Sky spirits that consume chemtrails, sylphs, I learned of after sending God's loving prana via kundalini into the sky to remove chemtrails. The techniques from Self-Realization Fellowship I practiced with deep devotion to God's joyful intention. The sylph were feeding on the prana, they love green/plants, heal and unite all life powerfully, and range worldwide. They offer more proof that it is always a greater show of force to heal or protect than to harm or menace. Reflect God's qualities as an example to others the effortlessness of solemn, yet lighthearted, devotion. With an ever-strengthening love bond with our living God may you find unlimited possibilities to share with all. Through signs and wonders will you trust in that divine connection, with eternally-increasing elegance and the most permanent outcome. I ask all to shine love and illumination with all your heart with particular attention to detoxifying the ecology from all forms of pollution, allowing for a more full expression of Spirit. Please remember to put the sky and all God-serving beings in your prayers to remove the chemtrails and balance our whole planet.
For those of you who might condemn cooperation with God-serving spirits of nature, I would ask, have you ever spoken to a pet? Communicated telepathically with a pet? Trained a pet? At times might it be more fair to say the pet trained you? In any case, wasn't it exceedingly therapeutic and fulfilling? To promote nature is pro-life just as I trust deeply that God's will is. Join me as we defend God's nature using weapons made of those things we fight to preserve: love, life, and truth.
- The three images in the first row (download in high resolution below as [chemtrail_eaters1.jpg] through [chemtrail_eaters3.jpg]) were taken within 10 seconds of each other. Notice the two sylphs, one going from left to right, the other coming from the left and turning towards me. They are uncannily similar in form, looking like oriental fish each with a swirling crown chakra and two tusk-like teeth.
- The images in the second row (download in high resolution below as [chemtrail_eaters4.jpg] through [chemtrail_eaters6.jpg]) were also taken within 10 seconds of each other. Notice these variety are symmetrically cornucopia-shaped. There is a large one eating the chemtrail with at least two smaller ones below.
- The first image in the third row (download in high resoultion below as [cteater1.jpg]) is a close-up of the last picture in the first row [chemtrail_eaters3.jpg]. The second image in the third row (download in high resolution below as [cteater2.jpg]) has a rough line drawing superimposed upon it.
- Notice how the chemtrails are compressed just before entering the mouth of the sylphs and quickly dissolve behind/coming out of them.
- All pictures were taken November 5, 2009, over my home in Dunedin, Florida. The best time to most intensely ground oneself and energize love towards the sky is when a new chemtrail is identified. Thoughts I have intuited from them include that they would do anything for God, they would like to see an increasing degree of green plant life on the surface which chemtrails are harming, and they help the unity consciousness of all life planetary realms (underground, surface, and sky) and dimensions. They also consider humans an ideal conduit for God's love to facilitate these ends which is why they asked to have their pictures taken to make themselves better known as fellow servants of our most cherishing God. Even more highly impressed by God am I since making their acquaintance.
Sylph images in high resolution:
June 8, 2010: God-Inspired to Photo-Document Sylphs, Employing New Chemtrail-Busting Techniques?
Left = East / Right = West
The Gulf of Mexico is about one mile West (right) of my location. Of the fan-shaped configuration of three chemtrails leading from the West (right), two were abruptly severed. Below this fan configuration are two crossing segments, one of which appears to have been bitten off, the other one is being eaten/dissolved by a pair of very symmetrical, arrow-shaped sylphs attacking from the East (left). As sylphs consume chemtrails end-on, their apparent action includes stopping/slowing them from further broadening. Thank and honor God for fellow beings so unconditionally devoted to his intention of healing, harmonizing, and wholeness.
The Gulf of Mexico is about one mile West (right) of my location. Of the fan-shaped configuration of three chemtrails leading from the West (right), two were abruptly severed. Below this fan configuration are two crossing segments, one of which appears to have been bitten off, the other one is being eaten/dissolved by a pair of very symmetrical, arrow-shaped sylphs attacking from the East (left). As sylphs consume chemtrails end-on, their apparent action includes stopping/slowing them from further broadening. Thank and honor God for fellow beings so unconditionally devoted to his intention of healing, harmonizing, and wholeness.