Water fluoridation: forced toxification disguised as forced medication
By Chris Steiner The addition to the public water supply of "fluoride," is a pretextual misnomer as the additive's source is not pharmaceutical-grade (sodium fluoride or stannous fluoride), but instead is admittedly from, "industrial discharge" (i.e. http://pinellascounty.org/utilities/publications-ccr.htm) includes toxins, heavy metals, radioactive isotopes, along with the untested and most toxic class of fluoride, silicofluorides, also known as fluorosilicates. Because the EPA has repeatedly lowered the recommended level of fluoride in the public water, and now the FDA has done so for bottled water (https://www.techtimes.com/articles/240835/20190404/fda-updates-fluoride-level-standard-for-bottled-water.htm), how can we trust their indecisiveness? As in Pinellas County where I live, the annual Consumer Confidence Report on Water Quality (http://pinellascounty.org/utilities/publications-ccr.htm) for fluoride lists the, "likely source of contamination" (note the column doesn't read, "likely source of nutrient," because no form of fluoride is included in the FDA's RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance)), is not pharmaceutical-grade fluoride (sodium fluoride or stannous fluoride), but, "discharge from fertilizer [phosphate] and aluminum factories," that includes the untested and most toxic class of fluoride, silicofluorides AKA fluorosilicates like fluosilicic acid, hydrofluosilicic acid, hexafluorosilicic acid, and hexafluorosilicates along with hundreds of other toxins like heavy metals and radioactive isotopes. If water fluoridation were forced medication, it would be contrary the Clean Water Act's prohibition against the addition of medicine to the public water supply and county commissioners, city council members, and others responsible for adding it would be practicing medicine without a license. Thus, the “industrial discharge” additive is actually forced toxification under the guise of forced medication. Coupled with mass-mandated administration of admitted industrial waste, absent informed consent and prohibitively high water rates, these breaches of the public trust destroy a resource needed by a civilian population -- especially as fluoride is far more damaging and deadly to kidney dialysis patients, the young, the elderly, and the health-sensitive -- are war crimes and crimes against humanity contrary the prohibitions of the Nuremberg Principles, Hague Conventions, Geneva Conventions, and Helsinki Rules: http://www.afes-press.de/pdf/Hague/Tignino_LegalRegime_Water.pdf. The second most toxic class of fluoride is pharmaceutical-grade sodium and stannous fluoride, used in dental products like toothpastes which are labeled with the warning to call poison control if more than a pea-sized amount is consumed. The warning also serves as a disclaimer against liability. The least toxic class of fluoride is the only naturally-occurring form, calcium fluoride. The homeopathic, calcarea fluorica, has been known for over 130 years to help remineralize teeth and for health of epithelial tissue as noted in the 1888 book, The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schussler by William Boericke and Willis A. Dewey. In homeopathic medicines, the active ingredient can be so diluted as to be undetectable, though stimulate the body’s own energetic response for healing. A mineral in one form may be a helpful, even necessary, while that same mineral in another form can do harm and kill. Another example is hexavalent chromium, also known as chromium-6, a carcinogen against which Erin Brockovich is famous for fighting, as well as other water contaminants like fluoride. However, GTF chromium is a nutrient I take myself, helpful for glucose metabolism and insulin-sensitivity. This is one of many examples of how the form, the chelate -- that to which a mineral is bound -- makes all the difference. Microcrystalline Hydroxyapatite (MCHA / MCHC) can increase bone density and mass up to 30% per year, a claim made by the originator, Ethical Nutrients, maker of Bone Builder, and authorized by the FTC after a long legal battle (ftc.gov/sites/default/files/documents/cases/1996/10/d9267idc.pdf). No pharmaceutical drug nor any other form of calcium can come close. Calcium citrate is the only other form of which I know that can improve bone density and mass, but only up to 3% per year. Other forms, including calcium carbonate (chalk) so commonly sold, prevent bone loss by keeping calcium levels up in the blood, but don't rebuild bone. The MCHA I take is Now Foods' Bone Strength, 240 capsules (the best value of which I know is at https://iherb.com/pr/Now-Foods-Bone-Strength-240-Capsules/437) because it's a good deal, the cow bone from which the MCHA is derived is from New Zealand where the environment is cleaner and the cows are raised more humanely; plus it includes many other nutrients that help bone health and the formula acts as a somewhat comprehensive multi-mineral. After 20+ of taking MCHA in various products, my dental X-rays show I have great bone density. Prosthetics and [dental] implants are coated with MCHA to speed mending and integration (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydroxylapatite). A friend who broke her femur was diagnosed with severe osteoporosis, began taking three capsules per day of Swanson's Bone Building Formula with boron (no longer available), and a year later amazed her doctor when she was then diagnosed with only mild osteopenia (mild thinning of bones). "...Biorepair Plus-Total Protection and Sensodyne Repair & Protect appears to be more effective in both the filling of the tubules and in associating to the collagen structure of the demineralized dentin, which is important with regard to the reconstruction of the tissue and the recovery of its mechanical properties." -Excerpt from The role of different toothpastes on preventing dentin erosion: An SEM and AFM study®, June 2013: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/240306581_The_role_of_different_toothpastes_on_preventing_dentin_erosion_An_SEM_and_AFM_studyR?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=rgShare&utm_campaign=shareFullTextPublication. So it's possible to not just remineralize enamel, but also to regenerate the underlying dentin. Sensodyne has fluoride so I won’t use it. Biorepair is free of fluoride, propylene glycol, sodium lauryl sulfate, and glycerin, though unfortunately contains carcinogens, methylparaben and propylparaben, to help gauge the risk-to-benefit ratio. Rather than deadly water fluoridation, there are answers like MCHA, calcarea fluorica, and Biorepair toothpaste that can be used with informed consent for the purposes of strong development of and truly strengthening teeth and bones. See also: • The section, "Safer Water; Anti-Water Fluoridation; Environmental, Natural, Fluoride-Free and Mercury-Free Dentistry," on my site at http://TheLiberationStation.com/links#SaferWaterAndDentistry • 50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation: http://fluoridealert.org/50-reasons.htm • Fluoride and the Phosphate Connection by George C. Glasser: http://purewatergazette.net/fluorideandphosphate.htm • Phosphate Fluorides: Toxic Torts by Gary O. Pittman: https://books.google.com/books?id=l_00AwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage&q&f=false • Water Break by Skip Miller, The Health Journal, February 24, 2011: http://web.archive.org/web/20130928203620/http://www.thehealthjournals.com/2011/02/water-break “Importantly, the city proposes to fluoridate the water before it enters each household in the city; it is not seeking to introduce the mineral directly into Quiles's bloodstream. Therefore, the city's fluoridation of its water stops with Quiles's water faucet. The city is not compelling him to drink it. He is free to filter it, boil it, distill it, mix it with purifying spirits, or purchase bottled drinking water. His freedom to choose not to ingest fluoride remains intact.” -Excerpt from Jesus F. Quiles v. City of Boynton Beach, District Court of Appeal of Florida, Fourth District, No. 4D01-71, November 21, 2001: https://caselaw.findlaw.com/fl-district-court-of-appeal/1325360.html PACs (political action committees) are the best way to stop water fluoridation because a PAC can (1) circulate petitions and, if successful at gaining enough signatures of qualified voters, (2) place the petition initiative on the next ballot and, if successful, (3) amend a city charter, county charter, or even state constitution. A PAC can engage in education and polling before starting an initiative. Staff and petition circulators are compensated for their hard work. And an initiative could be phrased to specifically prevent any and all forms of forced medication, not just water fluoridation or so-called, "vaccinations." Bev Harris (BlackBoxVoting.org), featured in the popular HBO documentary, "Hacking Democracy," helped in the effort for San Marcos, Texas, to end water fluoridation in 2015 via PAC. Portland, Oregon, in 2013, and Buda, Texas, in 2017, ended water fluoridation by the same PAC process. No thanks is due their respective city councils. On Bev Harris' April 21, 2016, appearance on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley, she told me that to discourage election-rigging by documenting attempts at it, not only would poll watchers be needed, but also central tabulator watchers. The amendment process is rigorous, but if successful, overcomes the control of city councils, county commissions, and state legislatures. Plus the same rigorous process by PAC or Constitution Revision Commission -- and not the whims of said legislators -- is required for an amendment to be repealed. Due to efforts many enthusiastic, concerned citizens, in 2011 we successfully ended water fluoridation here in Pinellas County, the largest municipal victory in the southeastern USA, by vote of the Pinellas County Commission. It turned out to be a reprieve, lasting a little longer than 1-1/2 year. In 2012 two new commissioners, Charlie Justice and Janet Long, were elected, providing the needed votes for fluoridation to be restarted in 2013, right after their first voting opportunity, as they had promised in the central planks of their respective campaign platforms. This, despite an unprecedented, overwhelming super-majority in opposition who appeared in meeting room-overflow attendance and in official correspondence. After the public's comments were heard, there was no deliberation before the vote. For the great showing, I thank 970 AM WFLA's Reporter, Dennis Pavluk, who interviewed me the day before the vote and, the day of the vote, at every half-hour news break the station aired his report-announcement of the Commission meeting, each time with a different, very fairly-edited excerpt from that interview. It's amazing how many showed up, presumably on such short notice. An e-mail to Pavluk lead to the interview which is just one example of how easy it can be to raise awareness, build community relationships, really get a sense of how folks feel, and be pleasantly surprised that those of our persuasion aren't nearly as alone as we might have thought. On the contrary, the pro-water fluoridation camp is puny. On the 2013 vote, three years ago I had the chance to call Long when she guested on 88.5 FM WMNF where she falsely claimed she voted in accordance with the will of the people, to which I answered -- as the host tried to cut me off -- that she was lying and I pointed out anyone can go online to check the records of citizens' stances, both in attendance and official correspondence, and videos of the County Commission. Having exhausted her supply of lame excuses, Long had no rebuttal and the host abruptly took the next caller. Water fluoridation is just one example of someone's sick idea of ensuring domestic tranquility. If you won’t oppose water contamination for your own sake, do it for your kids, critters, clothes, and cars.