: March Against Monsanto (www.MonsantoMarch.org)
cc: Maria Scruggs David Pezza David Forte Dan Tucker Steve Gentile Frank Hopson Dennis Girouard Tom Tito Larry Trainor Ralph Koenig - Chris shared a link.May 25, St. Petersburg, Florida: March Against Monsanto (www.MonsantoMarch.org) www.meetup.comcc: Wearechange Tampa Danielle Alexandre Alexander Snitker Adrian Wyllie Scott Legere Sean Raspatello Bruce Wright Harry Disinfoassassin Hard John C Junstrom John Russell
- Chris shared a link.Facebook Activity Log for Chris Steiner (facebook.com/Chris.Steiner1) January 1, 2013 - May 21, 2013 www.theliberationstation.comThis I am reposting to the top of my page (until I change my page's banner to reflect this): There are several gaps and posts missing from my timeline [as well as others']. As proof I have posted my entire Facebook activity log from January 1, 2013 through present [May 21, 2013] at http://www.theliberationstation.com/facebook-activity-log-for-chris-steiner-facebookcomchrissteiner1.html. I have higher priorities than to index all of them, but anyone else is welcome to and post them on the blog at the bottom of the page and/or here on my Facebook page.
- Chris commented on their own link.IRS building demonstration, May 21, 2013, Tampa, Florida www.meetup.comAnyone wanting to help with Clearwater Hours (www.ClearwaterHours.com), please call me at 727-520-2000.
- Chris commented on their own link.IRS building demonstration, May 21, 2013, Tampa, Florida www.meetup.comWith G. Edward Griffin I agree the Federal Reserve criminal financial cartel must be stopped. But the solution I don't believe to be a state-mandated commodity-backed currency-credit system.
- Chris commented on a post.Frank Hopson Frank, it's always refreshing to find an activist like you who prevents suffering by pointing out the declared war on planetary life ("carbon-based units," a Star Trek reference): phoney wars, police state, odious debt, GMOs, water fluoridation, chemtrails, so-called "depleted uranium," the preventable Fukushima and other lesser-known nuclear disasters, deadly pharmaceuticals, etc. What else can we add to this list?
- Chris likes a post.Frank Hopson On the issue of Agenda 21...
"The common enemy of humanity is man.
In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up
with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming,
water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these
...See More - Chris and John Conner are now friends.
- Chris shared We, the People, will be heard.'s photo.Timeline Photos
- Chris and Tripp Pugh are now friends.
- Chris likes a link.Fla. Gov. Scott vetoes sheriff's $1 million 'snitch on your neighbor' program www.bizpacreview.comAlexander Snitker Adrian Wyllie
Will you give Scott props for this? I think you will. - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos No victim, no crime, even Batman get's it :)https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=616009295079046&set=a.514303718582938.131764.513823708630939&&relevant_count=1&ref=nf
- Chris shared a link.Governor [Rick Scott] Kills Funding For Florida Snitch Program www.infowars.comGov. Scott, thanks for making it ever-easier to keep the peace and elect Libertarian, Adrian Wyllie (www.WyllieForGovernor.com), as your successor.
But was it a waste of time if, hypothetically speaking, someone has already done the following?
1. Sworn out a statement giving the government permission to lie to you and take your money, property, and life if deemed necessary.
2. Has enlistment paper...See More - Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Is it time to join in solidarity with peace-loving tax protestors like Cindy Sheehan yet?
- Chris shared Abolish the IRS's photo.Timeline Photos Is it time to join in solidarity with peace-loving tax protestors like Cindy Sheehan yet?
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos
- Chris shared a link.This is not the country I served! | By Sean Raspatello, RasRadioLive, May 21, 2013 www.tf52.com░▒▓█►video◄█▓▒░ PHILADELPHIA, PA — Five members of The Panic Hour were followed into the City Hall rail station in Center City Philadelphia. Kyle Prouty was illegally searched and detained by SEPTA police officer Nicole Lawson at 3:20pm on 5/20/13. Kyle was charged with “disorderly conduct” “obstructing a highway and other public passage” and “resisting arrest”. The people in this video had just left an arraignment hearing for Adam Kokesh and Nikki Allen Poe who were kidnapped from a peaceful marijuana rally on 5/18/13. They are currently being held illegally in Federal Detention at the Federal Detention Center 700 arch street Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
- Chris posted a link to Adam Kokesh's timeline.This is not the country I served! | By Sean Raspatello, RasRadioLive, May 21, 2013 www.tf52.comPHILADELPHIA, PA — Five members of The Panic Hour were followed into the City Hall rail station in Center City Philadelphia. Kyle Prouty was illegally searched and detained by SEPTA police officer Nicole Lawson at 3:20pm on 5/20/13. Kyle was charged with “disorderly conduct” “obstructing a highway and other public passage” and “resisting arrest”. The people in this video had just left an arraignment hearing for Adam Kokesh and Nikki Allen Poe who were kidnapped from a peaceful marijuana rally on 5/18/13. They are currently being held illegally in Federal Detention at the Federal Detention Center 700 arch street Philadelphia Pennsylvania.
www.tf52.com/this-is-not-the-country-i-served - Chris updated their status.A psychopath clever enough to rob you of God's peace, even if you are deprived of nothing else, will have won. All of God's other property over which you have stewardship would necessarily follow.
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ Another Weatherman Reports Military Dumping Chemtrails
- Chris likes a post.This is not the country I served! tf52.comWe are hitting the breaking point! This is not the country I served!: http://t.co/9ZOBkSbKfg
- Chris commented on a link.Inventor Of ADHD's Deathbed Confession: "ADHD Is A Fictitious Disease" www.worldpublicunion.orgSoul-redeeming!
- Chris shared a link.Inventor Of ADHD's Deathbed Confession: "ADHD Is A Fictitious Disease" www.worldpublicunion.orgSoul-redeeming!
- Chris likes a link.Inventor Of ADHD's Deathbed Confession: "ADHD Is A Fictitious Disease" www.worldpublicunion.orglol, I knew it.
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.IRS building demonstration, May 21, 2013, Tampa, Florida www.meetup.comPhotos: demonstration yesterday at Tampa IRS bldg. Although yesterday's massive demonstration at the Tampa IRS building (www.meetup.com/tampa912/photos/15040502) was announced on short notice, just imagine how much more massive will be the next.
cc: Bruce Wright John Mayor Curley Xabier Garay David Pezza Rudy Arnauts Steve Gentile John C Junstrom John Russell Dennis Girouard Dan Tucker - Chris shared a link.IRS building demonstration, May 21, 2013, Tampa, Florida www.meetup.comAlthough yesterday's Tampa IRS building demonstration was announced on short notice, just imagine how much more massive will be the next.
cc: Wearechange Tampa Tony Caso Tom Tito Adrian Wyllie Danielle Alexandre Alexander Snitker Frank Hopson Harry Disinfoassassin Hard Scott Legere Sean Raspatello - Chris likes a status.Harry Disinfoassassin Hard Lets just sum this all up .... making a phone call to the DOJ in philly just to see why he is being held without bond on a misdemeanor sounds a bit fishy will post what i find out
- Chris shared a link.Facebook Activity Log for Chris Steiner (facebook.com/Chris.Steiner1) www.theliberationstation.comThere are several gaps and posts missing from my timeline. As proof I have posted my entire Facebook activity log from January 1, 2013 through present at http://www.theliberationstation.com/facebook-activity-log-for-chris-steiner-facebookcomchrissteiner1.html. I have higher priorities than to index all of them, but anyone else is welcome to and post them on the blog at the bottom of the page and/or here on my Facebook page.
cc: Wearechange Tampa
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos From member of MrGlasgowTruther4u
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Seven-week-old Golden Retriever puppies go swimming for the first time :-O
One ...See More - Chris shared a link.Republicans Claimed an IRS Cover Up, But It Turns Out Darrell Issa Knew in 2012 www.politicususa.comThe code of silence induced by bribery, blackmail, and plain old power-lusting delusions of grandeur is non-partisan. To improve our qualities of lives, individually and collectively, we must continue socializing and sharing what we ought with those whom The Great Spirit urges.
What Did Obama Know About The IRS (And When)? | Zero Hedge, May 18, 2013: www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-05-18/what-did-obama-know-about-irs-and-when - Chris and Dustin Archer Ⓥ are now friends.
- Chris likes a link.NEW SINGLE/Cut Chu Off/2013 Promo Video - Original Rhapsody Featuring - G'sUs ♥
- Chris shared a link.Adam Kokesh Legal Fund - Free Adam Kokesh (FreeAdam.net) freeadam.netAdam Kokesh has already surpassed the legal defense fund raising goal of $5,000 by $377.44 as of this posting.
- Chris likes a link.Adam Kokesh Legal Fund - Free Adam Kokesh (FreeAdam.net) freeadam.netTHIS IS IN SUPPORT OF ADAM'S LEGAL TEAM!
- Today
- Rhapsody Autumn Neyland posted a link to your timeline.NEW SINGLE/Cut Chu Off/2013 Promo Video - Original Rhapsody Featuring - G'sUs ♥
- Chris commented on a link.Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul Push For Hemp Legalization In Senate Fight www.spreadlibertynews.comHemp Hurds as Paper-Making Material | By Lyster H. Dewey and Jason L. Merrill, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BULLETIN No. 404, October 14, 1916: www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/17855
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Please call your United States Senators and urge them to vote “YES!” on Senator ...See MoreHemp Hurds as Paper-Making Material | By Lyster H. Dewey and Jason L. Merrill, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BULLETIN No. 404, October 14, 1916: www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/17855
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Hemp Hurds as Paper-Making Material | By Lyster H. Dewey and Jason L. Merrill, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, BULLETIN No. 404, October 14, 1916: www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/17855
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ A Car That Runs on Air, Water: Here's How It Works: Video From Daniel Green (www.facebook.com/mrgreenenergy):
- Chris likes Fluoride Free Kansas.Fluoride Free Kansas Cause
- Chris likes Clean Water Portland.Clean Water Portland Political Organization
- Chris shared a link.IRS' Lois Lerner To Plead The Fifth Before House Oversight Committee www.zerohedge.comIf IRS' Lois Lerner can exercise her Fifth Amendment-protected right against self-incrimination, why can't a taxpayer in lieu of an income tax return?
cc: Wearechange Tampa - Today
- Chris likes Nós somos a mudança (We are change) - Brasil.Nós somos a mudança (We are change) - Brasil Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
- Chris shared a link.Press Release on the Pinellas County Term Limits Ruling www.eastlakeblister.com
- Chris likes a link.Mobile Uploads 5-2 in favor... Mural stays!Super grateful to report today's vote was 5-2 in favor of keeping our beautiful mural on the back wall of The Roosevelt!
- Chris commented on a status.Nick Steiner I hope at least one of these videos helps: www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWpbtxDN7Tw | www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkKJJHxESTw | www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7PnDzmEw54
- Chris likes Jon Rappoport.Jon Rappoport Author
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos America is Waking UpWe can only hope.
- Chris shared Uncle Sam's Misguided Children's photo.Timeline Photos December 29, 2012 marked the 122nd Anniversary of the murder of 297 Sioux Indian...The 7th Cavalry dehumanized these preppers, believing them savages.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos A recent Department of Defense instruction alters the US code applying to the mi...See MoreVery dangerous. This moves us into the realm of easily becoming a military dictatorship.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Read more: http://freeadam.net/2013/05/20/adam-kokesh-accused-felony/
- Chris and Matthew Roach are now friends.
- Chris commented on a link.D.L. Hughley: No Discernible Difference Between Bush & Obama Admins Adam, Butcher Barrynoid is likely a mind-controlled pawn, but I doubt that's what D.L. Hughley had in mind.
- Chris likes a link.D.L. Hughley: No Discernible Difference Between Bush & Obama Admins recently got a chance to interview D.L. Hughley who surprisingly changed his views on Obama (VIDEO) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU-NvRm5waw
- Chris posted a link to Wearechange Tampa's timeline.▒▓►video◄▓▒░ D.L. Hughley: No Discernible Difference Between Bush & Obama Admin's - We Are Change wearechange.org"If you look at what was happening under the Bush Administration and what's happening now, there's no discernible difference." - D.L. Hughley
Kudos to Luke Rudkowski and the rest of the crew at We Are Change for another interview of inspiration. - Chris sent Dustin Archer Ⓥ a friend request.
- Chris sent Matthew Roach a friend request.
- Chris sent Sierra Adamson a friend request.
- Chris commented on their own link.Timeline Photos Is the American public waking up?In general the change of talk show conversation may be imperceptibly gradual, but over the years I continue hearing many statist views expressed by callers, hosts, and producers (call screeners) to whom I speak falling as they clearly become increasingly alarmed. Some hosts and producers who seem to have been on a tight leash and/or self-censoring are forced to at least stop avoiding certain facts. Many are finding the confidence to finally speak up because of the safety in our overwhelmingly vast numbers. Our progress seems geometric which is encouraging, but regardless of this, our only job has always been to minimize suffering.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos This issue is metapartisan. Let the nose of We, The Proletariat, under the tent and then inside because We rightfully own all the tents and are due reparations from having been subjugated for decades by genocidal, odious debt.
Give Yourself a Real Graduation Present: Cut the Interest on Your Student Loans to 0.75% | By Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D., May 11, 2013: http://tarpley.net/2013/05/11/give-you...See More - Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Support S. 897, Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Bill for 0.75% Student Loan Rates Paid for by the Federal Reserve: http://tarpley.net/2013/05/14/support-s-897-warrens-bill-for-75-percent-student-loan-rates-paid-by-the-fed
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos This issue is metapartisan. Let the nose of We, The Proletariat, under the tent and then inside because We rightfully own all the tents and are due reparations from having been subjugated for decades by genocidal, odious debt.
Give Yourself a Real Graduation Present: Cut the Interest on Your Student Loans to 0.75% | By Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D., May 11, 2013: http://tarpley.net/2013/05/11/give-you...See More - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos
- Chris likes a link.Republicans Claimed an IRS Cover Up, But It Turns Out Darrell Issa Knew in 2012 www.politicususa.com
- Chris commented on a link.Republicans Claimed an IRS Cover Up, But It Turns Out Darrell Issa Knew in 2012 www.politicususa.comWhat Did Obama Know About The IRS (And When)? | Zero Hedge, May 18, 2013: www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-05-18/what-did-obama-know-about-irs-and-when
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Yup
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Is the American public waking up?
- Chris shared Boycott the Mainsteam Media's photo.Timeline Photos Is the American public waking up?
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Romney wouldn't have had as much political capital to attack Africa as effectively as Butcher Barrynoid.
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ D.L. Hughley: No Discernible Difference Between Bush & Obama Admin's - We Are Change wearechange.org"If you look at what was happening under the Bush Administration and what's happening now, there's no discernible difference." - D.L. Hughley
Kudos to Luke Rudkowski and the rest of the crew at We Are Change for another interview of inspiration.
cc: Frank Hopson - Chris likes a post.D.L. Hughley: No Discernible Difference Between Bush & Obama Admins youtu.beD.L. Hughley: No Discernible Difference Between Bush & Obama Admins: http://t.co/R27rag6AEg via @YouTube
- Chris and Russell Bellucci are now friends.
- Chris sent Russell Bellucci a friend request.
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos Damm strait.
- Chris commented on their own link.Next News Network (N3) nextnewsnetwork.comIn order to keep a stream playing I have two computers for when one of them needs work/updating. And when a show airs whose host[ess] is very often deceptive, instead of calling in to debate I'll often tune into any other show airing concurrently whose host[ess] I've found to be more honest. The educational inspiration makes the decision less and less difficult.
- Chris shared a link.Next News Network (N3) nextnewsnetwork.comCable and satellite TV: quit cold turkey or ween? And why?
I advise substitution with the best options of which I know like watching www.nextnewsnetwork.com and listening to terrestrial and webcasted radio (www.wearechangetampa.org/radio-streams.html, Liberty Underground (locally-originating, Friday, 9-11 PM EST, www.1787network.com), Dangerous Conversation (locally-originating, 3-6 PM EST weekdays, www.radioio.com/btls/2011/06/13/dangerous-conversation), Ras Radio Live (locally-originating, www.tf52.com), Revere Radio Network (www.revereradionetwork.com), The Micro Effect Radio Broadcasting Network (www.themicroeffectlive.com), and others (i.e. listed at www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html)). - Chris shared George Takei's photo.Timeline Photos From a friend. Come to think of it, the e comes before i in Takei...that's a good vowel movement. #RhymesWithGay“No, I said, 'semantics,' not, 'semitics,' ...” - Lily "Ernestine" Tomlin
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos “No, I said, 'semantics,' not, 'semitics,' ...” - Lily "Ernestine" Tomlin
- Chris likes a link.School experiment discovers garden cress won’t germinate near a router | Science! | Geek.com www.geek.comDouble-edged sword, indeed...
http://www.geek.com/science/school-experiment-discovers-garden-cress-wont-germinate-near-a-router-1555577/ - Chris shared a link.School experiment discovers garden cress won’t germinate near a router | Science! | Geek.com www.geek.comThe dangers of high frequency radiation.
- Chris commented on a link.Facts over fiction: Gun deaths plummet 39 percent over 18 years as Americans buy record number of gu www.naturalnews.comThe military has no real place inside the homes of the innocent and pointing loaded military weapons at the innocent inside their own homes (i.e. Boston area, etc.).
Military Says No Presidential Authorization Needed To Quell “Civil Disturbances:” DoD “instruction” seeks to abolish Posse Comitatus, grease skids for military coup | By Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars.com, May 17, 2013: www.infowars.com...See More - Chris shared a link.Military Says No Presidential Authorization Needed To Quell “Civil Disturbances” www.infowars.comMilitary Says No Presidential Authorization Needed To Quell “Civil Disturbances:” DoD “instruction” seeks to abolish Posse Comitatus, grease skids for military coup | By Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars.com, May 17, 2013: www.infowars.com/military-says-no-presidential-authorization-needed-to-quell-civil-disturbances
This military coup is an orchestrated excuse other interests such as the UN need to bring about regime change.
As with so many issues: If I am wrong about this then I need to be stopped. If I am right about this then we must agree the tyrants need to be stopped. - Chris shared a link.The Biggest Obama Scandals Are Proven and Ignored www.theatlantic.comThe Biggest Obama Scandals Are Proven and Ignored: There is clear evidence that he has broken the law on multiple occasions. And not even Republicans seem to care. | By Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic, May 17, 2013: www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/05/the-biggest-obama-scandals-are-proven-and-ignored/275960
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.The Biggest Obama Scandals Are Proven and Ignored www.theatlantic.comAtlantic: The Biggest Obama Scandals Are Proven and Ignored: There is clear evidence that he has broken the law on multiple occasions. And not even Republicans seem to care. | By Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic, May 17, 2013: www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/05/the-biggest-obama-scandals-are-proven-and-ignored/275960
cc: Chris Steiner Wearechange Tampa - Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Military Says No Presidential Authorization Needed To Quell “Civil Disturbances” www.infowars.comMilitary Says No Presidential Authorization Needed To Quell “Civil Disturbances:” DoD “instruction” seeks to abolish Posse Comitatus, grease skids for military coup | By Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars.com, May 17, 2013: www.infowars.com/military-says-no-presidential-authorization-needed-to-quell-civil-disturbances
This military coup is an orchestrated excuse other interests such as the UN need to bring about regime change.
As with so many issues: If I am wrong about this then I need to be stopped. If I am right about this then we must agree the tyrants need to be stopped.
cc: Chris Steiner Wearechange Tampa - May 20
- Chris and David Earl Williams III are now friends.
- Chris commented on a photo.Thanks, Kandi. After a little more research I deleted the posting (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XdTCsbI2OPI) because it doesn't seem to be correct.
- Chris shared a link.Sullivan Vs United States - Judge ADMITS 16th Amendment failed ratification | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED whatreallyhappened.comTyrants gone wild intimidating even Congress & judges who might rule against them as did Judge James C. Fox in Sullivan v. U.S.A. et al, 2003 (see http://whatreallyhappened.com/content/sullivan-vs-united-states & full transcript at http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/SullivanVUSA.pdf). The first two articles (below) report the IRS is being sued for having seized 60 million medical records o...See More
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Sullivan Vs United States - Judge ADMITS 16th Amendment failed ratification | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED whatreallyhappened.comTyrants gone wild intimidating even Congress & judges who might rule against them as did Judge James C. Fox in Sullivan v. U.S.A. et al, 2003 (see http://whatreallyhappened.com/content/sullivan-vs-united-states & full transcript at http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/SullivanVUSA.pdf). The first two articles (below) report the IRS is being sued for having seized 60 million medical records o...See More
- Chris sent David Earl Williams III a friend request.
- Chris and Thomas Paine are now friends.
- Kandi Ranson posted a photo to Chris Steiner's timeline.This is what I get when I click on the video you posted about Adam Kokesh from his profile.
- Chris shared Thomas Paine's photo.Profile Pictures
- Chris sent Thomas Paine a friend request.
- Chris and Commonly Known As Carl are now friends.
- May 19
- Chris shared a link.26 Moments That Restored Our Faith In Humanity This Year www.buzzfeed.com
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Incredible! Colorado Governor John W. Hickenlooper just signed a bill making shelter dogs and cats the state’s official pet! http://bit.ly/ZYAx7V
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Arrested for resisting arrest (which he didn't even do). WTF? They just need an excuse to throw Adam into jail. -DR
- Chris likes a link.Photos of Adam Kokesh
- Chris shared Dakota Broussard's photo.Photos of Adam Kokesh A criminally insane thought criminal infected with contagious ideas. We pray for his speedy freedom.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Thought criminal apprehended.
- Chris shared Christopher Cantwell's photo.Timeline Photos Thought criminal apprehended.
- Chris shared a link.Adam Kokesh is a Political Prisoner | www.theorganicprepper.caSource thread: www.facebook.com/ADAMVSTHEMAN/posts/10151403176576260
- Chris likes a link.Adam Kokesh is a Political Prisoner | www.theorganicprepper.caFREE Adam Kokesh!!!!!!!!
- Chris likes Reel People.Reel People Musician/Band
- Chris posted a photo to Frank Hopson's timeline.Freedom is cosmic Freedom is Cosmic.Frank, thanks for the inspirational poster.
- Chris commented on their own photo.Freedom is cosmic Frank Hopson, thanks for the inspirational poster.
- Chris added a new photo to the album Freedom is cosmic.Freedom is cosmic Freedom is Cosmic.
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Support S. 897, Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Bill for 0.75% Student Loan Rates Paid for by the Federal Re tarpley.netSupport S. 897, Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Bill for 0.75% Student Loan Rates Paid for by the Federal Reserve: http://tarpley.net/2013/05/14/support-s-897-warrens-bill-for-75-percent-student-loan-rates-paid-by-the-fed On this morning's Sunday Forum when asked for the bill number I was unsure. More updates at http://tarpley.net/.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos "Criticism, nit-picking, complaining, hair-splitting etc...
Aspects of the lower...See MoreIt's intended to be intimidating. Otherwise they'd disguise the drone as something diurnal. - May 17
- Chris commented on their own status.Chris Steiner Medea Benjamin's Drones Watch (www.droneswatch.org) ought to be delighted the movie also makes a big issue of and condemns a metaphor for drone attacks.
- Chris shared Save Pinellas's status update.Save Pinellas This is Judge John Schaefer's amended final ruling issued yesterday in Scruggs, Billiris, Wheeler v. Clark, Latvala, Morroni, Welch, Seel, Pinellas County, case 12-007801CI-21 (8 pages + supplemental 2 page Order): You can click page forward (arrow pointing right when you hover your mouse over the right side of the images) and page back (arrow pointing left when you hover mouse over the left side of the images).
- Chris sent Marg Baker a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Your sign tonight says it all buddy. As much as I hate seeing you in discomfort,...See MoreCorbin I know God can heal you!!!!!!!!!!
- Chris likes a status.Maria Scruggs Another one of my great Mother's Day moments was my cousin who is also Maria Scruggs and my daughter's boyfriend both in their own ways complimenting me on my unyielding strength. Well today was one of those days I had to pull from that strength, pull my head up from in my chest, and strut like I really know who my Father is. We learned today that a circuit court judge who will remain nameless for...See More
- May 16
- Chris commented on a status.Dan Bidondi Any president who rescinds EO 11110 would draw ridicule so why not decisively exercise it? Let's illustrate that only puppet presidents straddle the fence on this most critical issue.
- Chris commented on a link.Akhmed destroy!!!!!!! I'm sorry for your family's loss. http://rlv.zcache.com/sympathy_card-r2293cc242fbd4a6b9c599af177ba3b90_xvuak_8byvr_512.jpg
- Chris updated their status.Spoiler: The new movie, "Star Trek: Into Darkness," demonstrates how an Admiral-become-conspirator in a false flag compulsively commits more false flags in the belief he must in order to cover his trail. After much suffering it backfires on him.
- Chris shared Marilyn Pavlicek's photo.Photos of Portland No Fluoride in our Water A just-released poll from KATU News and Survey America shows that communities of...See MoreCivil Rights Violation Regarding Forced Medication, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), July 1, 2011: http://lulac.org/advocacy/resolutions/2011/resolution_Civil_Rights_Violation_Regarding_Forced_Medication
"THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that LULAC commends efforts by organizations that oppose forced mass medication of the public drinking supplies using fluorides that are industrial grade, toxic waste by-products which contain contaminants (arsenic, lead, mercury) which further endanger life..." - Chris commented on a link.Photos of Portland No Fluoride in our Water A just-released poll from KATU News and Survey America shows that communities of...See MoreCivil Rights Violation Regarding Forced Medication, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), July 1, 2011: http://lulac.org/advocacy/resolutions/2011/resolution_Civil_Rights_Violation_Regarding_Forced_Medication
"THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that LULAC commends efforts by organizations that oppose forced mass medication of the public drinking supplies using fluorides that are industrial grade, toxic waste by-products which contain contaminants (arsenic, lead, mercury) which further endanger life..." - Chris likes a link.Photos of Portland No Fluoride in our Water A just-released poll from KATU News and Survey America shows that communities of...See More
- May 15
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Warren Bill to Cut Student Loan Rates to 0.75% at Federal Reserve Expense is Where Common Sense Beco tarpley.netWarren Bill to Cut Student Loan Rates to 0.75% at Federal Reserve Expense is Where Common Sense Becomes Revolutionary – Chris Moore interviews Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D., KDKA-1020AM, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: http://tarpley.net/2013/05/12/warren-bill-to-cut-student-loan-rates-to-75-percent-at-federal-reserve-expense-tarpley-on-kdka
Download: http://tarpley.net/audio/20130512-WGT_on_KDKA.mp3
Give Y...See More - May 14
- Chris updated their status.This issue is metapartisan. Let the nose of We, The Proletariat, under the tent and then inside because We rightfully own all the tents and are due reparations from having been subjugated for decades by genocidal, odious debt.
Give Yourself a Real Graduation Present: Cut the Interest on Your Student Loans to 0.75% | By Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D., May 11, 2013: http://tarpley.net/2013/05/11/give-you...See More - Chris likes a status.Maria Scruggs My Mother's Day actually started on Saturday night. My daugther invited me to Dillards so that she could try out a new make-up on me. It looked awesome so I decided to trot up to the Ladies department and just looking. The store was very quiet, but while going through a rack of clothes a young man came out of nowhere and called me out!!! I was shocked and so was the saleslady. The young man procla...See More
- Chris likes a status.Maria Scruggs My last post is a shout out to all my FB friends that have sent checks to Happy Workers. Ameta, Teresa, Lynn, Yate', Jenny! You all will be glad to know that the Kiwanis Club gave us a $1,000 today. Wells Fargo is going to give us a $1,000 next week and we pray that our rededication and blessing ceremony will be blessed fundraiser as well. When other see that we are trying to do for ourselves they will support as well!
- Chris likes a status.Maria Scruggs This is the week, stay tuned for Judge Schafer's ruling on term limits!!!
- Chris commented on a link.Florida quietly shortened yellow light standards & lengths, resulting in more red light camera ticke www.wtsp.comKudos again to WTSP who seems to be the only local news outlet with a large market share and the independence needed to give proper respect to this issue and so many others ignored or otherwise disserved by most of the rest.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Note how the lighter UN/NATO blue is reserved for Walmart's title and the bar at the bottom. I don't necessarily agree with everything at www.thepowerhour.com/news/unblue_watch.htm, but find amazing most of it and the updates posted there over the years. Joyce Riley, Hostess of The Power Hour, is the only of whom I know to report on this.
- Chris commented on a status.The Urban Cafe Please enjoy the section, "Social Networks," at www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html :
www.joindiaspora.com : Diaspora: the community-run, distributed social network
www.patriotspot.wall.fm : Patriot Spot
www.planet.infowars.com : Planet InfoWars [beta] Social Network
www.rtr.org : Gary Franchi's Restore the Republic Social Network
...See More - Chris likes Mezzoforte.Mezzoforte Musician/Band
- Chris likes Euge Groove.Euge Groove Musician/Band
- Chris commented on a link.No More Privacy: Smart Meters Are Surveillance Devices That Monitor The Behavior In Your Home Every. endoftheamericandream.comSee also the section, "Freedom from smart meters," at http://www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html.
- Chris likes a photo.Mobile Uploads Label design for Java Bean Roasters, also makes a visual for the living room .....
- Chris commented on a link.IRS scrutiny went beyond Tea Party, targeting of conservative groups broader than thought www.foxnews.comCOINTELPRO
- May 10
- Chris commented on their own link.Timeline Photos I took this picture at Rohwer Internment Camp, where I was interned with my fami...See MoreTry this: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=651808201515303&set=a.223098324386295.105971.205344452828349&&theater
- Chris added a new photo to the album Untitled Album."The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." - Princess Leia to Grand Moff Tarkin long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away. This would become known as the Tarkin Effect (http://floresblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/tarkin-effect600.jpg?w=640) later. Much, much later. — with Princess Leia Fanpage.
- Chris commented on their own link.The Tarkin Effect floresblog.files.wordpress.comGovernment censorship is a drug that stimulates an very intoxicating reaction.
- Chris commented on their own link.The Tarkin Effect floresblog.files.wordpress.comDave, yes. Once I heard the news I found them simultaneously from active links at the source (259 Mb compressed as RAR) and through the links at thepiratebay [dot] sx (601 Mb uncompressed). The smaller RAR file is easier to proliferate much like even finer grains of sand. Wiki weapons of mass information.
- Chris shared a link.The Tarkin Effect floresblog.files.wordpress.comReplace, "star systems," with, "3D printer files."
"The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." - Princess Leia. Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wntX-a3jSY
3D printer files: www.printers3d.com - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos A vertical forest is expected to be completed this year in Milan. There are two ...See MoreBadass
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos THIRSTY?: FLOURIDE SPILL EATS HOLE IN CONCRETE...But It's Safe For You To Drink.. Really... [VIDEO]
http://bit.ly/YKAxdK - Chris commented on their own link.Timeline Photos I took this picture at Rohwer Internment Camp, where I was interned with my fami...See MoreFrank, it works for me. If it still doesn't work for you it might just be more weeds growing in Facebook's data farm.
- Chris likes a link.CNN Caught Faking Boston Bombings Broadcast | Media beforeitsnews.comTrust us for NEWZ! lmao.
- Chris commented on a link.CNN Caught Faking Boston Bombings Broadcast | Media beforeitsnews.comConsidering CNN's incredible shrinking market share, they could have had a lot more fun with tin cans. That way no one would have said anything.
- Peggy Stone posted a photo to your timeline.Timeline Photos THIRSTY?: FLOURIDE SPILL EATS HOLE IN CONCRETE...But It's Safe For You To Drink.. Really... [VIDEO]
http://bit.ly/YKAxdK - Chris shared George Takei's photo.Timeline Photos I took this picture at Rohwer Internment Camp, where I was interned with my fami...See More
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos I took this picture at Rohwer Internment Camp, where I was interned with my family when I was a small child. Next year, my story comes full circle with the premiere of my legacy project Allegiance - A New Musical on Broadway. Here's the 3 second favor I need: Click this link then LIKE our show page: https://www.facebook.com/allegiancemusical?fref=ts
If I pass 409,300 fans (the number The Book of Mormon on Broadway has) I win my bet with the producers and they have to buy a ROUND OF DRINKS. Are you with me?
Many thanks and all the best,
from your favorite gay Uncle George - Chris likes George Takei.George Takei Actor/Director
- Chris commented on a link.Busted ! CNN Anchors Fake a Satellite Interview in the Same Parking Lot ! Red Truck & Bus ! Considering CNN's incredible shrinking market share, it's a lot more fun with tin cans. That way no one would have said anything.
- May 9
- Chris likes a link.The battle for control of dangerous digital shapes may have just begun. www.tf52.com
- Chris commented on a link.12-Year-Old Busts Cop #N3 Doesn't the officer seem a bit overdressed? The undaunted Jeremy (spelling?) shouldn't have asked, but instead ordered, the officer to give his name and badge number. Neither is Jeremy required to give his name as he's not a suspect, but I suppose he felt he was minding his manners.
Bring several copies of all these with you always (they have always worked for me like a charm as well as all others...See More - Chris likes a link.12-Year-Old Busts Cop #N3 This kid is my hero
- Chris posted a link to Bob Tuskin's timeline.DEFCAD www.defcad.orgThe news broken today on the Alex Jones Show by guest, Cody Wilson, is that he is forced to take down his site, www.defcad.org. ░▒▓►The files needed for printing guns on a 3D printer are still available.◄▓▒░ Get them while you can at http://defcad.org/defcad-mega-pack or by performing a web search of, "defcad.org torrent," and, "defcad torrent." Some files are not torrents and don't require torren...See More
- Chris commented on their own link.DEFCAD www.defcad.orgThe file is available at www.sendthisfile.com/GkrSwRdv3B61bj5MfXQ4o3ET. This link expires May 12, 2013, 4:46 PM EST.
- Chris likes a link.Wyllie for Governor
- Chris likes a photo.Mobile Uploads My stack of Adrain Wyllie for governor bumper stickers just came in!!
- Chris likes a link.Cover Photos The "Wyllie For Governor" Sticker made it to Texas with team Speedy Goomba Racing for the PCA Race at COTA. Good Luck, Lou!
- Chris commented on their own link.DEFCAD www.defcad.orgPopeye, about an hour ago I got the same message, but soon after it was up and still is for me. Maybe it's the ISP or the web propagation hasn't reached me yet.
- Chris commented on their own link.DEFCAD www.defcad.orgmega.co.nz (fast): http://defcad.org/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=192
Direct download: http://defcad.org/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=191
Torrent: http://defcad.org/wp-content/plugins/download-monitor/download.php?id=190 - Chris commented on their own link.DEFCAD www.defcad.orgAt the bottom of http://defcad.org/defcad-mega-pack click on, "Direct Download," or, "Torrent." The, "mega.co.nz (fast)," option is a slower cloud download which I aborted and didn't fully test.
- Chris commented on their own link.DEFCAD www.defcad.orgWhat would Johannes Gutenberg do?
- Chris shared a link.DEFCAD www.defcad.orgThe news just broken on the Alex Jones Show by guest, Cody Wilson, is that he is forced to take down his site, www.defcad.org. ░▒▓►The files needed for printing guns on a 3D printer are still available.◄▓▒░ Get them while you can at http://defcad.org/defcad-mega-pack or by performing a web search of, "defcad.org torrent," and, "defcad torrent." Some files are not torrents and don't require torrent server software (i.e. the freely available Bittorrent or µTorrent).
cc: Wearechange Tampa Sean Raspatello Scott Legere John Mayor Curley Carolyn Rose Goyda Frank Hopson Alexander Snitker Danielle Alexandre Adrian Wyllie Dan Tucker - Chris commented on a link.CNN anchors pretend they're having a 'satellite interview' even though they're in the same parking l www.happyplace.comClearly suffering from an incredible, shrinking market share, if CNN had just used tin cans it wouldn't have raised any suspicion and would have been a lot more fun for the, "correspondents."
- Chris commented on a link.Video of Vegas boy grilling cop goes viral www.fox19.comDoesn't the officer seem a bit overdressed? The undaunted Jeremy shouldn't have asked the officer to give his name and badge number. Neither is he required to give his name as he's not a suspect, but I suppose he felt he was minding his manners.
Bring several copies of all these with you always (they have always worked for me like a charm as well as all others I've heard of using them):
Public Ser...See More - Chris commented on a link.CNN anchors pretend they're having a 'satellite interview' even though they're in the same parking l www.happyplace.comIt's a lot more fun with tin cans.
- Chris likes a link.CNN anchors pretend they're having a 'satellite interview' even though they're in the same parking l www.happyplace.comClassic News manipulation. I guess they really do think we're all morons. :O/ ~RXx
- Chris shared a link.Boston Hoax: Fake Silicon Gore Mask Found | NODISINFO, May 8, 2013 nodisinfo.comWearechange Tampa, What do you think of this? And what of the video linked in a comment of a man shouting just before he throws powder on people after the bombing (www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax4gahyU3to)?
- Chris likes a link.Pasco dog shelter nearing capacity crisis | wtsp.com www.wtsp.comPlease watch this news piece and spread the message of the need for more networking and adoptions for these animals. Thank you.
- May 6
- Chris likes a link.Metaphysically Speaking TM), Radio Rebroadcast - Cats and Animals New episodes out now. Thank you for listening! ~Namste
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZsqHznKWTE - Chris likes a status.Lisa Brumfiel GREAT NEWS! A MIRACLE HAPPENED! I WON A TWO WEEK TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER WHICH DOES NOT HAPPEN FOR MY SORT OF CASE IN COLORADO! I AM GOING TO BE ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE DENVER POST TOMORROW. I have a second heaing in two weeks to make it an injunction. The battle is not over but this was a HUGE VICTORY! PRAISE JESUS! ♥
- Chris likes a link.Metaphysically Speaking TM), Radio Rebroadcast More On UFOs New episodes out now. Thank you for listening! ~Namste
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dulg5XPWVvQ - May 5
- Chris likes a post.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limit www.meetup.com
- May 4
- Chris and Maria Scruggs are now friends.
- Chris likes a link.Pinellas Pepper Fest Hope to see all my friends at the 7th Annual Pinellas Pepper Fest...!!!!
- May 3
- Chris commented on their own link.Palm Beach County sheriff gets $1 million for violence prevention unit amid questions about civil li www.mypalmbeachpost.comAlso, in Palm Beach County don't forget to:
1. Swear out a statement that you give the government permission to lie to you and take your money, property, and life if deemed necessary.
2. Have enlistment papers on the table.
3. Have fake documentation indicating you regularly, voluntarily donate to the U.S. Treasury. - Chris commented on a link.Palm Beach County sheriff gets $1 million for violence... www.mypalmbeachpost.comAlso, in Palm Beach County don't forget to:
1. Swear out a statement that you give the government permission to lie to you and take your money, property, and life if deemed necessary.
2. Have enlistment papers on the table.
3. Have fake documentation indicating you regularly, voluntarily donate to the U.S. Treasury. - Chris posted a link to Frank Hopson's timeline.Principia Scientific Intl | New Discovery: NASA Study Proves Carbon Dioxide Cools Atmosphere principia-scientific.orgThis doesn't bode well for the profiteering carbonazis.
- Chris shared a link.Palm Beach County sheriff gets $1 million for violence prevention unit amid questions about civil li www.mypalmbeachpost.comIn Palm Beach County just keep Journey's song, "Don't Stop Believing," on continuous replay in case the cops show up and record the encounter covertly and streaming online (www.livestream.com will save any disrupted streams). If they try to be too intimidating, tell them the song is prima facie evidence of your unwavering character, intentions, and motivations to serve our imperious government. Ask, "what can I do for my country?" But don't otherwise quote JFK too much. So much do bullies just eat up groveling that they often can't tell when it's acting.
- Chris commented on a link.Palm Beach County sheriff gets $1 million for violence... www.mypalmbeachpost.comIn Palm Beach County just keep Journey's song, "Don't Stop Believing," on continuous replay in case the cops show up and record the encounter covertly and streaming online (www.livestream.com will save any disrupted streams). If they try to be too intimidating, tell them the song is prima facie evidence of your unwavering character, intentions, and motivations to serve our imperious government. Ask, "what can I do for my country?" But don't otherwise quote JFK too much. So much do bullies just eat up groveling that they often can't tell when it's acting.
- May 2
- Chris commented on their own post.Chris Steiner The next hearing is scheduled for May 17, 2013. More reportage and opinions coming soon.
- Chris commented on their own post.Chris Steiner The next hearing is scheduled for May 17, 2013. More reportage and opinions coming soon.
- Chris commented on their own link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limit www.meetup.comThe next hearing is scheduled for May 17, 2013. More reportage and opinions coming soon.
- Chris commented on a link.The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever | Politics News | Rolling Stone www.rollingstone.com"Gloat while you can," said the insanely overconfident bankster.
- Chris commented on their own link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.comThe next hearing is scheduled for May 17, 2013. More reportage and opinions coming soon.
- Chris sent Maria Scruggs a friend request.
- Chris commented on their own link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.comAdrian, if there is a ruling I'll let you know and post it here. Last night Debra Caso expressed she felt it might take a week or more as is often the case for Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge John A. Schaefer.
- May 1
- Chris posted a link to Timothy J Rodocker's timeline.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.comTomorrow! This history-making hearing is expected to yield a ruling on whether the four imposter Pinellas County commissioners exceeding their term limits will be deposed. ░▒▓►Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said commissioners, the judge ought to entertain a motion to reverse their illegal decisions including their decision to restart water fluoridation on November 27, 2012.◄▓▒░
More at www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/114250452
cc: Alex Schlegel Sammy Schlegel Kay Newton D.j. Palumbo Jovantee Rashad Blair Vivian Marie Kelly Lynn Shahin Pahlavan Jim Bedinghaus Rudy Arnauts - Chris likes The Little Miss Fluoride Fighters.The Little Miss Fluoride Fighters Community
- Chris commented on their own post.Chris Steiner If water fluoridation were forced medication those responsible for it (i.e. city/county commissioners) would be practicing medicine without a license. It's actually forced toxification under the thin guise of forced medication because pharmaceutical-grade fluoride in the forms of Stannous and Sodium Fluorides is not used, but instead the, "likely source of contamination [not, "nutritient," or, "me...See More
- Chris posted a link to Bree Cheatham's timeline.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limit www.meetup.comTomorrow! This history-making hearing is expected to yield a ruling on whether the four imposter Pinellas County commissioners exceeding their term limits will be deposed. ░▒▓►Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said commissioners, the judge ought to entertain a motion to reverse their illegal decisions including their decision to restart water fluoridation on November 27, 2012.◄▓▒░
More at www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/114250452
cc: Dan Tucker David Forte David Pezza Peggy Stone John C Junstrom Vicki Conrad Steve Gentile Xabier Garay Nick Steiner Josh Steiner - Chris commented on their own link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.com░▒▓►Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said commissioners, the judge ought to entertain a motion to reverse their illegal decisions including their decision to restart water fluoridation on November 27, 2012.◄▓▒░
- Chris commented on their own link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.com░▒▓►Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said commissioners, the judge ought to entertain a motion to reverse their illegal decisions including their decision to restart water fluoridation on November 27, 2012.◄▓▒░
- Chris commented on their own link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.com░▒▓►Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said commissioners, the judge ought to entertain a motion to reverse their illegal decisions including their decision to restart water fluoridation on November 27, 2012.◄▓▒░
- Chris posted in Alliance for a Livable Pinellas (ALP).May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limit www.meetup.comTomorrow! This history-making hearing is expected to yield a ruling on whether the four imposter Pinellas County commissioners exceeding their term limits will be deposed. ░▒▓►Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said commissioners, the judge ought to entertain a motion to reverse their illegal decisions including their decision to restart water fluoridation on November 27, 2012.◄▓▒░
More at www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/114250452 - Chris shared a link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.comTomorrow! This history-making hearing is expected to yield a ruling on whether the four imposter Pinellas County commissioners exceeding their term limits will be deposed.
░▒▓►Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said commissioners, the judge ought to entertain a motion to reverse their illegal decisions including their decision to restart water fluoridation on November 27, 2012.◄▓▒░
More at www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/114250452
cc: Wearechange Tampa Alexander Snitker Danielle Alexandre Adrian Wyllie Sean Raspatello Scott Legere Blake Shatto John Mayor Curley David Rickerson Sr. Bruce Wright - Chris likes a link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.comBounce these CREEPS Outta Office....
- Chris posted a link to 1250 WHNZ's timeline.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.comMay 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits: www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/114250452
- Chris posted a link to Newsradio 970 WFLA's timeline.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.comMay 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits: www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/114250452
- Chris posted a link to Save Pinellas's timeline.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.com
- Chris and George C. Glasser are now friends.
- Chris likes a photo.Cover Photos
- Chris posted in Tampa Bay Water Freedom.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.comMay 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits: www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/114250452
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.comMay 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits: www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/114250452
- Chris posted a link to Citizens for Safe Water Pinellas's timeline.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits www.meetup.comMay 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limits: www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/114250452
- Chris likes a link.New regulations drop water fluoridation requirement www.jpost.comhttp://www.jpost.com/Health-and-Science/New-regulations-drop-water-fluoridation-requirement-309593
- Chris posted a link to Unbound Radio's timeline.Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis www.groundzeromedia.orgGround Zero with Clyde Lewis, midnight EST : I'm pleasantly surprised to hear the stream start playing the show as I listen to it on the radio. See www.groundzeromedia.org
- Chris likes Gray State.Gray State Movie
- April 30
- Chris commented on a status.Alex Schlegel How much did you talk him/her down?
- Chris likes a status.Alex Schlegel New car for 411 bye yolo county
- Chris and Clyde Lewis are now friends.
- Chris commented on a status.Alex Schlegel To where would you like to go?
These are current rates for an Amtrak ride from Davis, California (seat of Yolo County) to Tampa, Florida (98 hours):
May 1: $503 | May 2: $394 | May 3: $354 | May 4 & 5 (Saturday & Sunday): $394 | May 6: $354 - Chris sent George C. Glasser a friend request.
- April 29
- Chris commented on a link.The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever | Politics News | Rolling Stone www.rollingstone.comIf only Matt would name those he considers ahead of the curve I wouldn't feel this anxious compulsion to pay more attention to them. To his credit, he sure knows how to hold you in suspense. :-}
- Chris likes a link.The Biggest Price-Fixing Scandal Ever | Politics News | Rolling Stone www.rollingstone.comJust making sure this is on everyone's radar...
- April 28
- Chris and Nick Tufaro are now friends.
- Chris likes a link.Hank Johnson: 'Imagine a World Without Balloons' This is not the Onion. This is not Saturday Night Live. This is Congressman Hank Johnson (D-Georgia) speaking from the floor of the United States House of Representatives in support of the Federal Helium Reserve. God help us all.
- Chris commented on a link.Hank Johnson: 'Imagine a World Without Balloons' A lot like Gilda Radner as Roseannadanna, a veritable fount of humor sited right where self-deprecating humor and gallows humor meet, except that he's taxpayer-funded and never says, "never mind."
- Chris commented on a post.Melody Page www.labelgmoflorida.com
- April 27
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.JFK Speech: The, "Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy" JFK warned of, "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy."
Anent yesterday's Radioactivity discussion, the term, "conspiracy theory," is often used with intent to stigmatize reporters, whistleblowers, leakers, Citizens.
"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence..."
See this and more of President John F. Kennedy's speech given at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on April 27, 1961, entitled, "The President and the Press," given before the American Newspaper Publishers Association:
Audio: www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhkjYJAHCjM
Transcript: www.thepowerhour.com/news3/jfk_speech_transcript.htm - April 26
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos I'm gonna get crapped on for this, but...Coo-coo-coo-poo....
- Chris and Angel Manny Diaz are now friends.
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓█►video◄█▓▒░ FBI releases footage of suspect's bomb-hurling spree Like so many other vague videos released by the government, this looks suspicious.
- Chris sent Nick Tufaro a friend request.
- Chris sent Angel Manny Diaz a friend request.
- April 25
- Chris commented on a status.Frank Hopson Biden is so wrong even when he gets his lines right.
- Chris commented on their own link.Secret Service tried to block press from bombing questions? www.infowars.comGeoffrey, being slanted hard left would be preferable to constantly giving political cover to the most hardcore tyrants of ►all◄ stripes the Earth has ever seen. On other issues I've heard stories similar to yours which I can neither confirm nor deny. As a frequent caller I speak first-hand: as it currently exists, WMNF bears little resemblance to a public commons. This past Sunday Forum two ca...See More
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Secret Service tried to block press from bombing questions? www.infowars.comWhile just reporting this on air Rob Lorei cut me very short: www.infowars.com/secret-service-tried-to-block-press-from-bombing-questions
Two of Barry the Butcher's personal Secret[ive] [dis]Service guard dogs became attack dogs to intimidate Infowars Reporter Dan Bidondi and thwart him from showing photographic evidence of suspects at an April 15, 2013, press conference on the Boston Marathon bom...See More - Chris shared a link.Officials: Boston suspect had no firearm when barrage of bullets hit hiding place www.washingtonpost.comDzhokhar Tsarnaev was falsely accused of attempted suicide. Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis claimed he was wanted alive. Will any officers even face reprimand? Will Davis step down or even apologize?
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Which is probably why the FBI was forced to stop their interrogation of him, and...See MoreIt's those ill whose main goal is to rob us of God's peace. Let's be glad that terrorist hoaxes are increasingly being exposed as they happen or soon thereafter, preventing much suffering.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Which is probably why the FBI was forced to stop their interrogation of him, and...See MoreThey rub elbows with genocidal maniac elite of all ethnicities without any discernable preference for one.
- Chris commented on their own link.Timeline Photos Which is probably why the FBI was forced to stop their interrogation of him, and...See MoreDo you wonder whether he might have covertly taken photos in the White House, too?
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Which is probably why the FBI was forced to stop their interrogation of him, and...See MoreSuspected Saudi Terrorist Al-Harbi Visited White House Numerous Times | By Kurt Nimmo, Infowars.com, April 24, 2013: www.infowars.com/suspected-saudi-terrorist-al-harbi-visited-white-house-numerous-times
Bush often entertained Jeff Gannon (aka James Guckert) and Anwar al-Awlaki. Soetoro had Abdul Rahman Ali al-Harbi. Do you wonder whether he might have covertly taken photos in the White House, too? - Chris commented on a status.Frank Hopson Fred, often by the grace of God government false flags are exposed as they occur or soon thereafter to minimize suffering. This I've learned from the many professional, expert, credentialed, and first-hand opinions and testimonies over the years since 1993 when I had started familiarizing myself with the FBI bombing of the World Trade Center (www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2vpcABWJiY) and false-flag ter...See More
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Electromagnetic fields (EMF) photographed with Fluorescent light source.So cool...
- Chris shared a link.Secret Service tried to block press from bombing questions? www.infowars.comTwo of Barry the Butcher's personal Secret[ive] [dis]Service guard dogs became attack dogs to intimidate Infowars Reporter Dan Bidondi and thwart him from showing photographic evidence of suspects at an April 15, 2013, press conference on the Boston Marathon bombings.
- Chris commented on a status.Frank Hopson Officials: Boston suspect had no firearm when barrage of bullets hit hiding place | By Sari Horwitz and Peter Finn, Washington Post, April 25, 2013: www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/officials-boston-suspect-had-no-firearm-when-barrage-of-bullets-hit-hiding-place/2013/04/24/376fc8a0-ad18-11e2-a8b9-2a63d75b5459_story.html
Secret Service tried to block press from bombing questions? | By...See More - Chris commented on their own link.Timeline Photos Which is probably why the FBI was forced to stop their interrogation of him, and...See MoreSuspected Saudi Terrorist Al-Harbi Visited White House Numerous Times | By Kurt Nimmo, Infowars.com, April 24, 2013: www.infowars.com/suspected-saudi-terrorist-al-harbi-visited-white-house-numerous-times
Bush, Jr. often entertained Jeff Gannon (aka James Guckert) and Anwar al-Awlaki. Soetoro had Abdul Rahman Ali al-Harbi. - April 24
- Chris shared "Reclaim America" by Kimber Chitwood's photo.Timeline Photos Which is probably why the FBI was forced to stop their interrogation of him, and...See MoreFirst hospital food, now her. Hasn't he been through enough?
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos First hospital food, now her. Hasn't he been through enough?
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Which is probably why the FBI was forced to stop their interrogation of him, and...See MoreFirst hospital food, now her. Hasn't he been through enough?
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Which is probably why the FBI was forced to stop their interrogation of him, and...See MoreSTILL THINK YOU ARE BEING TOLD THE TRUTH ABOUT BOSTON.......
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos Which is probably why the FBI was forced to stop their interrogation of him, and allow him to board his private jet, and head back to Saudi before anyone got wind of his disappearance...
- April 23
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos It isn’t law yet, but it did clear the Republican-dominated House of Representat...See More
- Chris commented on their own post.Chris Steiner Oops, I just realized it's not live. :-}
- Chris commented on their own post.Chris Steiner Jason, as you're on the fence, Obama is ineligible for Senator and President, not necessarily because of his birthplace which issue is a diversion from the points in, "What about Obama’s Indonesian Citizenship?" (http://obamacrimes.com/?p=1505). Have you seen this?
- Chris wrote on Jason Bermas's timeline.Bombshell: Brad Friedman bombastically blasts the overuse of, "bombshell!"
Jason, I'm listening live to your rapid education/debate of Brad. We ought to have all available footage released including the Boston PD dashcams' footage. "The man in the footage was my nephew [Tamerlan Tsarnaev], the oldest one. I am telling you 100%." - Maret Tsarnaeva, Aunt
Also, agreeing with the dispatch recording fr...See More - April 22
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Please Share This Rare Opportunity!
- Chris commented on their own link.░▒▓█►video◄█▓▒░ April 21, 2013: Info on Boston Bombings! Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the Naked Man "The man in the footage was my nephew, the oldest one. I am telling you 100%." - Maret Tsarnaeva, Aunt
If the naked man is Tamerlan Tsarnaev then the whole story about his death in the shootout is a lie.
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152430096165942&set=a.469813215941.261399.175868780941& - Chris commented on a post.It's the bomb-bringer.
- Chris likes a post.How about the Law suit the Plant won against Monsanto!!! @DConRadioIo @Rickjbtls @FrankSBSDC
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓█►video◄█▓▒░ April 21, 2013: Info on Boston Bombings! Tamerlan Tsarnaev and the Naked Man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0-C6Z0YEGM
Maret Tsarnaeva, the aunt of Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the suspected Boston marathon bombers, has revealed to me that she can positively identify the oldest nephew Tamerlan Tsarnaev as the man who was stripped naked and placed into a police cruiser during the manhunt for the suspects.
Re: thread at www.facebook.com/chris.steiner1/posts/585175888172919 - Chris likes a status.Infowars Dan Bidondi DONT EVERY LET ANYONE TELL YOU ONE MAN CAN'T MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
I come from the smallest city in the smallest state. But stood up to the NWO live in front of the world and punched that bully right in the face 3 times! - Chris likes a link.Down The Rabbit Hole w/ Popeye is on Unbound Radio Popeye is still on the airwaves, he has just moved to a new network. Tune in Monday through Friday, 10pm - Midnight EST.
http://unboundradio.com/ - Chris shared a link.ABC Live Coverage - Boston Bombing Conference LIES Dan Bidondi (www.facebook.com/TruthRadio/posts/10151621203679680): " ANYONE WHO THINKS WE ARE LYING!! Watch this official abc news video from the FBI tapes.. 1min & 14 secs into the video they show the footage... They point out the suspect in the video.. BUT DON'T POINT OUT HE WAS FOLLOWING A MAN WITH KAKI PANTS BLACK JACKET AND BACKPACK AND NAVY SEAL TEAM 3 HAT!!!
Blatenly right in our faces and yet we are the conspiracy theorist!!
The Suspect was directly being led by this special ops agent..
http://youtu.be/coouoG9FoDI " - Chris and JG Vibes are now friends.
- Chris sent JG Vibes a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos A sick idea of victory gardens, funding black projects and flooding the world's streets with cheap poppy products: http://publicintelligence.net/us-afghan-patrolling-poppy-fields-2012
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos War on drugs revealed as total hoax - US military admits to guarding, assisting ...A sick idea of victory gardens, funding black projects and flooding the world's streets with cheap poppy products: http://publicintelligence.net/us-afghan-patrolling-poppy-fields-2012
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos War on drugs revealed as total hoax - US military admits to guarding, assisting ...A sick idea of victory gardens, funding black projects and flooding the world's streets with cheap poppy products: http://publicintelligence.net/us-afghan-patrolling-poppy-fields-2012
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos War on drugs revealed as total hoax - US military admits to guarding, assisting ...
- Chris likes a photo.Mobile Uploads One of my favorite pics of the gig!
- Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos Bringing the sweet!
- Chris likes a photo.Mobile Uploads
- Chris likes a photo.Mobile Uploads
- Chris likes Tampa Bay Partnership.Tampa Bay Partnership Organization
- Chris likes We Are Change - Miami.We Are Change - Miami Media/News/Publishing
- April 21
- Chris and Marji Mullis are now friends.
- Chris sent Marji Mullis a friend request.
- Chris shared Jeff Anderson's photo.Jeff Anderson's Photos
- Chris sent Clyde Lewis a friend request.
- April 20
- Chris commented on their own post.Chris Steiner The NY Times article is at www.nytimes.com/2012/04/29/opinion/sunday/terrorist-plots-helped-along-by-the-fbi.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Try...The whole IBM ASCII table: www.ascii-codes.com
∙-■=≡░▒▓█► ╠╣Å\/Σ ╒└╜╥┐¡◄█▓▒░≡=■-∙ - Chris likes Mohammed Abbasi.Mohammed Abbasi Public Figure
- Chris likes Mohammed Abbasi.Mohammed Abbasi Public Figure
- Chris commented on their own link.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ [0:33] Boston Marathon bombing suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, NAKED and walking alive! David, this article quotes the parents as saying the same: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2311953/FBI-interviewed-Boston-Marathon-bombing-suspect-Tamerlan-Tsarnaev-26-possible-extremist-ties-years-ago-incriminating-information.html
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓►video◄▓▒░ [0:33] Boston Marathon bombing suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, NAKED and walking alive! Stripped naked, handcuffed, apparently murdered: each step more obscene than the last.
Should this video disappear I've downloaded it as can you, too, with FireFox and the add-on, Easy Youtube Video Downloader at http://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/easy-youtube-video-downl-10137. - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos From MSM News: City of Boston in total LOCK DOWN (MARTIAL LAW) to PROTECT ITSELF...See More
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Most Americans only care when it happens in their homeland.
- Chris commented on a link.Jack Blood Jack, the scanner recording evidence of attempted murder by arson that you presented on Ground Zero would be cause for taking more time to craft the official narrative. In the brief press conference tonight Ed Davis, Boston Police Commissioner, said that suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was in serious condition, but never explained nor was asked by the press how he was apprehended. Bloomberg News showed an image allegedly of him on a stretcher with a mask, maybe a ventilator. His unstable condition could be used as a lame excuse to induce coma or worse.
- Chris likes a link.Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis www.groundzeromedia.orgI will be back on GROUND ZERO RADIO with Clyde Lewis tonight at Midnight EST - will recap the Boston Bombings Psy Op www.groundzeromedia.org
- Chris likes a link.Jack Blood Jack Blood is on Ground Zero Radio talking about the Bombing and capture of the suspect.
- April 19
- Chris posted a link to Wearechange Tampa's timeline.░▒▓►documentary◄▓▒░ A Noble Lie: The Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995 www.youtube.com/watch?v=roZi0H2Gsxg
- Chris shared a link.░▒▓►documentary◄▓▒░ A Noble Lie: The Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995 www.youtube.com/watch?v=roZi0H2Gsxg
- Chris likes a link.Round 3 - Sweet Oblique Did youse guys see theese pictures of
Sweet Oblique at the Local Revolt...???? - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos ...is sincerely hoping that one day...
...ONE DAY...
Some of his long time friends might come out to hear the band he just joined,
Sweet Oblique...
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=499275783455059&set=a.173678662681441.35620.160848250631149&&theater - Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos (H) Wake Up, Make it viral , We need a revolution
(Like and Share) http://share.banoosh.com/?p=261Anent the photo, "Stay tuned for the latest, breaking news of little to no impact on our lives..."
Anent the conversation, call into talk shows armed with whatever you think is most important. It's fun being a talk show assassin, using facts to effortlessly allay false fears and change the course of conversation. - Chris shared Occupy Wall St.'s photo.Timeline Photos (H) Wake Up, Make it viral , We need a revolution
(Like and Share) http://share.banoosh.com/?p=261Stay tuned for the latest, breaking news of little to no impact on our lives... - Chris wrote on WMNF Community radio's timeline.Why would Rob Lorei cut my call short again this morning? And why the lame excuse for having done so? Things that make you go, "hmmm?" I briefly mentioned using high pH ionized water as a healthy dispersant for remedial action of oil disasters. Then I began making the contention that, from my constantly watching the www.PrisonPlanet.tv stream, with the Boston Marathon bombings we are being tur...See More
- April 18
- Chris and Susan Lindauer are now friends.
- April 17
- Chris and Infowars Dan Bidondi are now friends.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Dear Gawd.http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/67/Demon_Attack_box_art.jpg
Do you remember back in the old school days (30+ years ago) when dinosaurs with superweapons roamed the cosmos unchecked? On the family TI-99/4A I used to play a slight improvement, Super Demon Attack, which I recently found how to play again on an emulator, Classic99: http://retroactivegames.wordpress.com/tag/super-demon-attack. - Chris commented on a link.Local Revolt Show Proof you can and often do fly blind. Must be good third eyesight.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/67/Demon_Attack_box_art.jpg
http://retroactivegames.wordpress.com/tag/super-demon-attack Do you remember back in the old school days (30+ years ago) when dinosaurs roamed the cosmos with superweapons unchecked? On the family TI-99/4A I used to play a slight improvement, Super Demon Attack, which I recently found how to play again on an emulator, Classic99. - Chris sent Infowars Dan Bidondi a friend request.
- April 16
- Chris commented on a link.http://www.integratedtrainingsummit.org/presentations/2008/main_training_summit/course_18_-_tale_of_ www.integratedtrainingsummit.orgJohn Statdmiller, Host of National Intel Report (RBN), reports it's two episodes edited together.
- Chris likes a link.Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind! www.infowars.comDAN BIDONDI LIVE ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW IN 2O MIN
www.prisonplanet.tv - Chris commented on a link.http://www.integratedtrainingsummit.org/presentations/2008/main_training_summit/course_18_-_tale_of_ www.integratedtrainingsummit.orgRyan, on his show Alex mentioned this episode of Family Guy soon after your post.
- Chris likes Luke Rudkowski.Luke Rudkowski Public Figure
- Chris changed their Website.www.ClearwaterHours.com
https://www.facebook.com/chris.steiner1 - Chris likes a link.Business Insider www.businessinsider.comLOL I MADE BUSINESS INSIDER!!
Obnoxious Troll Asks Massachusetts Governor If Marathon Attack Was A 'False Flag'
www.businessinsider.com - Chris commented on a link.Obnoxious Troll Asks Massachusetts Governor If Marathon Attack Was A 'False Flag' www.businessinsider.comDan, yesterday I followed the reportage from you and the other infowarriors live on the PrisonPlanet.tv Channel on Justin.tv. Thanks for making tyrants act even more like tyrants and on TV, to boot.
- Chris sent Susan Lindauer a friend request.
- April 15
- Chris likes a link.Home www.thelocalrevolt.netThe Local Revolt Music Series - Round 3 wants to Thank all 14 Bands that performed at the Show on Saturday!! Every band Kicked Ass and everyone commented on the High quality of Bands that played. We had an Awesome time and we are looking forward to Round 4 October 19th !!!!! Pictures will be uploaded within the next few days so keep an eye out for them on our website. Thanks Again!!!!!! www.TheLocalRevolt.net
- April 14
- Chris likes a link.Hour Money Jubilee the international movement for human debt emancipation, unity and abundance. https://vimeo.com/63946747
- Chris commented on their own link.Unbound Radio stream www.wearechangetampa.orgFlash player required
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos TWIf Alex is so smart he wouldn't be itchin' for Ritalin and/or Adderall.
- Chris likes a post.Frank Hopson Good call...!!!
- Chris likes Meetup.Meetup Product/Service
- Chris commented on their own link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limit www.meetup.comAnd tell Skeletor you'll take measures to avoid getting the munchies during commission meetings so as to avoid crinkling plastic bags of snacks, unlike the indiscreet empress, Sue Latvala (yea, it does sound like a Tarantino film, but in an orderly, court setting like I told Adrian Wyllie on Liberty Underground since I first heard him use the term). She has a way of making commission meetings look like her own pot luck.
- Chris shared a link.Unbound Radio stream www.wearechangetampa.orgThe awesome, brand new network, Unbound Radio (www.UnboundRadio.com), has just been added to the handy streams navigator on the WAC Tampa site (www.wearechangetampa.org/unbound-radio-stream.html and www.wearechangetampa.org/radio-streams.html). I love using this nav. because it allows me to conveniently switch from one commercial I've already heard to another. :-} Wearechange Tampa
- Chris commented on their own link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limit www.meetup.comIn word a good minion may publicly insult the tyrant while actually licking his boots. Of psychological operations you've learned well.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos A caveat against pesticides and GMOs?
- Wayne Walton posted a link to your timeline.Hour Money Jubilee the international movement for human debt emancipation, unity and abundance. https://vimeo.com/63946747
- Chris commented on their own link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limit www.meetup.comAsk Governor Rick Scott if he'd consider you for one of the special appointments to replace an imposter commissioner. Tell him that during your stay in office you'll rule with an iron fist in a beer-soaked velvet glove. The publicity will soon follow.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos WOW...!!! We had a great time at the Local Revolt!
So many GREAT bands...really TOP NOTCH! - Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos I once collaborated with this guy dumpster diving. I think his name was Barney.
- Chris commented on a status.Frank Hopson I hope you find it. Let me know if you want an LG Banter Touch (model MN510, www.lg.com/us/cell-phones/lg-MN510-banter-touch) that needs a new battery ($15 or less) and has a few scratches, but can be transferred to you via Metro PCS.
- Frank Hopson wrote on your timeline.Good call...!!!
- Chris sent Tony Bowles a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.Don't Judge Too Quickly... "FUNNY" & "AWESOME" at the same time:)
- Chris shared a link.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limit www.meetup.comThis history-making hearing is expected to yield a ruling on whether the four imposter Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding their term limits will be deposed.
░▒▓►Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said commissioners, the judge ought to entertain a motion to reverse their illegal decisions including their decision to restart water fluoridation on November 27, 2012.◄▓▒░
As the Florida...See More - Chris posted a link to Frank Hopson's timeline.May 2 hearing: suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limit www.meetup.comThis history-making hearing is expected to yield a ruling on whether the four imposter Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding their term limits will be deposed.
░▒▓►Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said commissioners, the judge ought to entertain a motion to reverse their illegal decisions including their decision to restart water fluoridation on November 27, 2012.◄▓▒░
As the Florida...See More - Chris likes a status.Robert Thompson Great show guys !!
- Chris and Timothy J Rodocker are now friends.
- Chris sent Timothy J Rodocker a friend request.
- April 13
- Chris shared Occupy Wall St.'s photo.Timeline Photos USA BEHIND ALL THE TERRORISM - TOP ITALIAN JUDGE
In a book published in January...See More - Chris shared Wyllie for Governor's photo.Timeline Photos You asked for them...We got 'em!
The new bumper stickers have arrived! We'll...See More - April 12
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos First algae powered building goes up in Hamburg
A 15-unit apartment building ha...See More - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos 5 Cancer Fighting Spices!
http://www.juiceupyourlife.tv/ <-- More Info Like This.
Juicing Vegetables - Chris likes a link.Franks vid Lottie FUCKIN' Da...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCcS0f7eQmw - Chris posted a page to 1250 WHNZ's timeline: The Local Revolt Music Series - Round 4.The Local Revolt Music Series - Round 4 Want to go to the Local Revolt Music Series (Round 3) in Largo on Saturday and need free tickets? Then go to www.TheLocalRevolt.net or www.ConsinityOnline.com.
See www.facebook.com/pages/The-Local-Revolt-Music-Series-Round-3/228526350544086
Poster: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=487675627948408&set=a.173678662681441.35620.160848250631149 - Chris posted a page to Scott Legere's timeline: The Local Revolt Music Series - Round 4.The Local Revolt Music Series - Round 4 Want to go to the Local Revolt Music Series (Round 3) in Largo on Saturday and need free tickets? Then go to www.TheLocalRevolt.net or www.ConsinityOnline.com.
See www.facebook.com/pages/The-Local-Revolt-Music-Series-Round-3/228526350544086
Poster: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=487675627948408&set=a.173678662681441.35620.160848250631149
cc: Sean Raspatello Alexia Raspatello Rick Jachimski David Rickerson Sr. David Pezza Anna Cain - Chris sent Andy Firk a friend request.
- Chris posted a page to Newsradio 970 WFLA's timeline: The Local Revolt Music Series - Round 4.The Local Revolt Music Series - Round 4 Want to go to the Local Revolt Music Series (Round 3) in Largo on Saturday and need free tickets? Then go to www.TheLocalRevolt.net or www.ConsinityOnline.com.
See www.facebook.com/pages/The-Local-Revolt-Music-Series-Round-3/228526350544086
Poster: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=487675627948408&set=a.173678662681441.35620.160848250631149 - Chris shared a page: The Local Revolt Music Series - Round 4.The Local Revolt Music Series - Round 4 Want to go to the Local Revolt Music Series (Round 3) in Largo on Saturday and need free tickets? Then go to www.TheLocalRevolt.net or www.ConsinityOnline.com.
See www.facebook.com/pages/The-Local-Revolt-Music-Series-Round-3/228526350544086
Poster: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=487675627948408&set=a.173678662681441.35620.160848250631149& - Chris posted a page to WMNF Community radio's timeline: The Local Revolt Music Series - Round 4.The Local Revolt Music Series - Round 4 Want to go to the Local Revolt Music Series (Round 3) in Largo on Saturday and need free tickets? Then go to www.TheLocalRevolt.net or www.ConsinityOnline.com.
See www.facebook.com/pages/The-Local-Revolt-Music-Series-Round-3/228526350544086
Poster: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=487675627948408&set=a.173678662681441.35620.160848250631149& - Chris likes a link.Franks vid
- Chris likes a link.Sweet Oblique Super BIG UPS to all my friends who have LIKED the band...
Alvin Olmedo
Amanda Cole
Brittany Nicole Close
Chris Steiner
...See More - Frank Hopson posted a link to your timeline.Franks vid
- Chris likes a link.Justice for Joshua Hakken & family
- Chris likes Justice for Joshua Hakken & family.Justice for Joshua Hakken & family Community
- Chris commented on a photo.War on Guns In many students the only curiosity this piques will be to the effect of, "Are these trick questions or is this another feeble School Board attempt to falsely frame the debate in order to catch students who might color outside the lines? Judging by the upside-down pentagrams, the teacher must have accidentally given me the quiz for Goth kids."
- Chris commented on a link.War on Guns GOVERNMENT SCHOOL TEACHES CHILDREN THAT "PEOPLE DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARM...See MoreIn many students the only curiosity this piques will be to the effect of, "Are these trick questions or is this another feeble School Board attempt to falsely frame the debate in order to catch students who might color outside the lines? Judging by the upside-down pentagrams, the teacher must have accidentally given me the quiz for Goth kids."
- April 11
- Chris shared a group: Alliance for a Livable Pinellas (ALP).Alliance for a Livable Pinellas (ALP) Please enjoy this active group, Alliance for a Livable Pinellas. It's open so anyone can join.
- Chris likes 10 Million Gun Owner March On Washington D.C.10 Million Gun Owner March On Washington D.C. Personal Blog
- April 10
- Chris likes a link.Beets & Brews - Tastes From the FarmApril 27 at 6:30pmThe Roosevelt 2.0 in Tampa, FloridaJoin · Get Tickets · 67 people wentOnly 3 weeks away! We've got a great event planned for you and we thank you all for your patience in the date change. We've updated our website and ticket page, to make it easier to purchase. Please visit to reserve your seat this week.
Purchase online here: http://creativityincommerce.com/product/beets-n-brews-ticket, call (727) 480-4162 or visit us at the Twilight Market, Local. Organic. Every Tuesday from 5 to 10 pm. - April 9
- Chris and Wearechange Krefeld are now friends.
- April 7
- Chris was tagged in Frank Hopson's link.Sweet Oblique Super BIG UPS to all my friends who have LIKED the band...
Alvin Olmedo
Amanda Cole
Brittany Nicole Close
Chris Steiner
...See More - April 6
- Chris and JoAnn Roy are now friends.
- April 3
- Chris commented on their own status.Chris Steiner Jeana, this is the model I'm investigating: www.lifeionizers.com/products/ionizers/3000.html.
- Chris commented on their own link.Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa Anent Sunday's aforeposted call to a radio show guesting Tampa Bay Times Writer & TV/Media Critic, Eric Deggans (www.facebook.com/chris.steiner1/posts/394866300621015): In reply to several points I made, Deggans wrote, "Wow. M'man, you need to take off the tinfoil hat nd stop with the conspiracy theories...Whew..." (www.facebook.com/Deggans/posts/324462904323867). Using only hyperbole and metaphor is the caricature of a Critic. As for so many others at the highly biased TBT, the actor becomes the role.
- Chris shared a link.www.facebook.com www.facebook.comAnent Sunday's aforeposted call to a radio show guesting Tampa Bay Times Writer & TV/Media Critic, Eric Deggans (www.facebook.com/chris.steiner1/posts/394866300621015): In reply to several points I made, Deggans wrote, "Wow. M'man, you need to take off the tinfoil hat nd stop with the conspiracy theories...Whew..." (www.facebook.com/Deggans/posts/324462904323867). Using only hyperbole and metaphor is the caricature of a Critic. As for so many others at the highly biased TBT, the actor becomes the role.
- Chris commented on their own post.Chris Steiner Shepard and crew, thanks for your hard work: great lineup and operation.
I'm looking to add either stream player embedded at http://unboundradio.com/, www.federaljack.com/?page_id=11598, or similar on its own page available through the handy streams navigator at www.wearechangetampa.org/radio-streams.html.
A week ago you were listed in the top section, Radio Streams, on the Links Page (www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html). - Chris likes NextNewsNetwork.NextNewsNetwork TV Network
- Chris wrote on Unbound Radio's timeline.Where's the stream player HTML, please?
- Chris commented on their own status.Chris Steiner Lynda, I recently found soaking a filter in high pH (9.5 - 11.5) ionized water cleans it the same as when you soak food, by electrostatically drawing the positively-charged contaminants. It seems that when filtering local tap water most filters ought to be cleaned weekly this way. I haven't yet tested this cleaning method on a dirty alum (fluoride-removing) filter or dirty reverse osmosis membrane. But some pre-filters of RO systems can benefit, at least extending the life of the RO membrane(s) down line.
- Chris commented on their own status.Chris Steiner Jeana, I agree with your interpretation and found a week ago that because my water ionizer is blowing chunks of platinum from its electrode plates it was likely toxifying me with titanium. It's under warranty and on its way back. I'm looking into a batch water ionizer that more thoroughly ionizes the water gradually, 100% neutralizing toxins like fluorides, by use of lower wattage to prevent the electrode plates from disintegrating. I've stepped up my detoxification regimen including growing the best kind of wheat grass I know, Kamut (aka Khorasan), to juice and likely sell.
- April 1
- Chris likes a link.Who is behind America's First 24/7 Liberty News Network? #N3 Dear Liberty Candidates,
I can not express to you enough how important it is to have a network of freedom and liberty lovers in one place. That is what Gary Franchi's NextNewsNetwork is all about.
In order to get our voice heard we need to have a reach larger audience than facebook. Please listen to what Gary Franchi has to say and how we really must help him so that WE have a voice in the 2014...See More - Chris likes a link.Next News Network (N3) nextnewsnetwork.comStarting now, I have a feeling I'll be getting a portion of my daily news from the Next News Network (N3).
- March 31
- Chris likes David Bradley's video Mar 31, 2013 7:01pm.Mar 31, 2013 7:01pm Spring is here! So cool to be spotting my own kid through a double back! Weather today in Denver is so awesome!
- Chris likes a status.Sean Wright I've been sober 1901 days.....
- Chris updated their status.Despite that I haven't owned or considered owning a fish aquarium in over 20 years, how would you interpret the recurring dream that I have forgotten to feed the fish or clean my aquarium for weeks? The filter would still be running and the aquarium always looks a little murky. There are never dead fish, but possibly slightly fewer than when I had last cared for them. I ask because this questio...See More
- Chris likes RawganicVegan.RawganicVegan Website
- Chris likes Flow of Wisdom.Flow of Wisdom Company
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Happy Easter.I got my goodies basket and am still finding eggs. Either you didn't get yours or this is an early April fools joke in which case you likely won't ever get another one. Using positive reinforcement is how he keeps his helpers' little pink noses to the grindstone, browsing Facebook for malcontents like you.
p.s. Happy Easter! - Chris commented on their own link.Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa Other than Tampa Bay Times, Al Gore, Kendrick Meek, and the actors, who else participated in this fabricated photo opp. of fake flattery?
- Chris commented on their own link.Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa Other than Tampa Bay Times, Al Gore, Kendrick Meek, and the actors, who else participated in this fabricated photo opp. of fake flattery?
- Chris commented on their own link.Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa Other than Tampa Bay Times, Al Gore, Kendrick Meek, and the actors, who else participated in this fabricated photo opp. of fake flattery?
- Chris commented on a link.Book Discussion with Eric Deggans, "Race-Baiter" - C-SPAN Video Library www.c-spanvideo.orgThis morning on WMNF's Sunday Forum when I called to provide proof (below), Tampa Bay Times Writer, Eric Deggans, repeatedly articulated his disbelief that Tampa Bay Times would ever publish a false story.
Exhibit A: See time index 12:55 of the video, "Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa," (www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfmokJvHBW4) from, "WMNFNews," Channel on Youtube (ww...See More - Chris commented on a link.Book Discussion with Eric Deggans, "Race-Baiter" - C-SPAN Video Library www.c-spanvideo.orgGovernments caught red-handed race-baiting to promote infighting of We, The People, as distraction from their tyranny:
In the 1999 civil case of King v. Jowers (www.thekingcenter.org/civil-case-king-family-versus-jowers) a unanimous jury decision found, in accordance with the King family's assertion, that the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was not committed by patsy, James Earl Ray,...See More - Chris posted a link to The Feed's timeline.Civil Case: King Family versus Jowers | The Martin Luther King Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Chan www.thekingcenter.orgGovernments caught red-handed race-baiting to promote infighting of We, The People, as distraction from their tyranny:
In the 1999 civil case of King v. Jowers (www.thekingcenter.org/civil-case-king-family-versus-jowers) a unanimous jury decision found, in accordance with the King family's assertion, that the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was not committed by patsy, James Earl Ray,...See More - Chris posted a link to The Feed's timeline.Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa This morning on WMNF's Sunday Forum when I called to provide proof (below), Tampa Bay Times Writer, Eric Deggans, repeatedly articulated his disbelief that Tampa Bay Times would ever publish a false story.
Exhibit A: See time index 12:55 of the video, "Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa," (www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfmokJvHBW4) from, "WMNFNews," Channel on Youtube (ww...See More - Chris posted a link to Wearechange Tampa's timeline.Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa This morning on WMNF's Sunday Forum when I called to provide proof (below), Tampa Bay Times Writer, Eric Deggans (www.tampabay.com/writers/eric-deggans), repeatedly articulated his disbelief that Tampa Bay Times would ever publish a false story.
Exhibit A: See time index 12:55 of the video, "Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa," (www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfmokJvHBW4) ...See More - Chris shared a link.Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa This morning on WMNF's Sunday Forum when I called to provide proof (below), Tampa Bay Times Writer, Eric Deggans (www.tampabay.com/writers/eric-deggans), repeatedly articulated his disbelief that Tampa Bay Times would ever publish a false story.
Exhibit A: See time index 12:55 of the video, "Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa," (www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfmokJvHBW4) ...See More - Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa This morning on WMNF's Sunday Forum when I called to provide proof (below), Tampa Bay Times Writer, Eric Deggans (www.tampabay.com/writers/eric-deggans), repeatedly articulated his disbelief that Tampa Bay Times would ever publish a false story.
Exhibit A: See time index 12:55 of the video, "Al Gore campaigns for Kendrick Meek - WMNF News 30 Sept 2010 Tampa," (www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfmokJvHBW4) ...See More - Chris commented on a link.Hormone imbalances and belly fat www.naturalnews.comFrom cruciferous vegetables, I found supplementing with DIM (Diindolylmethane) or just eating more broccoli helped lose excess adipose tissue around the waist. Also from cruciferous vegetables, I3C (Indole-3-carbinol) is a precursor of DIM. Hormone-balancing DIM, I3C, and cruciferous vegetables are all promising cancer preventatives and more (www.dimfaq.com/site/cruchoice.htm).
- March 30
- Chris Traghella posted a link to your timeline.Harbingers : Ancient Mysteries of America's Future http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQT7gEe7K30
Thought you might like this...you may have already heard this show since you are a George fan! :) - March 29
- Chris changed their Website.
- Chris changed their Website.
- Chris changed their Website.
- Chris changed their Website.
- Chris changed their Website.
- Chris commented on a link.Too Much Tea Leads Detroit Woman To Fluoride Overdose - CBS Detroit detroit.cbslocal.comCalcium fluoride is the only naturally-occurring kind of fluoride (and least toxic) so one would think so at least. Over-exposure to calcium fluoride alone can cause crippling and potentially deadly health problems most prominently evinced by severe skeletal and dental fluorosis like the cases of these untested, contaminated Indian wells: ░▒▓►Warning◄▓▒░ graphic human deformations at www.indiawaterportal.org/book/export/html/748, www.unicef.org/india/wes_1496.htm, http://water.thinkaboutit.eu/think5/post/the_mystery_of_the_indian_village_water
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos ~ Tom R.Impersonating the / a president via mask isn't [yet].
- Chris commented on their own status.Chris Steiner For my daily EFAs I take a big swallow of Canadian organic hemp seed oil and 3-4 big gelcaps of Sunflower Oil Lecithin for better absorption. If something so therapeutic and nutritious can legally be bought why not help the domestic economy(s) by allowing it to be legally grown?
- Chris commented on their own status.Chris Steiner ...all of us except for the allergic and sensitive, of course.
- Chris likes Great American Natural Products.Great American Natural Products Local Business
- Chris commented on their own status.Chris Steiner Wayne, I like that with oils we really ought to all be self-anointed (i.e. neck over carotid artery, feet, pineal, temples, back of neck over the medulla oblongata, top of head).
To the two who both apparently coincidentally posted and then deleted your comments for Young Living Essential Oils, I liked them. Feel free to advertise good, quality products. I buy mine in St. Petersburg from Great American (www.greatamerican.biz & www.facebook.com/greatamericannaturalproducts?ref=ts&fref=ts). - Chris updated their status.Not to be confused with EFAs (essential fatty acids), my collection of favorite medicinal-grade (aka therapeutic-grade) essential (meaning, "essence of") oils are Frankincense, Myrrh, Basil, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint, Spearmint, Wintergreen, Cassia, Cinnamon, Sage, Clary Sage, Lavender, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Rose Geranium, Lemongrass, Ginger, Garlic, Wild Mediterranean Oregano, Clove, ...See More
- March 28
- Chris commented on a link.Too Much Tea Leads Detroit Woman To Fluoride Overdose - CBS Detroit detroit.cbslocal.comAnd I just found interesting info. at http://toxipedia.org/display/toxipedia/Fluoride+Content+in+Tea linked in www.naturalnews.com/039638_toxins_ingredients_nutritional_supplements.html.
- Chris likes a link.Cannabis oil /Cannabis recovery photos/stories Kristina Marie is Living With Cancer Astrocytoma. She has an inoperable brain tu...See MoreTime to see the facts.
- Chris commented on a link.Too Much Tea Leads Detroit Woman To Fluoride Overdose - CBS Detroit detroit.cbslocal.comCamellia Sinensis -- from which green, white, oolong, pu-erh, and black teas are made -- is a plant that readily uptakes fluorides from the soil. In the article, "Water Break: Is the Truth About Fluoride a Washout?" by Skip Miller, The Health Journal, February 24, 2011 (www.thehealthjournals.com/2011/02/water-break) are statistics on fluoride in other foods from the USDA National Fluoride Database of Selected Beverages and Foods.
- Wayne Walton posted a photo to your timeline.Timeline Photos Desperate time call for desperate measures. Building the "Ark of the Covenant" (...See More
- March 27
- Chris likes Intellihub.Intellihub News/Media Website
- Chris likes Unbound Radio.Unbound Radio Radio Station
- Chris likes a link.Wyllie for Governor
- March 26
- Chris shared a link.Sudden neurologic symptom onset in an adolescent www.clinicaladvisor.com"So, because many were given and few died, it's a "safe and effective" vaccine. Ugh." - Dr. Tenpenny on Vaccines
"As of September 15, 2011, approximately 40 million doses of Gardasil were distributed in the U.S. and VAERS received a total of 20,096 reports of adverse events following Gardasil vaccination...and 71 confirmed deaths." - all this for a completely unnecessary injection. - March 25
- Chris commented on a link.Atlanta Music Liberty Fest April 6th @ Center Stage Theater Promo Video See also www.wearechangeatlanta.com/2013/03/01/atlanta-music-liberty-fest
- Chris commented on a link.http://www.federaljack.com/usf-obstetrician-threatens-to-call-police-if-patient-doesnt-report-for-c- www.federaljack.comDon't rush the unborn or they may feel undue stress in life. Let the unborn choose when to emerge in his or her own time with guidance of Spirit and influenced by the unique astrology of that time. Without any evidence of risk, it's likely USF/TGH control freaks, like so many other hospitals, are bent on administering to the newborn baby multiple vaccinations, a Social[ist] [in]Security number, ...See More
- Chris and Harry Disinfoassassin Hard are now friends.
- Chris sent Harry Disinfoassassin Hard a friend request.
- Chris and Jo Ann Elliott Arnold are now friends.
- March 23
- Chris commented on a link.Police Drone Crashes into Police gizmodo.comBeware the rise of SkyNet...kind of
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos No Ritalin or Adderall is needed for a tranquil childhood.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos No Ritalin or Adderall is needed for a tranquil childhood.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Must be those savage preppers. They sure do put them to work young. Wherever in the world that is there ought to be a law against child labor to protect them from such obscene exploitation. They need a licensed, insured ferry driver to take them wherever it is they're going and get them to pipe down.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos ~OPM
- Chris likes Eat St. Pete!Eat St. Pete! News/Media Website
- Chris commented on a link.Pete Bossler Oh dear, I thought you were referring to plumbing problems of another kind. Never mind.
- Chris commented on a status.Frank Hopson Say it in big writing on your banner, saving folks from any clicks and Facebook from any fix.
- Chris and James Anthony Hall are now friends.
- March 22
- Chris commented on a link.Pete Bossler All these things are inevitable: why fear it?
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Remember this lady? I didn't either.
Irena Sendler
Died: May 12, 2008 (aged 98...See MoreGood dog...awesome lady... - Chris likes a photo.
- Chris commented on a photo.Mobile Uploads That explains much about your appreciation for the abstract and surreal. Do you share my curiosity in how your post might strike the AI profiling analytics reading it?
- Chris likes a link.Atlanta Music Liberty Fest April 6th @ Center Stage Theater Promo Video Please consider a trip to Atlanta Liberty Fest. We will be talking about an international monetary revolution through Hour Money. mtnHours.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DhIeNbOxLp4
- March 21
- Chris likes a link.Malissa Myers
- Chris likes a status.Liz Nisbet Happy 4th Anniversary my friends Malissa Myers and Frank Hopson xoxoxoxoxo!
- Chris likes a post.Alexander Higgins Forced To Demo, Rebuild By FEMA
- Chris posted a link to Wearechange Tampa's timeline.Home Page www.wearechangetampa.orgWe Are CHANGE Tampa needs your help. Please go to our site, www.wearechangetampa.org, to donate in order to keep We Are CHANGE Tampa's prominence on the web through our website and Meetup group (www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa).
We are grateful for donations of any size.
Thanks to those who have kept us going over the years with their financial donations: Jason King, Wayne Walton, John Junstrom...See More - Chris sent Rhonda Siegers a friend request.
- Wayne Walton posted a link to your timeline.Atlanta Music Liberty Fest April 6th @ Center Stage Theater Promo Video Please consider a trip to Atlanta Liberty Fest. We will be talking about an international monetary revolution through Hour Money. mtnHours.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DhIeNbOxLp4
- March 20
- Chris likes Rally for the Right to Know.Rally for the Right to Know Organization
- Chris likes FLactivist.FLactivist Internet/Software
- Chris likes Make GMO Labeling Mandatory.Make GMO Labeling Mandatory Community
- Chris shared a link.We Are CHANGE Tampa www.meetup.comApril 10, 3 PM: court hearing on suit against 4 Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding term limit (www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/110232852). This hearing is seeking a temporary injunction to prevent the four Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding their term limits from making any further decisions until the lawsuit is heard. Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said Commis...See More
- Chris commented on a status.Dangerous Conversation This hearing is seeking a temporary injunction to prevent the four Pinellas County Commissioners exceeding their term limits from making any further decisions until the lawsuit is heard. Should this lawsuit be successful in removing said Commissioners, the judge might entertain a motion to reverse their illegal decisions including their decision to restart water fluoridation on November 27, 2012.
More at www.meetup.com/We-Are-Change-Tampa/events/110232852 - March 19
- Chris commented on a status.Dangerous Conversation Correction: This case is the lawsuit to remove the four Pinellas County Commissioners being sued for exceeding term limits. More details on it are at http://www.stopthetaxvote.com/. The information on the anti-water fluoridation lawsuit is coming soon. Sorry for the confusion.
- Chris likes a link.hidden realities, secret knowledge, powerful interviews | revelations | unknowncountry www.unknowncountry.comhttp://www.unknowncountry.com/revelations/latest Please listen to William Henry's interview of me yesterday about "Hour Money Jubilee".
Learn how the Ark of the Covenant(Container of Law) is the spiritual tool for the Jubilee. Henry is an expert on the Ark which is on of the most sought after religious artifacts in history. Jews, Christians and Muslims all share history around the Ark. THE LAW o...See More - Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Michelle: Eat them or sell them on the street? What would the defunct President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness have done?
Boy: Neither. This one isn't real, kind of like this photo. opp.
Girl: There's a razor in this one. - Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Caption this! (via Barack Obama):Michelle: Eat them or sell them on the street? What would the defunct President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness have done?
Boy: Neither. This one isn't real, kind of like this photo. opp.
Girl: There's a razor in this one. - Chris and Tampa FreeSkool are now friends.
- Chris sent Tampa FreeSkool a friend request.
- March 18
- Chris and Joe Jordan are now friends.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Fiends don't let friends think and thrive.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Yikes.
Thanks to Anarchist Memes for the image.Fiends don't let friends think and thrive. - Chris sent Joe Jordan a friend request.
- March 14
- Chris likes a post.
- Wayne Walton posted a link to your timeline.hidden realities, secret knowledge, powerful interviews | revelations | unknowncountry www.unknowncountry.comhttp://www.unknowncountry.com/revelations/latest Please listen to William Henry's interview of me yesterday about "Hour Money Jubilee".
Learn how the Ark of the Covenant(Container of Law) is the spiritual tool for the Jubilee. Henry is an expert on the Ark which is on of the most sought after religious artifacts in history. Jews, Christians and Muslims all share history around the Ark. THE LAW o...See More - March 13
- Chris likes Sweet Oblique.Sweet Oblique Musician/Band
- Chris likes Joe Banister.Joe Banister Public Figure
- Chris sent Joseph Banister a friend request.
- Chris sent James Anthony Hall a friend request.
- Chris likes The Crystal Rainbow Heart.The Crystal Rainbow Heart Local Business
- Chris commented on a link.Keiser Report: Bitcoin Millionaires vs Paper Billionaires (E416) There's interesting conversation going on at Architects & Engineers for Money Truth (www.facebook.com/groups/357690800917793/541952562491615).
- March 12
- Chris likes a link.Detox with diatomaceous earth to remove allergies, mercury, chemicals, GMOs, parasites www.naturalnews.comJust got more from my friend...
Thanx, Chris Steiner.... - March 11
- Chris and Nancy Roberts Roth are now friends.
- March 3
- Chris and Linda Skempris are now friends.
- Chris was tagged in Frank Hopson's link.Detox with diatomaceous earth to remove allergies, mercury, chemicals, GMOs, parasites www.naturalnews.comJust got more from my friend...
Thanx, Chris Steiner.... - March 1
- Chris likes a link.Hour Money Jubilee: How to create immediate abundance for humanity www.amazon.com
- February 22
- Chris likes a link.Sweet Oblique We just scored a slot at the Crow Bar on March 9th, details soon...
- February 21
- Chris sent Christopher Dillard a friend request.
- Robyn Boyce posted a link to your timeline.Hour Money Jubilee: How to create immediate abundance for humanity www.amazon.com
- Chris likes Anastacia Lyn Newkirk.Anastacia Lyn Newkirk Public Figure
- Chris likes Anastacia.Anastacia Musician/Band
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos At least you can still dream if you don't have your own drone on the wall.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Aaaaamazing!!At least you can still dream if you don't have your own drone on the wall.
- February 21
- Chris commented on a link.Cover Photos never *cough* more...never *cough* *cough* more *cough*...
- Chris likes EMF Safety Network.EMF Safety Network Non-Profit Organization
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaaNFv0bAr8&list=UUiqRq2mT_bBPMRhHap684Ig&index=1...
- February 19
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Adorable :3
Darkuria :3 - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos
- Wayne Walton posted a photo to your timeline.Timeline Photos http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaaNFv0bAr8&list=UUiqRq2mT_bBPMRhHap684Ig&index=1...
- Chris was tagged in a link.Home - Stop the Lens - St. Petersburg Can Do Better www.stopthelens.comATTENTION!! CITIZENS OF ST. PETERSBURG!
I implore everyone who loves this city, PLEASE READ THIS. This an eloquent, poignant perspective about the largest, most expensive, single project WE (The People) will build together.
This is not just a pier, or a building. It is a symbol. It represents how we intend to grow, now and in the future.
What do YOU want that symbol to mean? And what are YOU goin...See More - Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos This analogy occurred to me and Daniel Jensen who was tasered last November by a Pinellas Park Police Officer because he wouldn't stop using a hose to put out a fire consuming his neighbor's house.
"They kept telling me, 'Let it go, that's what insurance is for.' That's not acceptable to me," said Jensen. - http://pinellaspark.wtsp.com/news/news/151640-man-tasered-police-calls-it-brutal
For a safe...See More - Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos This analogy occurred to me and Daniel Jensen who was tasered last November by a Pinellas Park Police Officer because he wouldn't stop using a hose to put out a fire consuming his neighbor's house.
"They kept telling me, 'Let it go, that's what insurance is for.' That's not acceptable to me," said Jensen. - http://pinellaspark.wtsp.com/news/news/151640-man-tasered-police-calls-it-brutal
For a safe...See More - Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos This analogy occurred to me and Daniel Jensen who was tasered last November by a Pinellas Park Police Officer because he wouldn't stop using a hose to put out a fire consuming his neighbor's house.
"They kept telling me, 'Let it go, that's what insurance is for.' That's not acceptable to me," said Jensen. - http://pinellaspark.wtsp.com/news/news/151640-man-tasered-police-calls-it-brutal
For a safe...See More - Chris commented on a link.Autobiography of a Yogi www.amazon.comhttp://yoganandafortheworld.com/original-autobiography-of-a-yogi/
- Chris likes a link.Autobiography of a Yogi www.amazon.com
- Chris updated their cover photo.
- Chris updated their cover photo.
- Chris likes No Nonsense Nutrition with Eve Prang Plews.No Nonsense Nutrition with Eve Prang Plews Producer
- Chris shared a link.Metaphysically Speaking (TM), Topic: Militant Groups, New World Order ░▒▓►video flashback◄▓▒░ circa 1994: Metaphysically Speaking with Linda Bennett, Hostess, and Yours Truly as guest, aired on Pinellas County public access. Also a devotee of Paramhansa Yogananda, her website is www.MetaSpeak.com and Facebook page is www.facebook.com/pages/Linda-Bennett-Metaphysically-Speaking-TM/123741887679929.
Anyone with copies of my former community access show, Questionable Authority, please contact me. - Chris likes Linda Bennett Metaphysically Speaking (TM).Linda Bennett Metaphysically Speaking (TM) Community
- February 16
- Chris commented on a link.Keiser Report: Horsemeat Burger vs Dutch Sandwich (E406) * Jamie Dimon
- Chris likes Demand Safe Water.Demand Safe Water Cause
- Chris likes Veterans For 9/11 Truth!Veterans For 9/11 Truth!
- Chris likes Acres U.S.A.Acres U.S.A. Publisher
- Chris likes William Rodriguez.William Rodriguez Public Figure
- February 14
- Chris and Winston Kao are now friends.
- Peggy Stone posted a photo to your timeline.Timeline Photos Flouride anybody?
- February 13
- Chris likes Anti Fluoride Saskatoon.Anti Fluoride Saskatoon Community Organization
- Chris likes Fluoride Action Plano Texas.Fluoride Action Plano Texas Community Organization
The Page you liked changed its name from "Remove Fluoride Plano Texas" to "Fluoride Action Plano Texas" - February 13
- Chris likes WVCitizensForSaferWater2012.WVCitizensForSaferWater2012 Literary Editor
- Chris likes Portlanders Against Fluoride.Portlanders Against Fluoride Community
- Chris likes No Mercury Fillings.No Mercury Fillings Community
- Chris likes San Diegans for Safe Drinking Water.San Diegans for Safe Drinking Water Community
- Chris likes New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc. Non-Profit Organization
- Chris likes Californians for Green Dentistry (Non-Profit).Californians for Green Dentistry (Non-Profit) Community
- Chris likes IAOMT | International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.IAOMT | International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology Non-Profit Organization
- Chris shared IAOMT | International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology's photo.Timeline Photos Part one of our info-graphic,"Occupational Exposure to Dental Mercury" which out...See More
- Chris and Larry Trainor are now friends.
- Chris likes a post.Scott Legere Another home run on AJ bro. We need to get you back on Dangerous Conversation SOON! (So much to talk about, plus a revisit to A Noble Lie) Cynthia Tarana Cone ...lets get the smoothest last name in media back on DC! :) Holland, Cynthia is our producer and activist to the tenth degree.
- Chris and Patrick Henningsen are now friends.
- Chris sent Winston Kao a friend request.
- Chris sent Larry Trainor a friend request.
- Chris commented on a link.Chemical Brain Drain » Fluoridated water and brains braindrain.dkI thought it would have been he, but don't remember him saying this. Was it at the November 27, 2012, Pinellas County Commission meeting? For those interested, I've made a partial transcript of many of Dr. Johnson's demonstrably false statements at said meeting and plan to finish.
- Chris commented on a link.Chemical Brain Drain » Fluoridated water and brains braindrain.dkWho told them this?
- Chris sent Patrick Henningsen a friend request.
- Chris shared a link.Citizens for Safe Water Pinellas www.citizensforsafewaterpinellas.orgNext meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC (www.CitizensForSafeWaterPinellas.org):
Wednesday, February 13, 2013, 2:00-4:00 PM
Clearwater Public Library, East Branch, Meeting Room A
2251 Drew Street, Clearwater, Florida 33765
Map: http://mapq.st/Xx8rlB - Peggy Stone posted a photo to your timeline.Timeline Photos
- Peggy Stone posted a photo to your timeline.Timeline Photos
- February 11
- Chris commented on a link.Sweet Oblique Yea, I like the MP3s better because I can equalize them.
- Chris wrote on WMNF Community radio's timeline.Sunday Forum's second hour is unavailable in the archives for every show. How might one access them?
- February 10
- Chris commented on a link.UPDATED: Handicapped Woman Refuses Smart Meter — Has Power Cut in the Dead of Winter www.theblaze.comYou don't have to sacrifice anything. Check out this EM harvester: http://www.disclose.tv/news/A_Tiny_Box_That_Charges_AA_Batteries_From_Electromagnetic_Fields/89901. If battery backup runs low, with Marty and a couple of palms handy you're all set.
- Chris commented on a link.UPDATED: Handicapped Woman Refuses Smart Meter — Has Power Cut in the Dead of Winter www.theblaze.comIsn't going off-grid increasingly appealing?
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos ♥Now if only the batteries lasted as long the non-terrestrial broadcast-narrowcast revolution would be complete.
- February 9
- Kathy Faye Chetoka posted a link to your timeline.UPDATED: Handicapped Woman Refuses Smart Meter — Has Power Cut in the Dead of Winter www.theblaze.comThought you might be interested in this one...
- February 8
- Chris likes Your Fresh Chef, Bakery and Cooking Classes.Your Fresh Chef, Bakery and Cooking Classes Local Business
- Chris likes Dr. Stephen Bittiker, D.C.Dr. Stephen Bittiker, D.C. Health/Medical/Pharmacy
- Chris likes a link.Fluoridegate - the film that will absolutely obliterate any remaining credibility of chemical fluori www.naturalnews.com
- Peggy Stone posted a link to your timeline.Fluoridegate - the film that will absolutely obliterate any remaining credibility of chemical fluori www.naturalnews.com
- Chris went to HHO Games and Exposition.
- February 6
- Chris and Bob Levin are now friends.
- February 5
- Chris likes a post.Frank Hopson Great meeting, nice seeing you all there...
Awesome documentary, "FluorideGate", literally jaw-dropping... - Chris went to Meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC.
- Chris likes a link.Meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PACFebruary 5 at 6:30pmNature's Food Patch in Clearwater, FloridaInvite Friends · You wentShould be very informative...
- Chris likes Beyond Natural Health Remedies.Beyond Natural Health Remedies Company
- February 4
- Chris posted in HHO Games and Exposition.Joe Shea and Scott Legere, thank you both for the awesome interview at the start of tonight's Dangerous Conversation!
- Chris and Joe Shea are now friends.
- Chris and Nathan Cox are now friends.
- Chris likes The Vaccine Machine.The Vaccine Machine Health/Wellness Website
- Chris sent Nathan Cox a friend request.
- Chris and Jason Burns are now friends.
- Chris and Jason King are now friends.
- Chris sent Jason King a friend request.
- Chris created HHO Games and Exposition.
- Chris sent Joe Shea a friend request.
- Chris posted in St. Pete for Peace.Citizens for Safe Water Pinellas www.citizensforsafewaterpinellas.orgFeb. 5, Nature's Food Patch, Clearwater: Meeting Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC (www.CitizensForSafeWaterPinellas.org). We need your help to stop fluoridation of Pinellas County’s public water supply set to begin March 1, 2013, and to keep all our water as safe as possible. There are exciting, new developments to announce. Please RSVP and invite your friends. www.facebook.com/events/426125977462891
- Chris sent Jason Burns a friend request.
- February 3
- Chris and Judie Young DiMilta are now friends.
- Chris likes Libertarian Party of Florida.Libertarian Party of Florida Political Party
- Chris and Amos Miers are now friends.
- Chris sent Judie Young DiMilta a friend request.
- Chris sent Amos Miers a friend request.
- Chris likes a link.Paul Krugman called me Stupid and Lied to me on C-SPAN Here it is, I think it came out pretty good...
- Chris and Alex Vidal are now friends.
- Chris posted in Meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC.Leroy Hersh says he will attend and offer free DVD copies of the new, 65-minute documentary, "Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy" (www.fluoridegate.com).
- Frank Hopson posted a link to your timeline.Paul Krugman called me Stupid and Lied to me on C-SPAN Here it is, I think it came out pretty good...
- Chris posted an event to Libertarian Party of Florida's timeline.Meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PACFebruary 5 at 6:30pmNature's Food Patch in Clearwater, FloridaInvite Friends · You wentFeb. 5, Clearwater: meet Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC (www.CitizensForSafeWaterPinellas.org). We need your help to stop fluoridation of Pinellas County’s public water supply set to begin March 1, 2013, and to keep all our water as safe as possible. There are exciting, new developments to announce. Please RSVP and invite your friends including Facebook friends.
- Chris posted an event to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PACFebruary 5 at 6:30pmNature's Food Patch in Clearwater, FloridaInvite Friends · You wentFeb. 5, Clearwater: meet Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC (www.CitizensForSafeWaterPinellas.org). We need your help to stop fluoridation of Pinellas County’s public water supply set to begin March 1, 2013, and to keep all our water as safe as possible. There are exciting, new developments to announce. Please RSVP and invite your friends including Facebook friends.
- Chris posted an event to 1250 WHNZ's timeline.Meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PACFebruary 5 at 6:30pmNature's Food Patch in Clearwater, FloridaInvite Friends · You wentFeb. 5, Clearwater: meet Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC (www.CitizensForSafeWaterPinellas.org). We need your help to stop fluoridation of Pinellas County’s public water supply set to begin March 1, 2013, and to keep all our water as safe as possible. There are exciting, new developments to announce. Please RSVP and invite your friends including Facebook friends.
- Chris posted an event to The Schnitt Show's timeline.Meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PACFebruary 5 at 6:30pmNature's Food Patch in Clearwater, FloridaInvite Friends · You wentFeb. 5, Clearwater: meet Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC (www.CitizensForSafeWaterPinellas.org). We need your help to stop fluoridation of Pinellas County’s public water supply set to begin March 1, 2013, and to keep all our water as safe as possible. There are exciting, new developments to announce. Please RSVP and invite your friends including Facebook friends.
- Chris posted an event to Newsradio 970 WFLA's timeline.Meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PACFebruary 5 at 6:30pmNature's Food Patch in Clearwater, FloridaInvite Friends · You wentFeb. 5, Clearwater: meet Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC (www.CitizensForSafeWaterPinellas.org). We need your help to stop fluoridation of Pinellas County’s public water supply set to begin March 1, 2013, and to keep all our water as safe as possible. There are exciting, new developments to announce. Please RSVP and invite your friends including Facebook friends.
- Chris posted an event to Nature's Food Patch's timeline.Meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PACFebruary 5 at 6:30pmNature's Food Patch in Clearwater, FloridaInvite Friends · You wentFeb. 5 at NFP: meet Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC (www.CitizensForSafeWaterPinellas.org). We need your help to stop fluoridation of Pinellas County’s public water supply set to begin March 1, 2013, and to keep all our water as safe as possible. There are exciting, new developments to announce.
Please RSVP and invite your friends including Facebook friends.
The meeting is at 6:30 PM in the café (in front of the cash registers). - February 2
- Chris shared Adrian Wyllie's status update.Adrian Wyllie See dialogue: www.facebook.com/awyllie/posts/4734215228146
- Chris likes a status.Adrian Wyllie I had a very interesting experience today at two of Hillsborough County "gun buy back" locations.
I and several other citizens staged an impromptu, free-market gun show to compete with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's office call to "turn in your guns for cash." In many cases, we were offering more than the $75 per firearm the sheriff was.
While the HCSO was not very pleased with us. Dep...See More - Chris created Meeting of Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC.
- Peggy Stone posted a photo to your timeline.Timeline Photos Government and Top University Studies: Fluoride Lowers IQ and Causes Other Healt...See More
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos A message to everyone..
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos I AM because WE ARE!!! ♥ All for One and One for All ♥
“We are one, after all,...See More - Chris likes a photo.Timeline Photos I AM because WE ARE!!! ♥ All for One and One for All ♥
“We are one, after all, you and I, together we suffer, together exist and forever will recreate one another.”
~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
“If the entire world sought to make itself worthy of happiness rather than make itself happy, then the entire world would be happy.” ~ Criss Jamy - Chris shared a link.Links www.wearechangetampa.orgDo you have any suggestions for the newly updated: "Social Networks," Section or any other section of Wearechange Tampa's Links Page (www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html) ?
Social Networks:
www.joindiaspora.com : Diaspora: the community-run, distributed social network
www.patriotspot.wall.fm : Patriot Spot
www.planet.infowars.com : Planet InfoWars [beta] Social Network
...See More - Chris shared a link.Links www.wearechangetampa.orgDo you have any additions or suggestions for the updated: "Social Networks," Section or any other sections of Wearechange Tampa's Links Page (www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html) ?
Social Networks
www.joindiaspora.com : Diaspora: the community-run, distributed social network
www.patriotspot.wall.fm : Patriot Spot
www.planet.infowars.com : Planet InfoWars [beta] Social Network
...See More - Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Sean, let me know if you're near me again and I may be able to help you heal in certain ways including use of a friend's inversion table (one must start with a short period of time and increase gradually), but for now see this: www.facebook.com/notes/chris-steiner/supplements-for-carpal-tunnel-syndrome-connective-tissue-regeneration-and-regrow/549531205070721
- Chris wrote a new note: Supplements for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, connective tissue regeneration, and regrowing the pads betwe...Supplements for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, connective tissue regeneration, and regrowing the pads between the disks of the spine
- Chris sent Christine Valentine a friend request.
- Chris sent Wearechange Krefeld a friend request.
- Chris sent Bob Levin a friend request.
- February 1
- Chris commented on a link.SCIENTISTS DISCOVER NEW TECHNIQUE TO REMOVE FLUORIDE FROM DRINKING WATER « Federal Jack www.federaljack.comWhile reverse osmosis and distilled water is better than toxin-laden tap water, they are known as, "hungry," waters because they have little mineral content, an acidic pH, and has oxidative (free radical-inducing) positively-charged ions (as measured with a positive mV value on an ORP (oxidative reduction potential) meter). Our bodies are electrical and body fluids conduct electricity, but pure wa...See More
- Chris commented on a link.SCIENTISTS DISCOVER NEW TECHNIQUE TO REMOVE FLUORIDE FROM DRINKING WATER « Federal Jack www.federaljack.comDave, from what I've read, zeolite, bentonite clay, and Prussian Blue bind with radioactive isotopes (emitters of ionizing radiation).
- Chris commented on their own link.Scientists Discover New Technique to Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water | By Andrew Puhanic truththeory.comWhile reverse osmosis and distilled water is better than toxin-laden tap water, they are known as, "hungry," waters because they have little mineral content, an acidic pH, and oxidative (free radical-inducing) positively-charged ions (as measured with a positive mV value on an ORP (oxidative reduction potential) meter). Our bodies are electrical and body fluids conduct electricity, but pure water...See More
- Chris wrote on WMNF Community radio's timeline.Sunday Forum's second hour is unavailable in the archives for every show. How might one access them?
- Chris commented on a link.WMNF 88.5 FM Station News www.wmnf.orgFewer conversation radio shows at broadcast times which are even less convenient to audience participation does a disservice to much of WMNF's Mission Statement: www.facebook.com/WMNFCommunityRadio/info. The collective rise in popularity of other area radio stations' conversation shows, both local and national, are a result of the now increasing variety, depth, and reporting of fact, opinion, and activism.
- Chris commented on a link.SCIENTISTS DISCOVER NEW TECHNIQUE TO REMOVE FLUORIDE FROM DRINKING WATER « Federal Jack www.federaljack.comSolar water [double] distillation would cost even less and yield the most pure water. The Watercone (www.mage-watermanagement.com) is on my wish list. Dissolve beneficial minerals (i.e. magnesium oxide from Prill Beads and/or unrefined salt like Himalayan Salt, Celtic Sea Salt, RealSalt, etc.) to allow the water to conduct electricity followed by ionization (i.e. Enagic's Kangen Water) and you'll have the best water of which I know.
- Chris shared a link.Scientists Discover New Technique to Remove Fluoride from Drinking Water | By Andrew Puhanic truththeory.comSolar water [double] distillation would cost even less and yield the most pure water . The Watercone (www.mage-watermanagement.com) is on my wish list. Dissolve beneficial minerals (i.e. magnesium oxide from Prill Beads and/or unrefined salt like Himalayan Salt, Celtic Sea Salt, RealSalt, etc.) to allow the water to conduct electricity followed by ionization (i.e. Enagic's Kangen Water) and you'll have the best water of which I know.
- Chris likes a link.SCIENTISTS DISCOVER NEW TECHNIQUE TO REMOVE FLUORIDE FROM DRINKING WATER « Federal Jack www.federaljack.comAround the world, it is estimated that tens of millions of people are affected by both dental and skeletal fluorosis. In many cases, it is the addition of fluoride into drinking water supplies by governments that is the primary cause of both dental and skeletal fluorosis.
- Chris likes Truth Theory.Truth Theory News/Media Website
- Chris likes a link.Podcasts : Liberty Underground ow.lyTune into the Liberty Underground Show this morning starting at 9 AM. Paul Henry will update us on legislation in Tallahassee. http://ow.ly/hkoUU
- Chris likes a link.Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ ow.lyDr. Joseph Mercola: Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ http://ow.ly/hkBiH
- Chris posted a status update to Adrian Wyllie's timeline.Frank Hopson Anent Frank Hopson's call to Liberty Underground this morning:
Wednesday, January 30, 2013, on C-SPAN Paul Krugman called, "stupid," what was said by Frank, who I'm privileged to call friend. Krugman wrongly said that certain John Maynard Keynes' eugenicist views, named by Hopson, were of his teenage days (18 years old). The truth: he was 53 or 54. Krugman also failed to answer whether he is a eugenicist. Proof predators disdain discourse with desired prey.
More details: www.facebook.com/frank.hopson.3/posts/523646604333973
cc: Alexander Snitker Danielle Alexandre Scott Legere Cynthia Tarana Cone Sean Raspatello Wearechange Tampa Popeye FederalJack Bob Tuskin Joe Joseph Tony Caso - Chris likes a link.Podcasts : Liberty Underground ow.lyTune into the Liberty Underground Show this morning starting at 9 AM. Paul Henry will update us on legislation in Tallahassee. http://ow.ly/hkoUU
- Chris likes a link.Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ ow.lyDr. Joseph Mercola: Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces Children's IQ http://ow.ly/hkBiH
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos However, in the 1970s through the1990s, some European countries reversed their s...See More
- Peggy Stone posted a photo to your timeline.Timeline Photos However, in the 1970s through the1990s, some European countries reversed their s...See More
- Chris commented on their own link.Frank Hopson Frank, yes, his eyes were darting from the start. The Great Spirit lead you to pose the question, a natural follow up to the points you made as a means of demonstrating the gaggle of eugenicists with whom he flocks.
- January 31
- Chris and Gene Brunk are now friends.
- Chris and Mark Lundgren are now friends.
- Chris and Jason Douglas Holford are now friends.
- Chris shared Frank Hopson's status update.Frank Hopson Yesterday Paul Krugman called, "stupid," what was said by Frank Hopson who I'm privileged to call friend. Krugman wrongly said that certain John Maynard Keynes' eugenicist views, named by Hopson, were of his teenage days (18 years old). The truth: he was 53 or 54. Krugman also failed to answer whether he is a eugenicist.
See dialogue: www.facebook.com/frank.hopson.3/posts/523646604333973 - Chris commented on a status.Frank Hopson Spoken like a true Nobel Peace Prize winner and fearmonger of extraterrestrials. I'd be glad to help with this or any other video.
- Chris likes a link.Pete Bossler
- Chris changed their Website.
- Chris commented on their own link.HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida hhogames.comAdrian, you may be right, but you can be Chair of only one state's party at a time.
- Chris commented on their own link.HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida hhogames.comJoe Shea is available. I gave him Cynthia's phone number and left a message for Cynthia with his information.
- Chris commented on a status.Luke Rudkowski What happened?
- Chris likes a link.Adrian Wyllie: 2014 Liberty Candidate for Governor, Florida benswann.orgThanks to both Ben Swann and InfoWars for giving a shout out to the campaign.
- Chris shared a link.Fluoridegate - the film that will absolutely obliterate any remaining credibility of chemical fluori www.naturalnews.comFluoridegate - the film that will absolutely obliterate any remaining credibility of chemical fluoride pushers | By Ethan A. Huff, Natural News, January 30, 2013.
At www.fluoridegate.com watch the new documentary, "Fluoridegate: An American Tragedy." - Chris sent Jeff Green a friend request.
- Chris posted a link to Dangerous Conversation's timeline.HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida hhogames.comwww.hhogames.com : much green and free energy information, featuring HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida
cc: Scott Legere Cynthia Tarana Cone Sean Raspatello Rick Jachimski Popeye FederalJack Bob Tuskin Adrian Wyllie Alexander Snitker Danielle Alexandre Phil Restino - Chris posted a link to WeareChange Florida's timeline.HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida hhogames.comwww.hhogames.com : much green and free energy information, featuring HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida hhogames.comwww.hhogames.com : much green and free energy information, featuring HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida
- Chris and Sapphire Diamond are now friends.
- January 30
- Chris posted a link to Wearechange Tampa's timeline.HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida hhogames.comwww.hhogames.com : much green and free energy information, featuring HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida
- Chris shared a link.HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida hhogames.comwww.hhogames.com : much green and free energy information, featuring HHO Games and Exposition, February 8-10, 2013, Sarasota, Florida
- Chris likes Healthier Living with Kangen Water.Healthier Living with Kangen Water Company
- Chris sent Tony Rawson a friend request.
- Chris likes Fluoride Free Windsor Ontario.Fluoride Free Windsor Ontario Community Organization
- January 29
- Chris commented on a link.America Has Hope - This Could Be Your Next Governor! Adrian Wyllie 2014 Adrian Wyllie will have an unmarginally moral victory.
- Chris commented on a link.Gatorade to remove flame retardant chemical from its drinks (yeah, you've been drinking this for yea www.naturalnews.comHealth-promoting oil emulsifiers would be high [11.5+] pH ionized water (i.e. Kangen Water) and sunflower seed oil lecithin.
- Chris commented on Gatorade to remove flame retardant chemical from its drinks (yeah, you've been drinking this for yea on NaturalNews.Bromines/bromates, fluorides/fluorites, and chlorides/chlorines are halides/halogens, respectively, which cause thyroid and endocrine disruption. Brominated (aka bromated) flour and swimming water is also to be avoided.
"Acetate," means acetone-derived; an effective emulsifier, indeed.
Subchronic toxicity studies of sucrose acetate isobutyrate (SAIB) in the rat and dog: Food Chem Toxicol. 1998 Fe...See More - Chris commented on a link.Gatorade to remove flame retardant chemical from its drinks (yeah, you've been drinking this for yea www.naturalnews.comBromines/bromates, fluorides/fluorites, and chlorides/chlorines are halides/halogens, respectively, which cause thyroid and endocrine disruption. Brominated (aka bromated) flour and swimming water is also to be avoided.
"Acetate," means acetone-derived; an effective emulsifier, indeed.
Subchronic toxicity studies of sucrose acetate isobutyrate (SAIB) in the rat and dog: Food Chem Toxicol. 1998 Fe...See More - January 28
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Don't argue until you research this, because it's true.Without apology from US's imperious leader inaugurated on MLK, Jr.'s Bible.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Don't argue until you research this, because it's true.Without apology from US's imperious leader inaugurated on MLK, Jr.'s Bible.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Without apology from US's imperious leader inaugurated on MLK, Jr.'s Bible.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos The unarmed, unsung hero ceased a train of many more than just the four tanks so commonly shown in this cropped photo. I count 19 tanks and there may have been even more: http://twistedsifter.com/2012/06/the-bigger-picture-uncropped-versions-of-iconic-photos
- Frank Hopson posted a photo to your timeline.Timeline Photos Don't argue until you research this, because it's true.Looks like someone made a meme...
- January 27
- Chris commented on a link.Our Sacred Scalar Structured Water www.smarttechnologyassociation.comTo anyone in the area of Tampa Bay, Florida, I freely give 9 - 10.7 pH Kangen Water. If one would like to continue receiving it, all I require is to fill your jugs at my home near downtown Clearwater no more than every third day in order to give it the best chance to make a positive change in your life as it has in mine and many others I've witnessed.
- Chris commented on a link.Our Sacred Scalar Structured Water www.smarttechnologyassociation.comhttp://heartspring.net/water_clinical_studies.html
- Chris commented on a link.Our Sacred Scalar Structured Water www.smarttechnologyassociation.comRay, I do wish you well. But if you don't know the ORP or pH of any aforesaid product, please get back to me later. Scalar technologies and God's loving prana I certainly strive to embrace every-increasingly. Again, all reverse osmosis and [double] distilled waters I've tested have an acidic pH and a positively-charged ORP, showing they are oxidative (free radical-inducing). Might you be confu...See More
- Chris likes a status.Alexander Snitker I think that all the Rand Paul talk is a waste of time. There are elections in 2013, 2014 and 2015 before the 2016 race.
It is saddening that so many that I respected are only interested in President when the local races have a much greater opportunity for success.
...See More - Chris commented on a link.Our Sacred Scalar Structured Water www.smarttechnologyassociation.comIndeed, double distilled water is the most pure water available. All the distilled, double distilled, and reverse osmosis water I've tested is both acidic and oxidizing (has a positive ORP reading). I've expressed enough interest in these products you promote by asking two simple questions you won't or can't answer. Suspense, spelling, and responsiveness don't seem to be your strong suits, but fortunately everyone changes.
- Chris commented on a link.Our Sacred Scalar Structured Water www.smarttechnologyassociation.comThe suspense...
- Chris commented on a link.Our Sacred Scalar Structured Water www.smarttechnologyassociation.comI'm not experiencing any symptoms of the rare condition, alkalosis. Particularly in giving a wide birth of time (30-60 minutes) before and after food digestion, the reason for helping the body maintain a slightly alkaline pH is so that the body doesn't draw minerals, which are alkaline, from the soft tissues and, if inadequate, from the bones.
If, as you suppose, I have no way of knowing whether ...See More - Chris commented on a link.Our Sacred Scalar Structured Water www.smarttechnologyassociation.comHelping body fluids stay alkaline (7.36 - 7.42 pH) is important for everyone. While I'm unfamiliar with most of the qualities you named, why shouldn't I be concerned about pH? ORP? Within three seconds of drinking 8.5 pH Kangen Water for the first time I had a very mystical experience and they have continued since then. Now I start with reverse osmosis water (about 5 ppm dissolved solids), remineralize it with Prill Beads and/or unrefined salt (RealSalt, Celtic Sea Salt, or Himalayan salt (halite)) so it will conduct electricity, then pump it through my ionizer.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Headline: "Atomic soldier's zoo serenade met with mixed reaction"
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos It's The Same Logic!Law enforcement is under no obligation to protect you per several federal and U.S. Supreme Court precedents like Town of Castle Rock, Colorado v. Gonzales, (04-278) 545 U.S. 748 (2005): www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/04-278.ZS.html. Therefore, self-preservation is necessarily your own obligation.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos Law enforcement is under no obligation to protect you per several federal and U.S. Supreme Court precedents like Town of Castle Rock, Colorado v. Gonzales, (04-278) 545 U.S. 748 (2005): www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/04-278.ZS.html. Therefore, self-preservation is necessarily your own obligation.
- Chris commented on their own link.Timeline Photos It's The Same Logic!Law enforcement is under no obligation to protect you per several federal and U.S. Supreme Court precedents like Town of Castle Rock, Colorado v. Gonzales, (04-278) 545 U.S. 748 (2005): www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/04-278.ZS.html. Therefore, self-preservation is necessarily your own obligation.
- Chris shared a link.https://www.facebook.com/lisa.brumfiel/posts/484179354951114 www.facebook.comI'm engaging in a conversation on structured water products: www.facebook.com/lisa.brumfiel/posts/484179354951114
- Chris commented on a link.Our Sacred Scalar Structured Water www.smarttechnologyassociation.comHaving reviewed www.smarttechnologyassociation.com/test.htm, I see no mention of pH or ORP (oxidative reduction potential, a measure of antioxidant quality). At home I have owned an Enagic water ionizer (LeveLuk SD501) since 2010 where I have very much enjoyed the ability to make 9.5-10.5 pH drinking water at about -800 ORP. These qualities are best fresh from the ionizer because the ORP dissipates in about three days and the pH dissipates in about a week, all depending on exposure to light, heat, motion, and oxygen. I'm curious to also know if anyone has learned how to stabilize these qualities.
- Chris commented on their own link.Timeline Photos It's The Same Logic!For a safer nation let's institute background checks, psychological evaluations, a cooling-off waiting period, universal registration, and prohibitively high taxation of fire extinguishers, knives, hammers, piano wire, etc.
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos For a safer nation let's institute background checks, psychological evaluations, a cooling-off waiting period, universal registration, and prohibitively high taxation of fire extinguishers, knives, hammers, piano wire, etc.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos It's The Same Logic!For a safer nation let's institute background checks, psychological evaluations, a cooling-off waiting period, universal registration, and prohibitively high taxation of fire extinguishers, knives, hammers, piano wire, etc.
- Chris shared The Husk Repost's photo.Timeline Photos It's The Same Logic!This analogy occurred to me and Daniel Jensen who was tasered last November by a Pinellas Park Police Officer because he wouldn't stop using a hose to put out a fire consuming his neighbor's house.
"They kept telling me, 'Let it go, that's what insurance is for.' That's not acceptable to me," said Jensen. - http://pinellaspark.wtsp.com/news/news/151640-man-tasered-police-calls-it-brutal - Chris likes a link.dog loves trampoline
- Chris commented on a photo.Timeline Photos This analogy occurred to me and Daniel Jensen who was tasered last November by a Pinellas Park Police Officer because he wouldn't stop using a hose to put out a fire consuming his neighbor's house.
"They kept telling me, 'Let it go, that's what insurance is for.' That's not acceptable to me," said Jensen. - http://pinellaspark.wtsp.com/news/news/151640-man-tasered-police-calls-it-brutal - Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos It's The Same Logic!This analogy occurred to me and Daniel Jensen who was tasered last November by a Pinellas Park Police Officer because he wouldn't stop using a hose to put out a fire consuming his neighbor's house.
"They kept telling me, 'Let it go, that's what insurance is for.' That's not acceptable to me," said Jensen. - http://pinellaspark.wtsp.com/news/news/151640-man-tasered-police-calls-it-brutal - January 26
- Chris likes Real Coastal Warriors.Real Coastal Warriors Community
- January 24
- Chris posted in Just for Chris.Hey, you two. I didn't know about this group until now when I noticed your post pop up. Thanks and let's talk soon.
- Chris likes a link.Citizens for Safe Water Pinellas Please Like http://www.facebook.com/pages/Citizens-for-Safe-Water-Pinellas/197851123692552?fref=ts
- Chris commented on a link.Chlorinated tap water linked to upsurge in food allergies worldwide: study www.naturalnews.comTony, indeed. Ultraviolet light to disinfect water, reducing chlorine and chloramine use, was touted by Tampa Bay Water in their presentation at the start of the 2010 Utility Rate Change -- read, "increase" -- hearing before the Pinellas County Commission (held annually in the last week of September). UV light ought to be put to maximum use. We also have proven technologies like ozonation and i...See More
- Chris commented on a status.Derrick Broze www.fluoridefreehouston.org just added to www.citizensforsafewaterpinellas.org/links.html
- Chris likes a status.Derrick Broze "rethinking forced medication)
Ending fluoridation of Houston's water
Fluoride has come under increasing medical criticism in the last several years.
This Friday the HPRA speaker is Derrick Broze, a member of Fluoride Free Houston which has taken up the cause of
...See More - January 23
- Chris and Frank Castle are now friends.
- January 22
- Chris sent Frank Castle a friend request.
- Chris posted a page to Newsradio 970 WFLA's timeline: Adrian Wyllie for Governor.Adrian Wyllie for Governor Adrian Wyllie for Governor. Launching in three short days, see also http://wyllieforgovernor.com/. Adrian Wyllie is Chairman of Libertarian Party of Florida and a Host of Liberty Underground (www.1787network.com).
- Chris posted a page to WMNF Community radio's timeline: Adrian Wyllie for Governor.Adrian Wyllie for Governor Adrian Wyllie for Governor. Launching in three short days, see also http://wyllieforgovernor.com/. Adrian Wyllie is Chairman of Libertarian Party of Florida and a Host of Liberty Underground (www.1787network.com).
- Chris shared a page: Adrian Wyllie for Governor.Adrian Wyllie for Governor Launching in three short days, see also http://wyllieforgovernor.com/. Adrian Wyllie is Chairman of Libertarian Party of Florida and a Host of Liberty Underground (www.1787network.com).
- Chris posted a page to Wearechange Tampa's timeline: Adrian Wyllie for Governor.Adrian Wyllie for Governor Launching in three short days, see also http://wyllieforgovernor.com/. Adrian Wyllie is Chairman of Libertarian Party of Florida and a Host of Liberty Underground (www.1787network.com).
- Chris commented on a link.Captain Kirk’s Predecessor: Star Trek Was RAND Corporation Predictive Programming explosivereports.comhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eYNEhjKcjA
Some points in this video are, "fascinating," some are unconvincing. - Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos What ocean sand looks like - magnified 250 times.With a varied collection of crystals and minerals, I'm not one to doubt God's beauty, but I wonder if any plastic or glass is in the image.
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos What ocean sand looks like - magnified 250 times.
- Chris commented on a post.John Mayor Curley Some may say Alex Jones is insane, but there's no doubt Piers Morgan is criminal and likely criminally insane for his unretracted part in conspiring to murder Alex (www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/241 & www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/242).
- Chris commented on a link.Piers Morgan clip where he is ADVOCATING VIOLENCE WITH MACHINE GUNS!!! Some may say Alex Jones is insane, but there's no doubt Piers Morgan is criminal and likely criminally insane for his unretracted part in conspiring to murder Alex (www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/241 & www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/242).
- January 21
- Chris added a new photo to the album Timeline Photos.
- Chris added a new photo to the album Timeline Photos.
- Chris likes Life Extension.Life Extension Vitamins/Supplements
- Chris commented on a link.Deacons for Defense: Additional Pictures deaconsfordefense.blogspot.comSee also www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/01/tim-mcnabb/martin-luther-king-jr-was-denied-concealed-carry-permit and www.thekingcenter.org/assassination-conspiracy-trial. Mistaken are those who say we who question the official stories of the assassinations of MLK, Jr. of JFK/RFK/JFK, Jr., and of 9/11 dishonor the victims, their families, and survivors. The King Family, the Kennedy Family, and the majority of the 9/11 victims' families (www.prisonplanet.com/articles/july2006/080706governmentcomplicit.htm) also contest the official stories in their passion for justice.
- Chris commented on their own link.Joyce Riley Interviews Mike Powers Sandy Hook Investigation (Edited version no commercials) You're welcome. This morning Mike Powers was again on The Power Hour in the third hour to respond to criticism and give more information.
- Chris likes a link.Pesticides in tap water linked to food allergy risk www.cbsnews.comhttp://www.cbsnews.com/8301-204_162-57556792/pesticides-in-tap-water-linked-to-food-allergy-risk/
- Chris likes a link.Chlorinated Tap Water Now Linked to Global Food Allergy Epidemic www.theglobalistreport.comhttp://www.theglobalistreport.com/food-allergies-tap-water/
- Chris likes a link.Chlorinated tap water linked to upsurge in food allergies worldwide: study www.naturalnews.comhttp://www.naturalnews.com/038763_tap_water_chlorine_food_allergies.html
- Chris likes a link.How Private Usury Subverted the American Revolution Jubilee
- Wayne Walton posted a note to your timeline: How Private Usury Subverted the American Revolution Jubilee.How Private Usury Subverted the American Revolution Jubilee
- Frank Hopson posted a link to your timeline.Chlorinated tap water linked to upsurge in food allergies worldwide: study www.naturalnews.comhttp://www.naturalnews.com/038763_tap_water_chlorine_food_allergies.html
- Frank Hopson posted a link to your timeline.Chlorinated Tap Water Now Linked to Global Food Allergy Epidemic www.theglobalistreport.comhttp://www.theglobalistreport.com/food-allergies-tap-water/
- Frank Hopson posted a link to your timeline.Pesticides in tap water linked to food allergy risk www.cbsnews.comhttp://www.cbsnews.com/8301-204_162-57556792/pesticides-in-tap-water-linked-to-food-allergy-risk/
- January 20
- Chris commented on their own link.You’re Still Told Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay, but Science Proves Otherwise articles.mercola.com(cc: www.facebook.com/chris.steiner1/posts/537166172969524 )
- Chris commented on their own link.You’re Still Told Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay, but Science Proves Otherwise articles.mercola.com(cc: www.facebook.com/SisPeggy/posts/127044487464082 )
- Chris posted a link to Peggy Stone's timeline.You’re Still Told Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay, but Science Proves Otherwise articles.mercola.comSee also the brand new website for Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC (www.citizensforsafewaterpinellas.org). Please click, "Like," and tell others about our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/pages/Citizens-for-Safe-Water-Pinellas/197851123692552). More news, information from our old site, and a donation button are coming very soon.
cc: Dan Tucker David Forte David Rickerson Sr. Malissa Myers Blake Shatto Rudy Arnauts Dara Durland Jim Bedinghaus Tom Tito Geoffrey Blake Steiner - Chris shared a link.You’re Still Told Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay, but Science Proves Otherwise articles.mercola.comSee also the brand new website for Citizens for Safe Water, a Florida PAC (www.citizensforsafewaterpinellas.org). Please click, "Like," and tell others about our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/pages/Citizens-for-Safe-Water-Pinellas/197851123692552). More news, information from our old site, and a donation button are coming very soon.
cc: Tony Caso Bruce Wright Bree Cheatham Wearechange Tampa Frank Hopson Scott Legere Sean Raspatello Alexander Snitker Danielle Alexandre Adrian Wyllie - Chris shared a link.Joyce Riley Interviews Mike Powers Sandy Hook Investigation (Edited version no commercials) PI interviewed on Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre for two hours on the January 16, 2013, edition of The Power Hour: "POWERS, MIKE - Former US Naval Law Enforcement Veteran and US Army Infantry/Reconnaissance Military Veteran who has found glaring inconsistencies regarding the Sandy Hook shooting and will be breaking it down for us. We must understand that this is the elephant in the living room and...See More
- Chris likes a link.Deacons for Defense: Additional Pictures deaconsfordefense.blogspot.comhttp://deaconsfordefense.blogspot.com/p/additional-pictures.html
- Chris commented on a status.Lisa Brumfiel Social Networks
www.planet.infowars.com : Planet InfoWars [beta] Social Network
www.rtr.org : Gary Franchi's Restore the Republic Social Network
www.unitedpatriotsworldwide.com : United Patriots Worldwide
www.worldtruth.org : World Truth
Source: www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html - January 18
- Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos DVD about vaccines: http://bit.ly/HiIdvz | Vaccine Epidemic book: http://amzn.to...See Moresurprised? NOT!
- Chris likes Citizens for Safe Water Pinellas.Citizens for Safe Water Pinellas Political Organization
- Chris likes a link.FLOURIDE INFORMATION
- January 17
- Peggy Stone posted a photo to your timeline.FLOURIDE INFORMATION
- January 15
- Chris and Judith Mize are now friends.
- January 14
- Chris Traghella posted a photo to your timeline.Timeline Photos DVD about vaccines: http://bit.ly/HiIdvz | Vaccine Epidemic book: http://amzn.to...See Moresurprised? NOT!
- Chris and LB Bork are now friends.
- January 13
- Adrian Hinton posted something via Causes.
- January 12
- Chris was tagged in Rhapsody Autumn Neyland's video My Video Collage - "Regret" Letoya.My Video Collage - "Regret" Letoya This is a little something that I found out I love to do. I hope you enjoy it.. Learning as I go...
PUMP YOUR SYSTEM, YOU KNOW I LOVE THE MUSIC!!!! - Chris and Paul Wittenberger are now friends.
- January 11
- Chris likes Ras Radio Live.Ras Radio Live Radio Station
- Chris shared a link.Tonight's Last Call guest, Llad Everitt, said no pharmaceutical medications were involved in the mas www.facebook.comI just posted on WMNF Community Radio's timeline: www.facebook.com/WMNFCommunityRadio/posts/464883113575469
- Chris posted a link to WMNF Community radio's timeline.Eyewitness: 4 Man Team Behind Sikh Temple Shooting www.infowars.comTonight's Last Call guest, Llad Everitt, said no pharmaceutical medications were involved in the massacre at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, August 5, 2012.
While the autopsy revealed no medications in the body of the alleged shooter, eyewitness reports the massacre was committed by a team of four men: www.infowars.com/eyewitness-4-man-team-behind-sikh-temple-shooting.
Almost always initi...See More - Chris sent LB Bork a friend request.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Hmmmm...Q: "What came first, the chicken or the egg?"
A: Neither, it was a philosoraptor and, like so many things, it probably tasted just like chicken. - Chris likes a link.Timeline Photos Acts of Affection and Kindness
The actor Viggo Mortensen bonded so much with th...See MoreHope it's true... - Chris shared a link.SSRI Stories ssristories.comwww.ssristories.com : a great database of 4,800+ stories
"Top 10 Drugs: Violence and more Fluoride" (http://naturalhealthnews.blogspot.com/2011/01/top-10-drugs-violence-and-more-fluoride.html) links to the article, "Top Ten Legal Drugs Linked to Violence," by Maia Szalavitz, Time, January 7, 2011 (http://healthland.time.com/2011/01/07/top-ten-legal-drugs-linked-to-violence/#ixzz1ApxzCzUg). Of the ten drugs listed in the Time article, four are fluorinated: Prozac, Luvox, Effexor, and Paxil.
Prozac / Paxil effects: http://poisonfluoride.com/pfpc/html/prozac.html - January 11
- Chris commented on their own post.Chris Steiner Tom, for this and other issues I would certainly prefer Adrian Wyllie (L) who is running for governor. The Sierra Club activists ought to be given the chance to learn of such alternative courses of action.
- Chris commented on their own link.January 17, 2013, Tampa, Florida: Don't let the EPA cave - Sierra Club action.sierraclub.orgI'm seeking greater clarity not on the group, but on this issue and solutions, to wit, Tom Tito's answer of replacing Governor Scott (www.facebook.com/groups/338166256226470/permalink/501510603225367). For this and other issues I would certainly prefer Adrian Wyllie (L) who is running for governor. The Sierra Club activists ought to be given the chance to learn of such alternative courses of action.
- Chris commented on their own post.Chris Steiner Joshua, Tom, and Dan, I agree in general, but will give the Sierra Club credit for their stance for self determination on water fluoridation. I'm sure for keeping government jurisdiction bound by the Constitution and rule-making close to home. How might you respond to Sierra Club's position supporting US EPA over Florida DEP?
- Chris commented on their own link.January 17, 2013, Tampa, Florida: Don't let the EPA cave - Sierra Club action.sierraclub.orgDan, I agree in general, but will give the Sierra Club credit for their stance for self determination on water fluoridation. I'm sure for keeping government jurisdiction bound by the Constitution and rule-making close to home. How might you respond to Sierra Club's position supporting US EPA over Florida DEP?
- Chris and Tom Tito are now friends.
- Chris sent Tom Tito a friend request.
- Chris commented on a link.How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland If the raw cocoa is too bitter, try adding a a little sweetened, organic chocolate for an awesome taste.
- Chris likes a link.How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland
- Chris shared a link.January 17, 2013, Tampa, Florida: Don't let the EPA cave - Sierra Club action.sierraclub.orgPlease advise on this event organized by the Sierra Club.
cc: Frank Hopson Adrian Wyllie Alexander Snitker Danielle Alexandre Bruce Wright Wearechange Tampa Sean Raspatello Scott Legere Dan Tucker David Forte - Chris posted in Tampa Bay Water Freedom.January 17, 2013, Tampa, Florida: Don't let the EPA cave - Sierra Club action.sierraclub.orgPlease advise on this event organized by the Sierra Club.
- Chris shared Constitutional Watchmen's photo.Timeline Photos Hmmmm...A necessary precursor to the First Amendment, the persecuted Johannes Gutenberg wasn't even alive when philosoraptors roamed the earth so this must be just another phoney, anachronistic quote. :-} The Federal Reserve's printing press makes as many presstitutes as they can, but their overpopulation of puppets is obtusely unsustainable as they also necessarily fail to adapt adequately to these modern times of much more civil discourse.
- Chris commented on a link.Timeline Photos Hmmmm...A necessary precursor to the First Amendment, the persecuted Johannes Gutenberg wasn't even alive when philosoraptors roamed the earth so this must be just another phoney, anachronistic quote. :-} The Federal Reserve's printing press makes as many presstitutes as they can, but their overpopulation of puppets is obtusely unsustainable as they also necessarily fail to adapt adequately to these modern times of much more civil discourse.
- Chris and John Russell are now friends.
- January 9
- Chris sent John Russell a friend request.
- Chris and Lucas ForCongress Overby are now friends.
- January 5
- Chris likes a link.Immediate Release: Night Market for Ybor City! Join us for opening night Tues, Jan 15th!!! Buy fresh organic local produce while enjoying some live music and checking our handmade arts & crafts. Family Friendly event 5-10pm @The Roosevelt 2.0! See you there!
- Chris likes a link.Immediate Release: Night Market for Ybor City! Join us for opening night Tues, Jan 15th!!! Buy fresh organic local produce while enjoying some live music and checking our handmade arts & crafts. Family Friendly event 5-10pm @The Roosevelt 2.0! See you there!
- January 4
- Dara Durland posted a link to your timeline.Immediate Release: Night Market for Ybor City! Join us for opening night Tues, Jan 15th!!! Buy fresh organic local produce while enjoying some live music and checking our handmade arts & crafts. Family Friendly event 5-10pm @The Roosevelt 2.0! See you there!
- January 2
- Chris and Nick Steiner are now friends.
- Chris sent Nick Steiner a friend request.
- Chris commented on a status.Jeana Barrancotto Try food grade diatomaceous earth as flea and carpet powder which will take about a week to kill all the fleas. My cat is mostly indoors and she gets some every day in her diet as an anti-parasitic and detoxifier. Essential oils (rosemary, eucalyptus, citrus, citronella, etc.) are good short-term repellants, but pets usually don't like them. Lecithin (sunflower oil-source, preferably) helps to ...See More
- Chris commented on their own link.Planet Infowars planet.infowars.comOne more found and posted to the, "Social Networks," section at the top of www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html:
www.worldtruth.org : World Truth - Chris commented on a link.WorldTruthOrg www.worldtruth.orgThanks! This was just added to the, "Social Networks," section at the top of www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html to help folks avoid the over-moderated networks. The others currently listed are:
www.planet.infowars.com : Planet InfoWars [beta] Social Network
www.rtr.org : Gary Franchi's Restore the Republic Social Network
www.unitedpatriotsworldwide.com : United Patriots Worldwide - Chris commented on a status.Lionel's Fan Page Typical bipartisan theatrics. If one R, D, or I were heroic, cited would be the debt-ceiling nullifying 14th Amendment, Section 4:
"The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void." - Chris and Brian C. Cole are now friends.
- Chris shared a link.Links www.wearechangetampa.orgAt www.wearechangetampa.org/links.html please enjoy the new section, "Safe water; anti-water fluoridation; environmental, natural, fluoride-free and mercury-free dentistry," currently featuring 40 websites and 7 books. Soon to be added, the Citizens for Safe Water Pinellas' website is coming along nicely. What might you like to add to this section or to said Links Page?
cc: Wearechange Tampa Scott Legere Cynthia Tarana Cone Sean Raspatello Alexander Snitker Danielle Alexandre Adrian Wyllie Tony Caso Frank Hopson Malissa Myers